C# (CSharp) Azavea.NijPredictivePolicing.Common.Data Пространство имен


Имя Описание
CommaSeparatedValueWriter A basic implementation of the IDataWriter interface, so we can simply export CSV files. Should be compliant with RFC4180 ( http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180 ).
FileWriterHelpers Helper class for writing a DataTable object to a IDataFileWriter object
FixedWidthField Represents a column, and contains data about where that column is located in a row and what type of data it contains. This class contains some error checking, but it can be used in some very weird ways (for example, it doesn't care if columns overlap with each other). In general, it's your responsibility to use it sensibly.
GenericSeparatedValueWriter a basic implementation of the IDataWriter interface, so we can simply export tab separated value files
TabSeparatedValueWriter a basic implementation of the IDataWriter interface, so we can simply export tab separated value files