C# Класс iTextSharp.text.Paragraph

A Paragraph is a series of Chunks and/or Phrases.
A Paragraph has the same qualities of a Phrase, but also some additional layout-parameters:
  • the indentation
  • the alignment of the text
Наследование: Phrase, IIndentable, ISpaceable, IAccessibleElement
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
alignment int
indentationLeft float
indentationRight float
keeptogether bool
multipliedLeading float
spacingAfter float
spacingBefore float

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Add ( IElement o ) : bool

Adds an Object to the Paragraph.

Paragraph ( ) : System

Constructs a Paragraph.

Paragraph ( Chunk chunk ) : System

Constructs a Paragraph with a certain Chunk.

Paragraph ( Phrase phrase ) : System

Constructs a Paragraph with a certain Phrase.

Paragraph ( float leading ) : System

Constructs a Paragraph with a certain leading.

Paragraph ( float leading, Chunk chunk ) : System

Constructs a Paragraph with a certain Chunk and a certain leading.

Paragraph ( float leading, string str ) : System

Constructs a Paragraph with a certain string and a certain leading.

Paragraph ( float leading, string str, Font font ) : System

Constructs a Paragraph with a certain leading, string and Font.

Paragraph ( string str ) : System

Constructs a Paragraph with a certain string.

Paragraph ( string str, Font font ) : System

Constructs a Paragraph with a certain string and a certain Font.

SetLeading ( float fixedLeading, float multipliedLeading ) : void
breakUp ( ) : IList
cloneShallow ( bool spacingBefore ) : Paragraph

Описание методов

Add() публичный метод

Adds an Object to the Paragraph.
public Add ( IElement o ) : bool
o IElement the object to add
Результат bool

Paragraph() публичный метод

Constructs a Paragraph.
public Paragraph ( ) : System
Результат System

Paragraph() публичный метод

Constructs a Paragraph with a certain Chunk.
public Paragraph ( Chunk chunk ) : System
chunk Chunk a Chunk
Результат System

Paragraph() публичный метод

Constructs a Paragraph with a certain Phrase.
public Paragraph ( Phrase phrase ) : System
phrase Phrase a Phrase
Результат System

Paragraph() публичный метод

Constructs a Paragraph with a certain leading.
public Paragraph ( float leading ) : System
leading float the leading
Результат System

Paragraph() публичный метод

Constructs a Paragraph with a certain Chunk and a certain leading.
public Paragraph ( float leading, Chunk chunk ) : System
leading float the leading
chunk Chunk a Chunk
Результат System

Paragraph() публичный метод

Constructs a Paragraph with a certain string and a certain leading.
public Paragraph ( float leading, string str ) : System
leading float the leading
str string a string
Результат System

Paragraph() публичный метод

Constructs a Paragraph with a certain leading, string and Font.
public Paragraph ( float leading, string str, Font font ) : System
leading float the leading
str string a string
font Font a Font
Результат System

Paragraph() публичный метод

Constructs a Paragraph with a certain string.
public Paragraph ( string str ) : System
str string a string
Результат System

Paragraph() публичный метод

Constructs a Paragraph with a certain string and a certain Font.
public Paragraph ( string str, Font font ) : System
str string a string
font Font a Font
Результат System

SetLeading() публичный метод

public SetLeading ( float fixedLeading, float multipliedLeading ) : void
fixedLeading float
multipliedLeading float
Результат void

breakUp() публичный метод

public breakUp ( ) : IList
Результат IList

cloneShallow() публичный метод

public cloneShallow ( bool spacingBefore ) : Paragraph
spacingBefore bool
Результат Paragraph

Описание свойств

alignment защищенное свойство

The alignment of the text.
protected int alignment
Результат int

indentationLeft защищенное свойство

The indentation of this paragraph on the left side.
protected float indentationLeft
Результат float

indentationRight защищенное свойство

The indentation of this paragraph on the right side.
protected float indentationRight
Результат float

keeptogether защищенное свойство

Does the paragraph has to be kept together on 1 page.
protected bool keeptogether
Результат bool

multipliedLeading защищенное свойство

protected float multipliedLeading
Результат float

spacingAfter защищенное свойство

protected float spacingAfter
Результат float

spacingBefore защищенное свойство

protected float spacingBefore
Результат float