C# Класс ZeroInstall.Commands.CommandBase

Common base class for frontend commands.
Наследование: ServiceLocator
Показать файл Открыть проект

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
CommandBase ( [ handler ) : System

Creates a new command base.

SelfUpdateCheck ( ) : void

Periodically checks Zero Install itself for updates in a background proccess.

StartCommandBackground ( [ command ) : void

Starts executing a "0install" command in a background process. Returns immediately.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
FindByShortName ( [ shortName ) : Feed
GetCanonicalUri ( string uri ) : FeedUri
GetCatalog ( ) : Catalog
ResolveAlias ( string aliasName ) : FeedUri
TryResolveCatalog ( string shortName ) : FeedUri

Описание методов

CommandBase() защищенный Метод

Creates a new command base.
protected CommandBase ( [ handler ) : System
handler [ A callback object used when the the user needs to be asked questions or informed about download and IO tasks.
Результат System

SelfUpdateCheck() защищенный Метод

Periodically checks Zero Install itself for updates in a background proccess.
protected SelfUpdateCheck ( ) : void
Результат void

StartCommandBackground() защищенный статический Метод

Starts executing a "0install" command in a background process. Returns immediately.
protected static StartCommandBackground ( [ command ) : void
command [ The of the command to execute.
Результат void