C# (CSharp) AcTools.LapTimes.LevelDbUtils Пространство имен


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Cache A Cache is an interface that maps keys to values. It has internal synchronization and may be safely accessed concurrently from multiple threads. It may automatically evict entries to make room for new entries. Values have a specified charge against the cache capacity. For example, a cache where the values are variable length strings, may use the length of the string as the charge for the string. A builtin cache implementation with a least-recently-used eviction policy is provided. Clients may use their own implementations if they want something more sophisticated (like scan-resistance, a custom eviction policy, variable cache sizing, etc.)
Env A default environment to access operating system functionality like the filesystem etc of the current operating system.
Iterator An iterator yields a sequence of key/value pairs from a database.
LevelDbFreeHandle Wraps pointers to be freed with leveldb_free (e.g. returned by leveldb_get). Reference on safe handles: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/bclteam/archive/2006/06/23/644343.aspx.
LevelDbHandle Base class for all LevelDB objects Implement IDisposable as prescribed by http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/b1yfkh5e.aspx by overriding the two additional virtual methods
Options Options to control the behavior of a database (passed to Open) the setter methods for InfoLogger, Env, and Cache only "safe to clean up guarantee". Do not use Option object if throws.
ReadOptions Options that control read operations.
SnapShot A Snapshot is an immutable object and can therefore be safely accessed from multiple threads without any external synchronization.
WriteBatch WriteBatch holds a collection of updates to apply atomically to a DB. The updates are applied in the order in which they are added to the WriteBatch. For example, the value of "key" will be "v3" after the following batch is written: batch.Put("key", "v1"); batch.Delete("key"); batch.Put("key", "v2"); batch.Put("key", "v3");
WriteOptions Options that control write operations.