C# Класс ootnamespace.ootSafeItemName.ResultSource

Called by the running IPeekBroker to create IPeekResults that will be displayed to the user in the Peek window.
Наследование: IPeekResultSource
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
FindResults ( string relationshipName, IPeekResultCollection collection, CancellationToken cancellationToken, IFindPeekResultsCallback callback ) : void

Populates the collection of IPeekResults for the given relationship.

ResultSource ( ootSafeItemName eekableItem ) : System

Описание методов

FindResults() публичный Метод

Populates the collection of IPeekResults for the given relationship.
public FindResults ( string relationshipName, IPeekResultCollection collection, CancellationToken cancellationToken, IFindPeekResultsCallback callback ) : void
relationshipName string The case insenitive name of the relationship to be queried for results.
collection IPeekResultCollection
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken The cancellation token used by the caller to cancel the operation.
callback IFindPeekResultsCallback The instance used to report progress and failures.
Результат void

ResultSource() публичный Метод

public ResultSource ( ootSafeItemName eekableItem ) : System
eekableItem ootSafeItemName
Результат System