C# Класс hessiancsharp.io.AbstractHessianOutput

Parent of the HessianOutput class. Declares write operations (access methods) to an OutputStream
Наследование: CHessianProtocolConstants
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Свойство Тип Описание
m_serializerFactory CSerializerFactory

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddRef ( object objReference ) : bool

Adds an object to the reference list. If the object already exists, writes the reference, otherwise, the caller is responsible for the serialization R b32 b24 b16 b8

CompleteCall ( ) : void

Writes the method call z

CompleteReply ( ) : void

Completes reading the reply. A successful completion will have a single value: z

Init ( Stream stream ) : void

Initialize the output with a new underlying stream

RemoveRef ( object objReference ) : bool

Removes a reference

ReplaceRef ( object objOldReference, object objNewReference ) : bool

Replaces a reference from one object to another

StartCall ( string strMethod ) : void

Writes the method call:

StartReply ( ) : void
WriteBoolean ( bool blnValue ) : void

Writes a boolean value to the stream. The boolean will be written with the following syntax: T F

WriteByteBufferEnd ( byte arrbuffer, int intOffset, int intLength ) : void

Writes the last chunk of a byte buffer to the stream b b16 b18 bytes

WriteByteBufferPart ( byte arrBuffer, int intOffset, int intLength ) : void

Writes a part of the byte buffer to the stream b b16 b18 bytes

WriteBytes ( byte arrBuffer ) : void

Writes a byte array to the stream. The array will be written with the following syntax: B b16 b18 bytes

WriteBytes ( byte arrBuffer, int intOffset, int intLength ) : void

Writes a byte array to the stream. The array will be written with the following syntax: B b16 b18 bytes

WriteDouble ( double dblValue ) : void

Writes a double value to the stream. The double will be written with the following syntax: D b64 b56 b48 b40 b32 b24 b16 b8

WriteFault ( string strCode, string strMessage, object objDetail ) : void

Writes a fault. The fault will be written as a descriptive string followed by an object: f <string>code <string>the fault code <string>message <string>the fault mesage <string>detail mt\x00\xnnException ... z z

WriteInt ( int intValue ) : void

Writes an integer value to the stream. The integer will be written with the following syntax: I b32 b24 b16 b8

WriteListBegin ( int intLength, string strType ) : void

Writes the list header to the stream. List writers will call writeListBegin followed by the list contents and then call writeListEnd V t b16 b8 type l b32 b24 b16 b8

WriteListEnd ( ) : void

Writes the tail of the list to the stream

WriteLong ( long lngValue ) : void

Writes a long value to the stream. The long will be written with the following syntax: L b64 b56 b48 b40 b32 b24 b16 b8

WriteMapBegin ( string strType ) : void

Writes the map header to the stream. Map writers will call writeMapBegin followed by the map contents and then call writeMapEnd Mt b16 b8 type ( )z

WriteMapEnd ( ) : void

Writes the tail of the map to the stream

WriteNull ( ) : void

Writes a null value to the stream. The null will be written with the following syntax N

WriteObject ( object obj ) : void

Writes a generic object to the output stream

WriteRef ( int intValue ) : void

Writes a reference R b32 b24 b16 b8

WriteRemote ( string strType, string strUrl ) : void

Writes a remote object reference to the stream. The type is the type of the remote interface 'r' 't' b16 b8 type url

WriteString ( String strValue ) : void

Writes a string value to the stream using UTF-8 encoding. The string will be written with the following syntax: S b16 b8 string-value

WriteString ( char arrBuffer, int intOffset, int intLength ) : void

Writes a string value to the stream using UTF-8 encoding. The string will be written with the following syntax: S b16 b8 string-value

WriteUTCDate ( long time ) : void

Writes a date to the stream T b64 b56 b48 b40 b32 b24 b16 b8

Описание методов

AddRef() публичный абстрактный Метод

Adds an object to the reference list. If the object already exists, writes the reference, otherwise, the caller is responsible for the serialization R b32 b24 b16 b8
public abstract AddRef ( object objReference ) : bool
objReference object the object to add as a reference
Результат bool

CompleteCall() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes the method call z
public abstract CompleteCall ( ) : void
Результат void

CompleteReply() публичный абстрактный Метод

Completes reading the reply. A successful completion will have a single value: z
public abstract CompleteReply ( ) : void
Результат void

Init() публичный абстрактный Метод

Initialize the output with a new underlying stream
public abstract Init ( Stream stream ) : void
stream Stream Stream - Instance for output
Результат void

RemoveRef() публичный абстрактный Метод

Removes a reference
public abstract RemoveRef ( object objReference ) : bool
objReference object Object reference to remove
Результат bool

ReplaceRef() публичный абстрактный Метод

Replaces a reference from one object to another
public abstract ReplaceRef ( object objOldReference, object objNewReference ) : bool
objOldReference object Old object reference
objNewReference object New object reference
Результат bool

StartCall() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes the method call:
public abstract StartCall ( string strMethod ) : void
strMethod string the method name to call
Результат void

StartReply() публичный абстрактный Метод

public abstract StartReply ( ) : void
Результат void

WriteBoolean() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes a boolean value to the stream. The boolean will be written with the following syntax: T F
public abstract WriteBoolean ( bool blnValue ) : void
blnValue bool the boolean value to write
Результат void

WriteByteBufferEnd() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes the last chunk of a byte buffer to the stream b b16 b18 bytes
public abstract WriteByteBufferEnd ( byte arrbuffer, int intOffset, int intLength ) : void
arrbuffer byte Array with bytes to write
intOffset int Vslue offset
intLength int Value length
Результат void

WriteByteBufferPart() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes a part of the byte buffer to the stream b b16 b18 bytes
public abstract WriteByteBufferPart ( byte arrBuffer, int intOffset, int intLength ) : void
arrBuffer byte Array with bytes to write
intOffset int Vslue offset
intLength int Value length
Результат void

WriteBytes() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes a byte array to the stream. The array will be written with the following syntax: B b16 b18 bytes
public abstract WriteBytes ( byte arrBuffer ) : void
arrBuffer byte Array with bytes to write
Результат void

WriteBytes() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes a byte array to the stream. The array will be written with the following syntax: B b16 b18 bytes
public abstract WriteBytes ( byte arrBuffer, int intOffset, int intLength ) : void
arrBuffer byte Array with bytes to write
intOffset int Vslue offset
intLength int Value length
Результат void

WriteDouble() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes a double value to the stream. The double will be written with the following syntax: D b64 b56 b48 b40 b32 b24 b16 b8
public abstract WriteDouble ( double dblValue ) : void
dblValue double the double value to write
Результат void

WriteFault() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes a fault. The fault will be written as a descriptive string followed by an object: f <string>code <string>the fault code <string>message <string>the fault mesage <string>detail mt\x00\xnnException ... z z
public abstract WriteFault ( string strCode, string strMessage, object objDetail ) : void
strCode string code the fault code
strMessage string fault message
objDetail object fault detail
Результат void

WriteInt() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes an integer value to the stream. The integer will be written with the following syntax: I b32 b24 b16 b8
public abstract WriteInt ( int intValue ) : void
intValue int the integer value to write
Результат void

WriteListBegin() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes the list header to the stream. List writers will call writeListBegin followed by the list contents and then call writeListEnd V t b16 b8 type l b32 b24 b16 b8
public abstract WriteListBegin ( int intLength, string strType ) : void
intLength int Length of array
strType string Type name of the array
Результат void

WriteListEnd() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes the tail of the list to the stream
public abstract WriteListEnd ( ) : void
Результат void

WriteLong() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes a long value to the stream. The long will be written with the following syntax: L b64 b56 b48 b40 b32 b24 b16 b8
public abstract WriteLong ( long lngValue ) : void
lngValue long the long value to write
Результат void

WriteMapBegin() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes the map header to the stream. Map writers will call writeMapBegin followed by the map contents and then call writeMapEnd Mt b16 b8 type ( )z
public abstract WriteMapBegin ( string strType ) : void
strType string Type of map
Результат void

WriteMapEnd() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes the tail of the map to the stream
public abstract WriteMapEnd ( ) : void
Результат void

WriteNull() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes a null value to the stream. The null will be written with the following syntax N
public abstract WriteNull ( ) : void
Результат void

WriteObject() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes a generic object to the output stream
public abstract WriteObject ( object obj ) : void
obj object Object to write
Результат void

WriteRef() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes a reference R b32 b24 b16 b8
public abstract WriteRef ( int intValue ) : void
intValue int he integer value to write
Результат void

WriteRemote() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes a remote object reference to the stream. The type is the type of the remote interface 'r' 't' b16 b8 type url
public abstract WriteRemote ( string strType, string strUrl ) : void
strType string type of remote object
strUrl string URL of remote object
Результат void

WriteString() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes a string value to the stream using UTF-8 encoding. The string will be written with the following syntax: S b16 b8 string-value
public abstract WriteString ( String strValue ) : void
strValue String the string value to write
Результат void

WriteString() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes a string value to the stream using UTF-8 encoding. The string will be written with the following syntax: S b16 b8 string-value
public abstract WriteString ( char arrBuffer, int intOffset, int intLength ) : void
arrBuffer char the value to write as string value
intOffset int value offset
intLength int value length
Результат void

WriteUTCDate() публичный абстрактный Метод

Writes a date to the stream T b64 b56 b48 b40 b32 b24 b16 b8
public abstract WriteUTCDate ( long time ) : void
time long the date in milliseconds from the epoch in UTC
Результат void

Описание свойств

m_serializerFactory защищенное свойство

protected CSerializerFactory m_serializerFactory
Результат CSerializerFactory