C# Класс WinHtmlEditor.HtmlEditor

Наследование: System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
Показать файл Открыть проект

Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
AdjustForHeading void
BrowserCodeNavigate void
ContextEditorClick void
DeCompressWMZOREMZFile String
DefineBodyAttributes void
DefineDialogProperties void
DocumentContextMenu void
DocumentKeyDown void
DocumentKeyUp void
DocumentSelectionChange void
DropDown_Opening void
ExecuteCommandDocument void
ExecuteCommandDocumentPrompt void
ExecuteCommandQuery bool
ExecuteCommandQuery bool
ExecuteCommandRange void
ExecuteCommandRange void
FindText mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange
FormatSelectionChange void
GetAllControls mshtml.IHTMLControlRange
GetBackColor Color
GetFirstControl mshtml.IHTMLElement
GetFontColor Color
GetTableElement mshtml.IHTMLTable
GetTableElement void
GetTableProperties WinHtmlEditor.HtmlTableProperty
GetTextRange mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange
HtmlEditor_Load void
InitUi void
InitializeComponent void
IsParentTable bool
IsStringEqual bool
OnHtmlException void
OnHtmlNavigation void
ProcessCommand void
ProcessTable void
ProcessTablePrompt void
QueryCommandDocument object
QueryCommandRange object
QueryCommandRange object
RebaseAnchorUrl void
Selector_TableSizeSelected void
SetupComboFontSize void
SetupKeyListener bool
SynchFont void
UpdateFontComboBox void
UpdateFontSizeComboBox void
spellCheck_DeletedWord void
spellCheck_ReplacedWord void
tsbAbout_Click void
tsbAutoLayout_Click void
tsbBold_Click void
tsbClearWord_Click void
tsbCopy_Click void
tsbCreateLink_Click void
tsbCut_Click void
tsbDate_Click void
tsbDelete_Click void
tsbFind_Click void
tsbIndent_Click void
tsbInsertHorizontalRule_Click void
tsbInsertImage_Click void
tsbInsertOrderedList_Click void
tsbInsertUnorderedList_Click void
tsbItalic_Click void
tsbJustifyCenter_Click void
tsbJustifyFull_Click void
tsbJustifyLeft_Click void
tsbJustifyRight_Click void
tsbNew_Click void
tsbOpen_Click void
tsbOutdent_Click void
tsbPaste_Click void
tsbPreview_Click void
tsbPrint_Click void
tsbRedo_Click void
tsbRemoveFormat_Click void
tsbSave_Click void
tsbShowHTML_Click void
tsbSpellCheck_Click void
tsbStrikeThrough_Click void
tsbSubscript_Click void
tsbSuperscript_Click void
tsbTime_Click void
tsbUnderline_Click void
tsbUndo_Click void
tsbUnlink_Click void
tsbWordCount_Click void
tscbFontSize_Click void
tscbFontSize_KeyPress void
tscbFontSize_SelectedIndexChanged void
tscpBackColor_SelectedColorChanged void
tscpForeColor_SelectedColorChanged void
tsfcbFontName_SelectedIndexChanged void
tsmiInsertTable_Click void
wb_DocumentCompleted void
wb_Navigating void

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddToobarButtom ( ToolStripButton buttom ) : bool


AutoLayout ( ) : void

Bold ( ) : void

Method using the document to toggle the selection with a bold tag

ClearWord ( string sourceText, bool bIgnoreFont = true, bool bRemoveStyles = true, bool cleanWordKeepsStructure = true ) : string
ClearWordNoDefult ( string sourceText, bool bIgnoreFont, bool bRemoveStyles, bool cleanWordKeepsStructure ) : string
Copy ( ) : void

Method to copy the currently selected text to the clipboard

CreateLink ( ) : void

Method using the document to create link

Cut ( ) : void

Method to cut the currently selected text to the clipboard

Delete ( ) : void

Method to delete the currently selected text from the screen

Find ( ) : void

Method to find string

FindFirst ( string findText ) : bool

Method to find the first occurrence of the given text string Uses false case for the search options

FindFirst ( string findText, bool matchWhole, bool matchCase ) : bool

Method to find the first occurrence of the given text string

FindNext ( string findText ) : bool

Method to find the next occurrence of a given text string Assumes a previous search was made Uses false case for the search options

FindNext ( string findText, bool matchWhole, bool matchCase ) : bool

Method to find the next occurrence of a given text string Assumes a previous search was made

FindReplaceAll ( string findText, string replaceText ) : int

Method to replace all the occurrence of the given string with the other Uses false case for the search options

FindReplaceAll ( string findText, string replaceText, bool matchWhole, bool matchCase ) : int

Method to replace all the occurrences of the given string with the other

FindReplaceOne ( string findText, string replaceText ) : bool

Replace the first occurrence of the given string with the other Uses false case for the search options

FindReplaceOne ( string findText, string replaceText, bool matchWhole, bool matchCase ) : bool

Method to replace the first occurrence of the given string with the other

FindReplacePrompt ( bool findOrReplace ) : void

Dialog to allow the user to perform a find and replace

FindReplaceReset ( ) : void

Method to reset the find and replace options to initialize a new search

Focus ( ) : bool

Create a new focus method that ensure the body gets the focus Should be called when text processing command are called

FormatBackColor ( Color color ) : void

Method using the exec command to define the back color properties for the selected tag

FormatBackColorPrompt ( ) : void

Method to display the system color dialog Use use to set the selected text Back Color

FormatFontColor ( Color color ) : void

Method using the exec command to define the color properties for the selected tag

FormatFontColorPrompt ( ) : void

Method to display the system color dialog Use use to set the selected text Color

GetTableDefinition ( WinHtmlEditor.HtmlTableProperty &table, bool &tableFound ) : void

Method to return a table defintion based on the user selection If table selected (or insertion point within table) returns these values

HtmlEditor ( ) : System
Indent ( ) : void

Method to Tab the current line to the right

InsertImage ( ) : void

Method to insert a image and prompt a user for the link Calls the public InsertImage method

InsertLine ( ) : void

Method to insert a horizontal line in the body If have a control range rather than text range one could overwrite the controls with the line

InsertOrderedList ( ) : void

Method to insert an ordered list

InsertUnorderedList ( ) : void

Method to insert an unordered list

IsBold ( ) : bool

Determine whether the current selection is in Bold mode.

IsItalic ( ) : bool

Determine whether the current selection is in Italic mode.

IsJustifyCenter ( ) : bool

Determine whether the current block is center justified.

IsJustifyFull ( ) : bool

Determine whether the current block is full justified.

IsJustifyLeft ( ) : bool

Determine whether the current block is left justified.

IsJustifyRight ( ) : bool

Determine whether the current block is right justified.

IsOrderedList ( ) : bool

Determine whether the current paragraph is an ordered list.

IsRedo ( ) : bool

Determine whether the current block can redo.

IsStrikeThrough ( ) : bool

Determine whether the current selection is in StrikeThrough mode.

IsSubscript ( ) : bool

Determine whether the current selection is in Subscript mode.

IsSuperscript ( ) : bool

Determine whether the current selection is in Superscript mode.

IsUnderline ( ) : bool

Determine whether the current selection is in Underline mode.

IsUndo ( ) : bool

Determine whether the current block can undo.

IsUnlink ( ) : bool

Determine whether the current block can unlink.

IsUnorderedList ( ) : bool

Determine whether the current paragraph is an unordered list.

Italic ( ) : void

Method using the document to toggle the selection with a italic tag

JustifyCenter ( ) : void

Method to define the font justification as CENTER

JustifyFull ( ) : void

Method to define the font justification as FULL

JustifyLeft ( ) : void

Method to define the font justification as LEFT

JustifyRight ( ) : void

Method to define the font justification as RIGHT

Navigate ( ) : void


NavigateToUrl ( string url ) : void

将指定的统一资源定位符 (URL) 处的文档加载到 System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser 控件中,替换上一个文档。

NavigateToUrl ( string url, bool newWindow ) : void

Method to allow the user to load a document by navigation A new window can optionally be specified

New ( ) : void

New document

Open ( ) : void

Method to allow the user to select a file and read the contents into the Html stream

Outdent ( ) : void

Method to Tab the current line to the left

Paste ( ) : void

Method to paste the currently selected text from the clipboard

PasteIntoSelection ( string sHtml ) : void

The currently selected text/controls will be replaced by the given HTML code. If nothing is selected, the HTML code is inserted at the cursor position

Preview ( ) : void

Method to allow the user to preview the html page

Print ( ) : void

Method to print the html text using the document print command Print preview is not supported

Redo ( ) : void

Method to redo former undo

RemoveFormat ( ) : void

Method to remove format

ReplaceWordImageFile ( string sourceText ) : string
ResetBodyFont ( ) : void
Save ( ) : void

Method to allow the user to persist the Html stream to a file

SelectAll ( ) : void

Method to select the entire document contents

ShouldSerializeBodyFont ( ) : bool
ShowHTML ( ) : void

Method to allow the user to view the html contents

StrikeThrough ( ) : void

Method using the document to toggle the selection with a StrikeThrough tag

Subscript ( ) : void

Method using the document to toggle the selection with a Subscript tag

Superscript ( ) : void

Method using the document to toggle the selection with a Superscript tag

TableDeleteRow ( ) : void

Method to delete the currently selected row Operation based on the current user row location

TableInsert ( HtmlTableProperty tableProperties ) : void

Method to create a table class Insert method then works on this table

TableInsertPrompt ( ) : void

Method to present to the user the table properties dialog Uses all the default properties for the table based on an insert operation

TableInsertRow ( ) : void

Method to insert a new row into the table Based on the current user row and insertion after

TableModify ( HtmlTableProperty tableProperties ) : bool

Method to modify a tables properties Ensure a table is currently selected or insertion point is within a table

TableModifyPrompt ( ) : bool

Method to present to the user the table properties dialog Ensure a table is currently selected or insertion point is within a table

UnLink ( ) : void

Method using the document to remove link

Underline ( ) : void

Method using the document to toggle the selection with a underline tag

Undo ( ) : void

Method to undo former commands

WordCount ( ) : void


Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void


Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AdjustForHeading ( string sTag ) : void
BrowserCodeNavigate ( string url ) : void

Method used to navigate to the required page Call made sync using a loading variable

ContextEditorClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

General Context Meun processing method Calls the ProcessCommand with the selected command Tag Text

DeCompressWMZOREMZFile ( String wmzoremzFile ) : String
DefineBodyAttributes ( ) : void

Defines all the body attributes once a document has been loaded

DefineDialogProperties ( Form dialog ) : void

Method to ensure dialog resembles the user form characteristics

DocumentContextMenu ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElementEventArgs e ) : void

Method to perform the process of showing the context menus

DocumentKeyDown ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Method to perform the process of key being down

DocumentKeyUp ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Method to perform the process of key being up

DocumentSelectionChange ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Method to perform the process of selection change

DropDown_Opening ( object sender, CancelEventArgs e ) : void
ExecuteCommandDocument ( string command, bool prompt = false, object value = null ) : void

Executes the execCommand on the document with a system prompt

ExecuteCommandDocumentPrompt ( string command ) : void

Executes the execCommand on the document with a system prompt

ExecuteCommandQuery ( mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange range, string command, bool isEnabled = false ) : bool

Executes the queryCommandState on the selected range (given the range)

ExecuteCommandQuery ( string command, bool isEnabled = false ) : bool

Performs a query of the command state

ExecuteCommandRange ( mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange range, string command, object data ) : void

Executes the execCommand on the selected range (given the range)

ExecuteCommandRange ( string command, object data ) : void

Executes the execCommand on the selected range

FindText ( string findText, bool matchWhole, bool matchCase ) : mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange

Method to perform the actual find of the given text

FormatSelectionChange ( ) : void

Ensures the toolbar is correctly displaying state

GetAllControls ( ) : mshtml.IHTMLControlRange

Gets all the selected Html Controls as a Control Range

GetBackColor ( ) : Color

Determines the color of the selected text range Returns default value if not text selected

GetFirstControl ( ) : mshtml.IHTMLElement

Gets the first selected Html Control as an Element

GetFontColor ( ) : Color

Determines the color of the selected text range Returns default value if not text selected

GetTableElement ( ) : mshtml.IHTMLTable

Method to return the currently selected Html Table Element

GetTableElement ( mshtml.IHTMLTable &table, mshtml.IHTMLTableRow &row ) : void

Method to determine if the current selection is a table If found will return the table element

GetTableProperties ( mshtml.IHTMLTable table ) : WinHtmlEditor.HtmlTableProperty

Given an Html Table Element determines the table properties Returns the properties as an HtmlTableProperty class

GetTextRange ( ) : mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange

Gets the selected Html Range Element

HtmlEditor_Load ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
InitUi ( ) : void


InitializeComponent ( ) : void

设计器支持所需的方法 - 不要 使用代码编辑器修改此方法的内容。

IsParentTable ( ) : bool

Method to determine if the insertion point or selection is a table

IsStringEqual ( string tagText, string tagType ) : bool

Method to determine if the tag name is of the correct type A string comparision is made whilst ignoring case

OnHtmlException ( HtmlExceptionEventArgs args ) : void

Method to raise an event if a delegeate is assigned for handling exceptions

OnHtmlNavigation ( HtmlNavigationEventArgs args ) : void

Processing for the HtmlNavigation event

ProcessCommand ( string command ) : void

Method to process the toolbar command and handle error exception

ProcessTable ( mshtml.IHTMLTable table, HtmlTableProperty tableProperties ) : void

Method to insert a basic table Will honour the existing table if passed in

ProcessTablePrompt ( mshtml.IHTMLTable table ) : void

Method to present to the user the table properties dialog Uses all the default properties for the table based on an insert operation

QueryCommandDocument ( string command ) : object

Determines the value of the command

QueryCommandRange ( mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange range, string command ) : object

Determines the value of the command

QueryCommandRange ( string command ) : object

Determines the value of the command

RebaseAnchorUrl ( ) : void

Method to remove references to about:blank from the anchors

Selector_TableSizeSelected ( object sender, TableSizeEventArgs e ) : void
SetupComboFontSize ( ) : void
SetupKeyListener ( ) : bool

Set up a key listener on the body once. The key listener checks for specific key strokes and takes special action in certain cases.

SynchFont ( string sTagName ) : void
UpdateFontComboBox ( ) : void

Update the font combo box. Sets a flag to indicate that the combo box is updating, and should not update the editor's selection.

UpdateFontSizeComboBox ( ) : void

Update the font size combo box. Sets a flag to indicate that the combo box is updating, and should not update the editor's selection.

spellCheck_DeletedWord ( object sender, NetSpell e ) : void
spellCheck_ReplacedWord ( object sender, NetSpell e ) : void
tsbAbout_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbAutoLayout_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbBold_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbClearWord_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbCopy_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbCreateLink_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbCut_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbDate_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbDelete_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbFind_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbIndent_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbInsertHorizontalRule_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbInsertImage_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbInsertOrderedList_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbInsertUnorderedList_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbItalic_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbJustifyCenter_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbJustifyFull_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbJustifyLeft_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbJustifyRight_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbNew_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbOpen_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbOutdent_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbPaste_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbPreview_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbPrint_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbRedo_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbRemoveFormat_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbSave_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbShowHTML_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbSpellCheck_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbStrikeThrough_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbSubscript_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbSuperscript_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbTime_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbUnderline_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbUndo_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbUnlink_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsbWordCount_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tscbFontSize_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tscbFontSize_KeyPress ( object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e ) : void

Called when a key is pressed on the font size combo box. The font size in the boxy box is set to the key press value.

tscbFontSize_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Set editor's current selection to the value of the font size combo box. Ignore if the timer is currently updating the font size to synchronize the font size combo box with the editor's current selection.

tscpBackColor_SelectedColorChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tscpForeColor_SelectedColorChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tsfcbFontName_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Called when the font combo box has changed. Ignores the event when the timer is updating the font combo Box to synchronize the editor selection with the font combo box.

tsmiInsertTable_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
wb_DocumentCompleted ( object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e ) : void
wb_Navigating ( object sender, WebBrowserNavigatingEventArgs e ) : void

Описание методов

AddToobarButtom() публичный Метод

public AddToobarButtom ( ToolStripButton buttom ) : bool
buttom System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton 按钮
Результат bool

AutoLayout() публичный Метод

public AutoLayout ( ) : void
Результат void

Bold() публичный Метод

Method using the document to toggle the selection with a bold tag
public Bold ( ) : void
Результат void

ClearWord() публичный статический Метод

public static ClearWord ( string sourceText, bool bIgnoreFont = true, bool bRemoveStyles = true, bool cleanWordKeepsStructure = true ) : string
sourceText string
bIgnoreFont bool
bRemoveStyles bool
cleanWordKeepsStructure bool
Результат string

ClearWordNoDefult() публичный статический Метод

public static ClearWordNoDefult ( string sourceText, bool bIgnoreFont, bool bRemoveStyles, bool cleanWordKeepsStructure ) : string
sourceText string
bIgnoreFont bool
bRemoveStyles bool
cleanWordKeepsStructure bool
Результат string

Copy() публичный Метод

Method to copy the currently selected text to the clipboard
public Copy ( ) : void
Результат void

CreateLink() публичный Метод

Method using the document to create link
public CreateLink ( ) : void
Результат void

Cut() публичный Метод

Method to cut the currently selected text to the clipboard
public Cut ( ) : void
Результат void

Delete() публичный Метод

Method to delete the currently selected text from the screen
public Delete ( ) : void
Результат void

Dispose() защищенный Метод

protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool 如果应释放托管资源,为 true;否则为 false。
Результат void

Find() публичный Метод

Method to find string
public Find ( ) : void
Результат void

FindFirst() публичный Метод

Method to find the first occurrence of the given text string Uses false case for the search options
public FindFirst ( string findText ) : bool
findText string
Результат bool

FindFirst() публичный Метод

Method to find the first occurrence of the given text string
public FindFirst ( string findText, bool matchWhole, bool matchCase ) : bool
findText string
matchWhole bool
matchCase bool
Результат bool

FindNext() публичный Метод

Method to find the next occurrence of a given text string Assumes a previous search was made Uses false case for the search options
public FindNext ( string findText ) : bool
findText string
Результат bool

FindNext() публичный Метод

Method to find the next occurrence of a given text string Assumes a previous search was made
public FindNext ( string findText, bool matchWhole, bool matchCase ) : bool
findText string
matchWhole bool
matchCase bool
Результат bool

FindReplaceAll() публичный Метод

Method to replace all the occurrence of the given string with the other Uses false case for the search options
public FindReplaceAll ( string findText, string replaceText ) : int
findText string
replaceText string
Результат int

FindReplaceAll() публичный Метод

Method to replace all the occurrences of the given string with the other
public FindReplaceAll ( string findText, string replaceText, bool matchWhole, bool matchCase ) : int
findText string
replaceText string
matchWhole bool
matchCase bool
Результат int

FindReplaceOne() публичный Метод

Replace the first occurrence of the given string with the other Uses false case for the search options
public FindReplaceOne ( string findText, string replaceText ) : bool
findText string
replaceText string
Результат bool

FindReplaceOne() публичный Метод

Method to replace the first occurrence of the given string with the other
public FindReplaceOne ( string findText, string replaceText, bool matchWhole, bool matchCase ) : bool
findText string
replaceText string
matchWhole bool
matchCase bool
Результат bool

FindReplacePrompt() публичный Метод

Dialog to allow the user to perform a find and replace
public FindReplacePrompt ( bool findOrReplace ) : void
findOrReplace bool
Результат void

FindReplaceReset() публичный Метод

Method to reset the find and replace options to initialize a new search
public FindReplaceReset ( ) : void
Результат void

Focus() публичный Метод

Create a new focus method that ensure the body gets the focus Should be called when text processing command are called
public Focus ( ) : bool
Результат bool

FormatBackColor() публичный Метод

Method using the exec command to define the back color properties for the selected tag
public FormatBackColor ( Color color ) : void
color Color
Результат void

FormatBackColorPrompt() публичный Метод

Method to display the system color dialog Use use to set the selected text Back Color
public FormatBackColorPrompt ( ) : void
Результат void

FormatFontColor() публичный Метод

Method using the exec command to define the color properties for the selected tag
public FormatFontColor ( Color color ) : void
color Color
Результат void

FormatFontColorPrompt() публичный Метод

Method to display the system color dialog Use use to set the selected text Color
public FormatFontColorPrompt ( ) : void
Результат void

GetTableDefinition() публичный Метод

Method to return a table defintion based on the user selection If table selected (or insertion point within table) returns these values
public GetTableDefinition ( WinHtmlEditor.HtmlTableProperty &table, bool &tableFound ) : void
table WinHtmlEditor.HtmlTableProperty
tableFound bool
Результат void

HtmlEditor() публичный Метод

public HtmlEditor ( ) : System
Результат System

Indent() публичный Метод

Method to Tab the current line to the right
public Indent ( ) : void
Результат void

InsertImage() публичный Метод

Method to insert a image and prompt a user for the link Calls the public InsertImage method
public InsertImage ( ) : void
Результат void

InsertLine() публичный Метод

Method to insert a horizontal line in the body If have a control range rather than text range one could overwrite the controls with the line
public InsertLine ( ) : void
Результат void

InsertOrderedList() публичный Метод

Method to insert an ordered list
public InsertOrderedList ( ) : void
Результат void

InsertUnorderedList() публичный Метод

Method to insert an unordered list
public InsertUnorderedList ( ) : void
Результат void

IsBold() публичный Метод

Determine whether the current selection is in Bold mode.
public IsBold ( ) : bool
Результат bool

IsItalic() публичный Метод

Determine whether the current selection is in Italic mode.
public IsItalic ( ) : bool
Результат bool

IsJustifyCenter() публичный Метод

Determine whether the current block is center justified.
public IsJustifyCenter ( ) : bool
Результат bool

IsJustifyFull() публичный Метод

Determine whether the current block is full justified.
public IsJustifyFull ( ) : bool
Результат bool

IsJustifyLeft() публичный Метод

Determine whether the current block is left justified.
public IsJustifyLeft ( ) : bool
Результат bool

IsJustifyRight() публичный Метод

Determine whether the current block is right justified.
public IsJustifyRight ( ) : bool
Результат bool

IsOrderedList() публичный Метод

Determine whether the current paragraph is an ordered list.
public IsOrderedList ( ) : bool
Результат bool

IsRedo() публичный Метод

Determine whether the current block can redo.
public IsRedo ( ) : bool
Результат bool

IsStrikeThrough() публичный Метод

Determine whether the current selection is in StrikeThrough mode.
public IsStrikeThrough ( ) : bool
Результат bool

IsSubscript() публичный Метод

Determine whether the current selection is in Subscript mode.
public IsSubscript ( ) : bool
Результат bool

IsSuperscript() публичный Метод

Determine whether the current selection is in Superscript mode.
public IsSuperscript ( ) : bool
Результат bool

IsUnderline() публичный Метод

Determine whether the current selection is in Underline mode.
public IsUnderline ( ) : bool
Результат bool

IsUndo() публичный Метод

Determine whether the current block can undo.
public IsUndo ( ) : bool
Результат bool

IsUnlink() публичный Метод

Determine whether the current block can unlink.
public IsUnlink ( ) : bool
Результат bool

IsUnorderedList() публичный Метод

Determine whether the current paragraph is an unordered list.
public IsUnorderedList ( ) : bool
Результат bool

Italic() публичный Метод

Method using the document to toggle the selection with a italic tag
public Italic ( ) : void
Результат void

JustifyCenter() публичный Метод

Method to define the font justification as CENTER
public JustifyCenter ( ) : void
Результат void

JustifyFull() публичный Метод

Method to define the font justification as FULL
public JustifyFull ( ) : void
Результат void

JustifyLeft() публичный Метод

Method to define the font justification as LEFT
public JustifyLeft ( ) : void
Результат void

JustifyRight() публичный Метод

Method to define the font justification as RIGHT
public JustifyRight ( ) : void
Результат void

Navigate() публичный Метод

public Navigate ( ) : void
Результат void

NavigateToUrl() публичный Метод

将指定的统一资源定位符 (URL) 处的文档加载到 System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser 控件中,替换上一个文档。
public NavigateToUrl ( string url ) : void
url string 指定的统一资源定位符 (URL)
Результат void

NavigateToUrl() публичный Метод

Method to allow the user to load a document by navigation A new window can optionally be specified
public NavigateToUrl ( string url, bool newWindow ) : void
url string
newWindow bool
Результат void

New() публичный Метод

New document
public New ( ) : void
Результат void

Open() публичный Метод

Method to allow the user to select a file and read the contents into the Html stream
public Open ( ) : void
Результат void

Outdent() публичный Метод

Method to Tab the current line to the left
public Outdent ( ) : void
Результат void

Paste() публичный Метод

Method to paste the currently selected text from the clipboard
public Paste ( ) : void
Результат void

PasteIntoSelection() публичный Метод

The currently selected text/controls will be replaced by the given HTML code. If nothing is selected, the HTML code is inserted at the cursor position
public PasteIntoSelection ( string sHtml ) : void
sHtml string
Результат void

Preview() публичный Метод

Method to allow the user to preview the html page
public Preview ( ) : void
Результат void

Print() публичный Метод

Method to print the html text using the document print command Print preview is not supported
public Print ( ) : void
Результат void

Redo() публичный Метод

Method to redo former undo
public Redo ( ) : void
Результат void

RemoveFormat() публичный Метод

Method to remove format
public RemoveFormat ( ) : void
Результат void

ReplaceWordImageFile() публичный статический Метод

public static ReplaceWordImageFile ( string sourceText ) : string
sourceText string
Результат string

ResetBodyFont() публичный Метод

public ResetBodyFont ( ) : void
Результат void

Save() публичный Метод

Method to allow the user to persist the Html stream to a file
public Save ( ) : void
Результат void

SelectAll() публичный Метод

Method to select the entire document contents
public SelectAll ( ) : void
Результат void

ShouldSerializeBodyFont() публичный Метод

public ShouldSerializeBodyFont ( ) : bool
Результат bool

ShowHTML() публичный Метод

Method to allow the user to view the html contents
public ShowHTML ( ) : void
Результат void

StrikeThrough() публичный Метод

Method using the document to toggle the selection with a StrikeThrough tag
public StrikeThrough ( ) : void
Результат void

Subscript() публичный Метод

Method using the document to toggle the selection with a Subscript tag
public Subscript ( ) : void
Результат void

Superscript() публичный Метод

Method using the document to toggle the selection with a Superscript tag
public Superscript ( ) : void
Результат void

TableDeleteRow() публичный Метод

Method to delete the currently selected row Operation based on the current user row location
public TableDeleteRow ( ) : void
Результат void

TableInsert() публичный Метод

Method to create a table class Insert method then works on this table
public TableInsert ( HtmlTableProperty tableProperties ) : void
tableProperties HtmlTableProperty
Результат void

TableInsertPrompt() публичный Метод

Method to present to the user the table properties dialog Uses all the default properties for the table based on an insert operation
public TableInsertPrompt ( ) : void
Результат void

TableInsertRow() публичный Метод

Method to insert a new row into the table Based on the current user row and insertion after
public TableInsertRow ( ) : void
Результат void

TableModify() публичный Метод

Method to modify a tables properties Ensure a table is currently selected or insertion point is within a table
public TableModify ( HtmlTableProperty tableProperties ) : bool
tableProperties HtmlTableProperty
Результат bool

TableModifyPrompt() публичный Метод

Method to present to the user the table properties dialog Ensure a table is currently selected or insertion point is within a table
public TableModifyPrompt ( ) : bool
Результат bool

UnLink() публичный Метод

Method using the document to remove link
public UnLink ( ) : void
Результат void

Underline() публичный Метод

Method using the document to toggle the selection with a underline tag
public Underline ( ) : void
Результат void

Undo() публичный Метод

Method to undo former commands
public Undo ( ) : void
Результат void

WordCount() публичный Метод

public WordCount ( ) : void
Результат void