C# Класс basic_light_board.VComWrapper

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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
comList string[]
m_port System.IO.Ports.SerialPort

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetWidgetSerialNumber ( ) : void

requests the serial number of the widget. this should match the number on the bottom of the widget.

SetWidgetParametersRequest ( float DMXOutputBreakTime, float DMXOutputMarkTime, int DMXOutRate, byte configData ) : void

sets the parameters of the widget

VComWrapper ( ) : System
decodeMessage ( DMXProMsgLabel label, byte msg ) : void
detatchPro ( ) : void
getWidgetList ( ) : void
initPro ( string portName ) : bool
m_port_DataReceived ( object sender, System e ) : void
m_port_ErrorReceived ( object sender, System e ) : void
sendDMXPacketRequest ( byte Levels ) : void

this requests that the Widget sends DMX packets out, given the following levels universe size is set my the number of bytes in "Levels" Levels.Length must be [24, 512]

sendGetWidgetParametersRequest ( UInt16 configSize ) : void

gets data about the widget including DMX Timings,Firmware Version, and any user defined data

sendMsg ( DMXProMsgLabel label, byte data ) : void

construct any message this is a helper function and should not be called directly unless implementing a new type of message

sendMsg ( System port, DMXProMsgLabel label, byte data ) : void
sendProgramFlashPageRequest ( byte page ) : void

programs one page of the Widgets Flash

sendReprogramFirmwareRequest ( ) : void

tells the Widget that we want to reprogram it's flash

setSendDMXOnChangeOnly ( ) : void

tells the widget to send the "DMX Changed packet" when the dmx signal changes

setSendDMXalways ( ) : void

tells the widget to send every dmx packet it receives

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
temp_DataReceived ( object sender, System e ) : void

Описание методов

GetWidgetSerialNumber() публичный Метод

requests the serial number of the widget. this should match the number on the bottom of the widget.
public GetWidgetSerialNumber ( ) : void
Результат void

SetWidgetParametersRequest() публичный Метод

sets the parameters of the widget
public SetWidgetParametersRequest ( float DMXOutputBreakTime, float DMXOutputMarkTime, int DMXOutRate, byte configData ) : void
DMXOutputBreakTime float the low time at the start of a DMX Packet (>88 uS) usually 100-120uS
DMXOutputMarkTime float
DMXOutRate int
configData byte
Результат void

VComWrapper() публичный Метод

public VComWrapper ( ) : System
Результат System

decodeMessage() публичный Метод

public decodeMessage ( DMXProMsgLabel label, byte msg ) : void
label DMXProMsgLabel
msg byte
Результат void

detatchPro() публичный Метод

public detatchPro ( ) : void
Результат void

getWidgetList() публичный статический Метод

public static getWidgetList ( ) : void
Результат void

initPro() публичный Метод

public initPro ( string portName ) : bool
portName string
Результат bool

m_port_DataReceived() публичный Метод

public m_port_DataReceived ( object sender, System e ) : void
sender object
e System
Результат void

m_port_ErrorReceived() публичный Метод

public m_port_ErrorReceived ( object sender, System e ) : void
sender object
e System
Результат void

sendDMXPacketRequest() публичный Метод

this requests that the Widget sends DMX packets out, given the following levels universe size is set my the number of bytes in "Levels" Levels.Length must be [24, 512]
public sendDMXPacketRequest ( byte Levels ) : void
Levels byte
Результат void

sendGetWidgetParametersRequest() публичный Метод

gets data about the widget including DMX Timings,Firmware Version, and any user defined data
public sendGetWidgetParametersRequest ( UInt16 configSize ) : void
configSize System.UInt16 the size of the user defined Data
Результат void

sendMsg() публичный Метод

construct any message this is a helper function and should not be called directly unless implementing a new type of message
public sendMsg ( DMXProMsgLabel label, byte data ) : void
label DMXProMsgLabel the enumeration label of the message you are sending
data byte and pertinent data the message type requires
Результат void

sendMsg() публичный статический Метод

public static sendMsg ( System port, DMXProMsgLabel label, byte data ) : void
port System
label DMXProMsgLabel
data byte
Результат void

sendProgramFlashPageRequest() публичный Метод

programs one page of the Widgets Flash
public sendProgramFlashPageRequest ( byte page ) : void
page byte an array of 64 bytes that corrisponds to a page of flash
Результат void

sendReprogramFirmwareRequest() публичный Метод

tells the Widget that we want to reprogram it's flash
public sendReprogramFirmwareRequest ( ) : void
Результат void

setSendDMXOnChangeOnly() публичный Метод

tells the widget to send the "DMX Changed packet" when the dmx signal changes
public setSendDMXOnChangeOnly ( ) : void
Результат void

setSendDMXalways() публичный Метод

tells the widget to send every dmx packet it receives
public setSendDMXalways ( ) : void
Результат void

Описание свойств

comList публичное статическое свойство

public static string[] comList
Результат string[]

m_port публичное свойство

public System.IO.Ports.SerialPort m_port
Результат System.IO.Ports.SerialPort