C# Класс WhoCanHelpMe.Framework.Extensions.StringExtensions

Extension methods for strings
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
FirstNCharacters ( this theString, int index ) : string

Retuns the frist N Characters of a string

FirstNWords ( this theString, int numWords ) : string

Firsts the N words.

FormatWith ( this theString ) : string

Formats a string with the specified args

IsNullOrEmpty ( this theString ) : bool

Switches the IsNullOrEmpty to a more readable format

LastNCharacters ( this theString, int index ) : string

Returns the last N Characters of a string.

"Hello World ".LastNCharacters(5) returns "World"

Описание методов

FirstNCharacters() публичный статический Метод

Retuns the frist N Characters of a string
public static FirstNCharacters ( this theString, int index ) : string
theString this /// The the string. ///
index int /// The index. ///
Результат string

FirstNWords() публичный статический Метод

Firsts the N words.
public static FirstNWords ( this theString, int numWords ) : string
theString this The string.
numWords int The num words.
Результат string

FormatWith() публичный статический Метод

Formats a string with the specified args
public static FormatWith ( this theString ) : string
theString this /// The the string. ///
Результат string

IsNullOrEmpty() публичный статический Метод

Switches the IsNullOrEmpty to a more readable format
public static IsNullOrEmpty ( this theString ) : bool
theString this /// The the string. ///
Результат bool

LastNCharacters() публичный статический Метод

Returns the last N Characters of a string.
"Hello World ".LastNCharacters(5) returns "World"
public static LastNCharacters ( this theString, int index ) : string
theString this /// The the string. ///
index int /// The index. ///
Результат string