C# Класс ZeroInstall.Store.Implementations.DirectoryWalkTask

Common base class for tasks that walk an entire directory tree using template methods.
Наследование: NanoByte.Common.Tasks.TaskBase
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Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
GetSortedDirectoryEntries System.IO.FileSystemInfo[]
HandleEntry void
HandleEntry void

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
DirectoryWalkTask ( [ sourceDirectory ) : System

Creates a new directory walking task.

Execute ( ) : void
HandleDirectory ( [ directory ) : void

Handles a directory.

HandleEntries ( [ entries ) : void

Iterates over all entries and calls handler methods for them.

HandleFile ( [ file, bool executable = false ) : void

Handles a file.

HandleSymlink ( [ symlink, [ data ) : void

Handles a symlink.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GetSortedDirectoryEntries ( [ path ) : System.IO.FileSystemInfo[]

Creates a recursive list of all filesystem entries in a certain directory sorted in C order.

HandleEntry ( [ entry ) : void

Handles a file system entry the OS reports as a directory.

HandleEntry ( [ entry, [ externalXbits, [ externalSymlinks ) : void

Handles a file system entry the OS reports as a file.

Описание методов

DirectoryWalkTask() защищенный Метод

Creates a new directory walking task.
protected DirectoryWalkTask ( [ sourceDirectory ) : System
sourceDirectory [ The path of the directory to walk.
Результат System

Execute() защищенный Метод

protected Execute ( ) : void
Результат void

HandleDirectory() защищенный абстрактный Метод

Handles a directory.
protected abstract HandleDirectory ( [ directory ) : void
directory [ The directory to handle.
Результат void

HandleEntries() защищенный Метод

Iterates over all entries and calls handler methods for them.
A file has illegal properties (e.g. is a device file, has line breaks in the filename, etc.). There was an error reading a file. You have insufficient rights to read a file.
protected HandleEntries ( [ entries ) : void
entries [
Результат void

HandleFile() защищенный абстрактный Метод

Handles a file.
protected abstract HandleFile ( [ file, bool executable = false ) : void
file [ The file to handle.
executable bool true indicates that the file is marked as executable.
Результат void

HandleSymlink() защищенный абстрактный Метод

Handles a symlink.
protected abstract HandleSymlink ( [ symlink, [ data ) : void
symlink [ The symlink to handle.
data [ The encoded target of the symlink.
Результат void