C# (CSharp) Adf.Web.UI Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
BasePanelItem Serves as the base class that defines the methods and properties common to all controls in the Adf.Web.UI namespace.
BlankItem Represents methods to create a space or blank. Used as a control in the panel.
BusinessGridViewColumnTooltip Represents a customized DataControlField (Column) for use with the BaseColumn .
CharacterFilteringTextBox Base class for all System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBoxs that use a filter to enable a subset of the keys.
CompoundPanel Provides methods to register controls in panel.
ControlStruct Represents various properties of a control
DropDownListItem Represents a control that allows the user to select a single item from a drop-down list. Used as a control in the panel.
GridPanel Represent a panel that is responsible to display all the child controls in a tabular format.
HorizontalPanel Represents horizontal compound panel.
LineItem Represents a line control, which draws a horizontal line on a panel.
ListBoxItem Represents a control that allows the user to select a single item from a drop-down list. Used as a control in the panel.
MessageButton Represents control that shows a link with a javascript confirmation box.
MessageImageButton Represents control that shows a link with a javascript confirmation box.
NumericTextBoxValidator Represents a System.Web.UI.WebControls.CompareValidator which is used together with a Adf.Web.UI.NumericTextBox. Used to validate the characters entering into the Adf.Web.UI.NumericTextBox so that only a numeric value (positive or negative) can be entered into the Adf.Web.UI.NumericTextBox.
RadioButtonListItem Represents a list control that encapsulates a group of radio button controls. Used as a control in the panel.
SignedIntegerTextBoxValidator Represents a System.Web.UI.WebControls.CompareValidator which is used together with a Adf.Web.UI.SignedIntegerTextBox. Used to validate the characters entering into the Adf.Web.UI.SignedIntegerTextBox so that only numeric characters and the negative sign character can be entered into the Adf.Web.UI.SignedIntegerTextBox.
SmartPanel Represent a panel that is responsible to display all the child controls in a tabular format.
TitleItem Display the title of a panel. Used as a control in the panel.
TwoColumnPanel Represents two column compound panel.
UnsignedIntegerTextBox Represents a Adf.Web.UI.CharacterFilteringTextBox that only allows positive integer values through javascript. WARNING: A Adf.Web.UI.UnsignedIntegerTextBoxValidator should always be enclosed when using this control.
UnsignedIntegerTextBoxValidator Represents a System.Web.UI.WebControls.CompareValidator which is used together with a Adf.Web.UI.UnsignedIntegerTextBox. Used to validate the characters entering into the Adf.Web.UI.UnsignedIntegerTextBox so that only a positive integer value can be entered into the Adf.Web.UI.UnsignedIntegerTextBox.
VerticalPanel Represents vertical compound panel.
WebStyler Applies styling to all controls in a container, or to a business datagrid.