C# Класс WinRTXamlToolkit.Controls.DataVisualization.Charting.LinearAxis

Наследование: NumericAxis
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
ActualIntervalProperty Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty
IntervalProperty Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
LinearAxis ( ) : System

Instantiates a new instance of the LinearAxis class.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
CalculateActualInterval ( Size availableSize ) : double

Returns the actual interval to use to determine which values are displayed in the axis.

GetLabelValues ( Size availableSize ) : IEnumerable

Returns a sequence of values to plot on the axis.

GetMajorTickMarkValues ( Size availableSize ) : IEnumerable

Returns a sequence of values to create major tick marks for.

GetPlotAreaCoordinate ( object value, Range currentRange, double length ) : UnitValue

Returns the plot area coordinate of a value.

GetPlotAreaCoordinate ( object value, double length ) : UnitValue

Returns the plot area coordinate of a value.

GetValueAtPosition ( UnitValue value ) : IComparable

Returns the value range given a plot area coordinate.

OnActualRangeChanged ( Range range ) : void

Updates ActualDoubleRange when ActualRange changes.

OverrideDataRange ( Range range ) : Range

Overrides the actual range to ensure that it is never set to an empty range.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AlignToInterval ( double value, double interval ) : double

Aligns a value to the provided interval value. The aligned value should always be smaller than or equal to than the provided value.

GetMajorValues ( Size availableSize ) : IEnumerable

Returns a sequence of major axis values.

GetPlotAreaCoordinate ( object value, Range currentRange, double length ) : UnitValue

Returns the plot area coordinate of a value.

LengthToRange ( double midPoint, double length ) : Range

Function that uses the mid point of all the data values in the value margins to convert a length into a range of data with the mid point as the center of that range.

OnIntervalPropertyChanged ( ) : void

IntervalProperty property changed handler.

OnIntervalPropertyChanged ( DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void

IntervalProperty property changed handler.

Описание методов

CalculateActualInterval() защищенный Метод

Returns the actual interval to use to determine which values are displayed in the axis.
protected CalculateActualInterval ( Size availableSize ) : double
availableSize Windows.Foundation.Size The available size.
Результат double

GetLabelValues() защищенный Метод

Returns a sequence of values to plot on the axis.
protected GetLabelValues ( Size availableSize ) : IEnumerable
availableSize Windows.Foundation.Size The available size.
Результат IEnumerable

GetMajorTickMarkValues() защищенный Метод

Returns a sequence of values to create major tick marks for.
protected GetMajorTickMarkValues ( Size availableSize ) : IEnumerable
availableSize Windows.Foundation.Size The available size.
Результат IEnumerable

GetPlotAreaCoordinate() защищенный Метод

Returns the plot area coordinate of a value.
protected GetPlotAreaCoordinate ( object value, Range currentRange, double length ) : UnitValue
value object The value to plot.
currentRange Range The range of values.
length double The length of axis.
Результат UnitValue

GetPlotAreaCoordinate() защищенный Метод

Returns the plot area coordinate of a value.
protected GetPlotAreaCoordinate ( object value, double length ) : UnitValue
value object The value to plot.
length double The length of axis.
Результат UnitValue

GetValueAtPosition() защищенный Метод

Returns the value range given a plot area coordinate.
protected GetValueAtPosition ( UnitValue value ) : IComparable
value UnitValue The plot area position.
Результат IComparable

LinearAxis() публичный Метод

Instantiates a new instance of the LinearAxis class.
public LinearAxis ( ) : System
Результат System

OnActualRangeChanged() защищенный Метод

Updates ActualDoubleRange when ActualRange changes.
protected OnActualRangeChanged ( Range range ) : void
range Range New ActualRange value.
Результат void

OverrideDataRange() защищенный Метод

Overrides the actual range to ensure that it is never set to an empty range.
protected OverrideDataRange ( Range range ) : Range
range Range The range to override.
Результат Range

Описание свойств

ActualIntervalProperty публичное статическое свойство

Identifies the ActualInterval dependency property.
public static DependencyProperty,Windows.UI.Xaml ActualIntervalProperty
Результат Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty

IntervalProperty публичное статическое свойство

Identifies the Interval dependency property.
public static DependencyProperty,Windows.UI.Xaml IntervalProperty
Результат Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty