C# Класс YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.WinForms.HtmlPanel

Provides HTML rendering using the text property.
WinForms control that will render html content in it's client rectangle.
If AutoScroll is true and the layout of the html resulted in its content beyond the client bounds of the panel it will show scrollbars (horizontal/vertical) allowing to scroll the content.
If AutoScroll is false html content outside the client bounds will be clipped.
The control will handle mouse and keyboard events on it to support html text selection, copy-paste and mouse clicks.

The major differential to use HtmlPanel or HtmlLabel is size and scrollbars.
If the size of the control depends on the html content the HtmlLabel should be used.
If the size is set by some kind of layout then HtmlPanel is more suitable, also shows scrollbars if the html contents is larger than the control client rectangle.


Allows showing scrollbars if html content is placed outside the visible boundaries of the panel.

LinkClicked event:

Raised when the user clicks on a link in the html.
Allows canceling the execution of the link.

StylesheetLoad event:

Raised when a stylesheet is about to be loaded by file path or URI by link element.
This event allows to provide the stylesheet manually or provide new source (file or uri) to load from.
If no alternative data is provided the original source will be used.

ImageLoad event:

Raised when an image is about to be loaded by file path or URI.
This event allows to provide the image manually, if not handled the image will be loaded from file or download from URI.

RenderError event:

Raised when an error occurred during html rendering.

Наследование: System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
_baseCssData YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.CssData
_baseRawCssData string
_borderStyle BorderStyle
_htmlContainer HtmlContainer
_lastScrollOffset Point
_text string
_textRenderingHint TextRenderingHint
_useSystemCursors bool

Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
OnBoxClicked void
OnImageLoad void
OnLinkClicked void
OnRefresh void
OnRenderError void
OnScrollChange void
OnStylesheetLoad void
WndProc void
YamuiThemeManagerOnOnCssChanged void

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetElementRectangle ( string elementId ) : RectangleF?

Get the rectangle of html element as calculated by html layout.
Element if found by id (id attribute on the html element).
Note: to get the screen rectangle you need to adjust by the hosting control.

GetHtml ( ) : string

Get html from the current DOM tree with inline style.

HtmlPanel ( ) : System

Creates a new HtmlPanel and sets a basic css for it's styling.

ScrollToElement ( string elementId ) : void

Adjust the scrollbar of the panel on html element by the given id.
The top of the html element rectangle will be at the top of the panel, if there is not enough height to scroll to the top the scroll will be at maximum.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Release the html container resources.

InvokeMouseMove ( ) : void

call mouse move to handle paint after scroll or html change affecting mouse cursor.

IsInputKey ( Keys keyData ) : bool

Used to add arrow keys to the handled keys in OnKeyDown.

OnBorderStyleChanged ( EventArgs e ) : void

Raises the BorderStyleChanged event.

OnBoxClicked ( YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.BoxClickedEventArgs e ) : void

Propagate the BoxClicked event from root container.

OnClick ( EventArgs e ) : void

Set focus on the control for keyboard scrollbars handling.

OnImageLoad ( YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlImageLoadEventArgs e ) : void

Propagate the image load event from root container.

OnKeyDown ( KeyEventArgs e ) : void

Handle key down event for selection, copy and scrollbars handling.

OnLayout ( System.Windows.Forms.LayoutEventArgs levent ) : void

Perform the layout of the html in the control.

OnLinkClicked ( YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlLinkClickedEventArgs e ) : void

Propagate the LinkClicked event from root container.

OnMouseDoubleClick ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void

Handle mouse double click to select word under the mouse.

OnMouseDown ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void

Handle mouse down to handle selection.

OnMouseLeave ( EventArgs e ) : void

Handle mouse leave to handle cursor change.

OnMouseMove ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void

Handle mouse move to handle hover cursor and text selection.

OnMouseUp ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void

Handle mouse up to handle selection and link click.

OnPaint ( PaintEventArgs e ) : void

Perform paint of the html in the control.

OnRefresh ( HtmlRefreshEventArgs e ) : void

Handle html renderer invalidate and re-layout as requested.

OnRenderError ( YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlRenderErrorEventArgs e ) : void

Propagate the Render Error event from root container.

OnScrollChange ( YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlScrollEventArgs e ) : void

On html renderer scroll request adjust the scrolling of the panel to the requested location.

OnStylesheetLoad ( YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlStylesheetLoadEventArgs e ) : void

Propagate the stylesheet load event from root container.

PerformHtmlLayout ( ) : void

Perform html container layout by the current panel client size.

UpdateScroll ( Point location ) : void

Adjust the scrolling of the panel to the requested location.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
OnBoxClicked ( object sender, YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.BoxClickedEventArgs e ) : void
OnImageLoad ( object sender, YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlImageLoadEventArgs e ) : void
OnLinkClicked ( object sender, YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlLinkClickedEventArgs e ) : void
OnRefresh ( object sender, HtmlRefreshEventArgs e ) : void
OnRenderError ( object sender, YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlRenderErrorEventArgs e ) : void
OnScrollChange ( object sender, YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlScrollEventArgs e ) : void
OnStylesheetLoad ( object sender, YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlStylesheetLoadEventArgs e ) : void
WndProc ( Message &m ) : void
YamuiThemeManagerOnOnCssChanged ( ) : void

Описание методов

Dispose() защищенный Метод

Release the html container resources.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
Результат void

GetElementRectangle() публичный Метод

Get the rectangle of html element as calculated by html layout.
Element if found by id (id attribute on the html element).
Note: to get the screen rectangle you need to adjust by the hosting control.
public GetElementRectangle ( string elementId ) : RectangleF?
elementId string the id of the element to get its rectangle
Результат RectangleF?

GetHtml() публичный Метод

Get html from the current DOM tree with inline style.
public GetHtml ( ) : string
Результат string

HtmlPanel() публичный Метод

Creates a new HtmlPanel and sets a basic css for it's styling.
public HtmlPanel ( ) : System
Результат System

InvokeMouseMove() защищенный Метод

call mouse move to handle paint after scroll or html change affecting mouse cursor.
protected InvokeMouseMove ( ) : void
Результат void

IsInputKey() защищенный Метод

Used to add arrow keys to the handled keys in OnKeyDown.
protected IsInputKey ( Keys keyData ) : bool
keyData Keys
Результат bool

OnBorderStyleChanged() защищенный Метод

Raises the BorderStyleChanged event.
protected OnBorderStyleChanged ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs
Результат void

OnBoxClicked() защищенный Метод

Propagate the BoxClicked event from root container.
protected OnBoxClicked ( YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.BoxClickedEventArgs e ) : void
e YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.BoxClickedEventArgs
Результат void

OnClick() защищенный Метод

Set focus on the control for keyboard scrollbars handling.
protected OnClick ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs
Результат void

OnImageLoad() защищенный Метод

Propagate the image load event from root container.
protected OnImageLoad ( YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlImageLoadEventArgs e ) : void
e YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlImageLoadEventArgs
Результат void

OnKeyDown() защищенный Метод

Handle key down event for selection, copy and scrollbars handling.
protected OnKeyDown ( KeyEventArgs e ) : void
e System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs
Результат void

OnLayout() защищенный Метод

Perform the layout of the html in the control.
protected OnLayout ( System.Windows.Forms.LayoutEventArgs levent ) : void
levent System.Windows.Forms.LayoutEventArgs
Результат void

OnLinkClicked() защищенный Метод

Propagate the LinkClicked event from root container.
protected OnLinkClicked ( YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlLinkClickedEventArgs e ) : void
e YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlLinkClickedEventArgs
Результат void

OnMouseDoubleClick() защищенный Метод

Handle mouse double click to select word under the mouse.
protected OnMouseDoubleClick ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void
e MouseEventArgs
Результат void

OnMouseDown() защищенный Метод

Handle mouse down to handle selection.
protected OnMouseDown ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void
e MouseEventArgs
Результат void

OnMouseLeave() защищенный Метод

Handle mouse leave to handle cursor change.
protected OnMouseLeave ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs
Результат void

OnMouseMove() защищенный Метод

Handle mouse move to handle hover cursor and text selection.
protected OnMouseMove ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void
e MouseEventArgs
Результат void

OnMouseUp() защищенный Метод

Handle mouse up to handle selection and link click.
protected OnMouseUp ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void
e MouseEventArgs
Результат void

OnPaint() защищенный Метод

Perform paint of the html in the control.
protected OnPaint ( PaintEventArgs e ) : void
e PaintEventArgs
Результат void

OnRefresh() защищенный Метод

Handle html renderer invalidate and re-layout as requested.
protected OnRefresh ( HtmlRefreshEventArgs e ) : void
e HtmlRefreshEventArgs
Результат void

OnRenderError() защищенный Метод

Propagate the Render Error event from root container.
protected OnRenderError ( YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlRenderErrorEventArgs e ) : void
e YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlRenderErrorEventArgs
Результат void

OnScrollChange() защищенный Метод

On html renderer scroll request adjust the scrolling of the panel to the requested location.
protected OnScrollChange ( YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlScrollEventArgs e ) : void
e YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlScrollEventArgs
Результат void

OnStylesheetLoad() защищенный Метод

Propagate the stylesheet load event from root container.
protected OnStylesheetLoad ( YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlStylesheetLoadEventArgs e ) : void
e YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlStylesheetLoadEventArgs
Результат void

PerformHtmlLayout() защищенный Метод

Perform html container layout by the current panel client size.
protected PerformHtmlLayout ( ) : void
Результат void

ScrollToElement() публичный Метод

Adjust the scrollbar of the panel on html element by the given id.
The top of the html element rectangle will be at the top of the panel, if there is not enough height to scroll to the top the scroll will be at maximum.
public ScrollToElement ( string elementId ) : void
elementId string the id of the element to scroll to
Результат void

UpdateScroll() защищенный Метод

Adjust the scrolling of the panel to the requested location.
protected UpdateScroll ( Point location ) : void
location Point the location to adjust the scroll to
Результат void

Описание свойств

_baseCssData защищенное свойство

the base stylesheet data used in the control
protected CssData,YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core _baseCssData
Результат YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.CssData

_baseRawCssData защищенное свойство

the raw base stylesheet data used in the control
protected string _baseRawCssData
Результат string

_borderStyle защищенное свойство

The current border style of the control
protected BorderStyle _borderStyle
Результат BorderStyle

_htmlContainer защищенное свойство

Underline html container instance.
protected HtmlContainer,YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.WinForms _htmlContainer
Результат HtmlContainer

_lastScrollOffset защищенное свойство

The last position of the scrollbars to know if it has changed to update mouse
protected Point _lastScrollOffset
Результат Point

_text защищенное свойство

the current html text set in the control
protected string _text
Результат string

_textRenderingHint защищенное свойство

The text rendering hint to be used for text rendering.
protected TextRenderingHint _textRenderingHint
Результат TextRenderingHint

_useSystemCursors защищенное свойство

If to use cursors defined by the operating system or .NET cursors
protected bool _useSystemCursors
Результат bool