C# Класс ZeroInstall.Store.Model.RetrievalMethod

Наследование: FeedElement, ICloneable
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Clone ( ) : RetrievalMethod

Creates a deep copy of this RetrievalMethod instance.

Normalize ( [ feedUri ) : void

Sets missing default values and handles legacy elements.

This method should be called to prepare a Feed for solver processing. Do not call it if you plan on serializing the feed again since it may loose some of its structure.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
ICloneable ( ) : object

Описание методов

Clone() публичный абстрактный Метод

Creates a deep copy of this RetrievalMethod instance.
public abstract Clone ( ) : RetrievalMethod
Результат RetrievalMethod

Normalize() публичный Метод

Sets missing default values and handles legacy elements.
This method should be called to prepare a Feed for solver processing. Do not call it if you plan on serializing the feed again since it may loose some of its structure.
is relative and is a remote URI.
public Normalize ( [ feedUri ) : void
feedUri [ The feed the data was originally loaded from.
Результат void