C# Класс gp.Files.QuoteDB

Create and Maintain a List of Random Quotes.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetRandomQuote ( ) : string

Get a RandomQuote from the QuoteDB List [Note: Do not forget to assign the FilePath (excluding the FileName) to the property: gp.Files.FileLoader.FilePath]

ReLoadList ( ) : void

Reload the QuoteDB List. [Note: Do not forget to assign the FilePath (excluding the FileName) to the property: gp.Files.FileLoader.FilePath]

StoreQuote ( string fullFilePath, int count ) : void

Get and Store n number of Random Quotes from the quoteLink, where n = Count [Note: Do not forget to assign the FilePath (excluding the FileName) to the property: gp.Files.FileLoader.FilePath]

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
QuoteDB ( ) : System

Reads Words File

Описание методов

GetRandomQuote() публичный Метод

Get a RandomQuote from the QuoteDB List [Note: Do not forget to assign the FilePath (excluding the FileName) to the property: gp.Files.FileLoader.FilePath]
public GetRandomQuote ( ) : string
Результат string

ReLoadList() публичный Метод

Reload the QuoteDB List. [Note: Do not forget to assign the FilePath (excluding the FileName) to the property: gp.Files.FileLoader.FilePath]
public ReLoadList ( ) : void
Результат void

StoreQuote() публичный Метод

Get and Store n number of Random Quotes from the quoteLink, where n = Count [Note: Do not forget to assign the FilePath (excluding the FileName) to the property: gp.Files.FileLoader.FilePath]
public StoreQuote ( string fullFilePath, int count ) : void
fullFilePath string The Path and the FileName.
count int The number of quotes to be returned.
Результат void