C# Класс YAMP.HeatmapPlotValue

Contains the data for heatmap plots.
Наследование: XYPlotValue
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Private Properties

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddPoints ( MatrixValue M ) : void

Inspects the given matrix and sets the series to this matrix M.

Deserialize ( byte content ) : Value

Converts a set of bytes to a new instance.

HeatmapPlotValue ( ) : System

Creates a new instance.

Serialize ( ) : byte[]

Converts the given instance to an array of bytes.

this ( int index, int point ) : HeatPoint

Gets one particular point of a heatmap series (we only have 1 heatmap series!).

this ( int index ) : Points

Gets a series of HeatPoints (here we have only 1 series).

Описание методов

AddPoints() публичный Метод

Inspects the given matrix and sets the series to this matrix M.
public AddPoints ( MatrixValue M ) : void
M MatrixValue The matrix to investigate.
Результат void

Deserialize() публичный Метод

Converts a set of bytes to a new instance.
public Deserialize ( byte content ) : Value
content byte The binary representation.
Результат Value

HeatmapPlotValue() публичный Метод

Creates a new instance.
public HeatmapPlotValue ( ) : System
Результат System

Serialize() публичный Метод

Converts the given instance to an array of bytes.
public Serialize ( ) : byte[]
Результат byte[]

this() публичный Метод

Gets one particular point of a heatmap series (we only have 1 heatmap series!).
public this ( int index, int point ) : HeatPoint
index int Obsolete since we only have 1 series.
point int The point to get (0.. N - 1, where N is the number of points).
Результат HeatPoint

this() публичный Метод

Gets a series of HeatPoints (here we have only 1 series).
public this ( int index ) : Points
index int Obsolete (always returns the same).
Результат Points