C# (CSharp) AnalyzeRawProtobuf Пространство имен


Имя Описание
EnumDescriptor The enum descriptor.
EnumOptions The enum options.
EnumValueDescriptor The enum value descriptor.
EnumValueOptions The enum value options.
FieldDescriptor The field descriptor.
FieldOptions The field options.
FileDescriptor The file descriptor.
FileDescriptorSet The file descriptor set.
FileOptions The file options.
MessageDescriptor The message descriptor.
MessageDescriptor.ExtensionRange The extension range.
MessageOptions The message options.
MethodDescriptor The method descriptor.
MethodOptions The method options.
OneofDescriptor The oneof descriptor.
Program The program.
ServiceDescriptor The service descriptor.
ServiceOptions The service options.
SourceCodeInfo The source code info.
SourceCodeInfo.Location The location.
UninterpretedOption The uninterpreted option.
UninterpretedOption.NamePart The name part.