C# Класс WebApplications.Utilities.Formatting.FormatBuilder.Resolutions

Наследование: Resolvable
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Resolutions ( [ parent, [ resolvable ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Resolutions class.

Resolutions ( [ parent, [ resolver, bool isCaseSensitive, bool resolveOuterTags, bool resolveControls ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Resolutions class.

Resolve ( FormatWriteContext context, FormatChunk chunk ) : object

Resolves the specified tag.

Описание методов

Resolutions() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the Resolutions class.
public Resolutions ( [ parent, [ resolvable ) : System
parent [ The parent.
resolvable [ The resolvable.
Результат System

Resolutions() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the Resolutions class.
public Resolutions ( [ parent, [ resolver, bool isCaseSensitive, bool resolveOuterTags, bool resolveControls ) : System
parent [ The parent.
resolver [ The resolver.
isCaseSensitive bool if set to then tags are case sensitive.
resolveOuterTags bool if set to outer tags should be resolved automatically in formats.
resolveControls bool if set to then controls will passed to the resolvable.
Результат System

Resolve() публичный Метод

Resolves the specified tag.
public Resolve ( FormatWriteContext context, FormatChunk chunk ) : object
context FormatWriteContext The context.
chunk FormatChunk The chunk.
Результат object