C# Класс WFA_psychometric_chart.Form1_main

Наследование: System.Windows.Forms.Form
Показать файл Открыть проект Примеры использования класса

Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
AirPressureFromDB double
BuildingSelected List
ComfortZonesDetailForSaving List
ComfortZonesDetailForSaving_For_Load List
CurrentSelectedBuilding string
PathToT3000BuildingDB string
SpecificVolumeReturn double
buildingList List
chartDetailList List
chartInfoPulledForSaving List
chartInfoPulledForSaving_For_Load List
city_name_pulled string
colorValue Color
comboboxItemText string
comfortZoneInforForEachChartForSaving List
comfortZoneInforForEachChartForSaving_For_Load List
country_name_pulled string
dataGridView1 System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView
default_comfort_zone_of_chart List
deleteNodeDetailList List
deviceIP string
deviceInfoForSavingToXML List
deviceInfoPulledForSaving List
deviceInfoPulledForSaving_For_Load List
deviceInstanceValue string
deviceParam1ID string
deviceParam2ID string
device_param1_info_for_node string
device_param2_info_for_node string
direction_pulled string
enthalpyCalculated double
enthalpyDataGridView double
humDataGridValue double
hum_pulled string
humidityCalculated double
humidityValue double
humidity_sourceGlobal string
indexForWhichChartIsSelected int
indexOfChartSelected int
last_update_pulled string
latValueFromDB double
lat_pulled string
lat_val double
lb_title_display System.Windows.Forms.Label
lineBorderThickness int
lineInfoForSavingToXML List
lineInfoFromXMLfile List
lineInfoPulledForSaving List
lineInfoPulledForSaving_For_Load List
lineName string
lineStatus_ON_OFF int
listComfortZoneDetail List
listForInputFromPsychoDB List
listForInputFromT3000 List
listchartComfortZoneInfoSingle List
lng_val double
longValueFromDB double
long_pulled string
markerSize int
medium_device_or_web_value string
menuStripNodeInfoValues List
menuStripNodeLineInfoValues List
mixCorrespondingNodeValuesList List
mixNodeInfoList List
mixNodeInfoListForSaveConfiguration List
mixNodeList_For_Load List
nodeInfoContainingDevice List
nodeInfoForSavingToXML List
nodeInfoFromXMLfile List
nodeInfoPulledForSaving List
nodeInfoPulledForSaving_For_Load List
object_param1_identifier_type string
object_param2_identifier_type string
pressure_pulled string
previousNodeIndexForLineInput int
selectedBuildingList List
series1 Series
tbLabel string
tbName string
tbSource string
temp_pulled string
temp_pulled_from_web double
temperatureValue double
temperature_sourceGlobal string
temporaryMixNodeList List
wind_speed_pulled string
yCoord int
y_coord_value double

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddMixNodeBetweenTwoNodes ( ) : void
AddOrUpdateNewRecord ( string name, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs e ) : void
AsyncMethod1ForPullingData ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
CalculateHumidityEnthalpy ( double xVal, double yVal ) : void

Calculates humidity , enthalpy and specific volume form temperature and humidity ratio

CalculateSpecificVolume ( double xVal, double yVal ) : double
CalculateYFromXandEnthalpy ( double dbt, double enthalpy ) : double
CalculateYFromXandHumidity ( double xVal, double humidity ) : double
CheckDeviceOnlineOffline ( int deviceID, int Parent_SerialNum ) : bool
CheckLatLongAvailable ( ) : bool
CheckSelectedBuilding ( ) : void
ClearComfortZone ( double Tmin, double Tmax, double Hmin, double Hmax ) : void

Clears the comfortzone that was created based on the min and max temperature and min and max humidity

ClearSeriesInChart ( string seriesName ) : void
ComfortZonePlot ( ) : void
CountNumberOfItem ( string chartId ) : int

This counts the number of items in ...chart_comfrotzone_setting is there any comfortzone item associated with a chart or not

CreateRequireTableIfNotPresent ( string buildingName ) : void
CreateTableForSavingConfiguration ( string filePathWithName ) : void
CursorFunctionForComfortZoneEditMode ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void

This function helps to add the cursor function while single series is selected

DBUpdateMixPointOnNodeValueChange ( string NodeIDOfChangedNode ) : void

Function for making changes in mix nodes value

DataGridView_Show_Data ( ) : void
DeleteAllDataFromTable ( string db_path, string tableName ) : void
DeleteChart ( string chartID ) : void
DeleteChartContent ( string chartID, string chart_resp_nodeID, string chart_resp_lineID ) : void

This helps to delete node,line and device info for node,form db to clear the chart,does not delete chart only content

DeleteChartInfoFromChartDetailTable ( string chartID ) : void
DeleteComfortZoneData ( string id ) : void
DeleteComfortZoneSettingForChart ( string chartID ) : void
DeleteLine ( string lineID ) : void
DeleteLineUsingNodeID ( string nodeID ) : void
DeleteMixNodeInfo ( string chartID ) : void
DeleteNode ( string nodeID ) : void
DeleteNodeDeviceInfo ( string nodeID ) : void
DeleteNodeUsingNodeID ( string nodeID ) : void
DeleteSingleNodeAndAssociatedLinesInDB ( string nodeID ) : void
DisableChart ( string chartID ) : void
EditComfortZoneGraphicalWay ( ) : void

Helps to edit the comfort one when click raises four lines which can be dragged based on temperature along x axis and humidity along y axis

FillLatLongValueAutomatically ( ) : void
FindPathOfBuildingDB ( ) : void
FindPathOfBuildingDBNewVersion ( ) : void
Form1_Load ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
Form1_main ( ) : System
GetDataFromWeb ( double latValue, double longValue ) : void

This return the different values such as temperatue ,humidity and other parameters.

GetGUID ( ) : string
HumTempCalcByCoordinate ( ) : void
IndexOfPreviousNodeForLineFunction ( ) : int
InfoForComfortZoneOfChart ( string chartID ) : void

This gets the information of comfortzone such as status , comfortzoneid, chartid etc

InitTimer ( ) : void
InitTimerForDevice ( ) : void
InsertChartComfortzoneInfo ( string chartid, string comfortzone_id ) : void
InsertComfortZoneValue ( string name, double min_temp, double max_temp, double min_hum, double max_hum, Color color ) : void

This function helps to insert the comfort zone setting in the database.

InsertForSavingConfiguration ( string fileWithPath, string chartTableName, string nodeTableName, string lineTableName, string tableNameDevice, string tableForComfortZoneSetting, string tableForCF_Detail, string tableForMixNode ) : void

This helps in insertion of the data to db

InsertForSavingConfiguration_For_Load ( string fileWithPath, string chartTableName, string nodeTableName, string lineTableName, string tableNameDevice, string tableForComfortZoneSetting, string tableForCF_Detail, string tableMixNode ) : void

This helps in insertion of the data to db

InsertIntoDeviceInfoDB ( string nodeid, string deviceinstance, string deviceip, string param1id, string param2id, string param1info, string param2info, string param1type, string param2type ) : void
InsertLineInfoToDB ( string id, string prevNodeId, string nextNodeId, Color lineColor, System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Series lineSeriesVal, int linethickness ) : void
InsertNodeInfoToDB ( string id, double xVal, double yVal, string source, string name, string label, Color colorValue, string showItemText, int nodeSizeValue, string deviceinstance, string deviceip, string param1id, string param2id, string param1info, string param2info, string param1type, string param2type ) : void
InsertUpdateFromHumidityDeviceSelectionToDBOnlyTempertureUpdate ( string nodeid, string Humidity_deviceInstanceID, string Humidity_ip, string Humidity_param1id, string Humidity_param1info, string Humidity_param1type ) : void

For humidity values

InsertUpdateFromTemperatureDeviceSelectionToDBOnlyTempertureUpdate ( string nodeid, string temp_deviceInstanceID, string temp_ip, string temp_param1id, string temp_param1info, string temp_param1type ) : void
InsertingInputDataOfT3000ToPsychroDB ( string panelID, string inputIndex, string inputDesc, string inputAM, string inputValue, string inputUnit, string inputRange, string inputCalibration, string inputCalSign, string inputFilter, string inputDecon, string inputJumper, string inputLabel ) : void
LoadComfortZone ( string chartid ) : void

load the comfort zone when chart is selected

LoadComfortZoneIfOn ( string chartid ) : void
LoadDataFromFileToDBConfiguration ( ) : void
LoadFunctionForTrash ( ) : void

This function is used by trash section and helps in refreshing everything

LoadNodeAndLineFromDB ( int indexValue ) : void

We need have three parameters

LoadNode_LineAndDeviceInfoFromDB ( int indexValue ) : void

This function is for getting node info , correspoing device info for particular node,and line info this is required for saving in xml formate.

LockAndUnlock ( ) : void

This function helps to lock and unlock the when click is performed in picture box one click = lock and another = unlock

PlotComfortZone ( double Tmin, double Tmax, double Hmin, double Hmax, Color c, string name ) : void
PlotComfortZoneForBackGroundWorker ( double Tmin, double Tmax, double Hmin, double Hmax, Color c, string name ) : void
PlotOuterBorderForComfortZone ( double Tmin, double Tmax, double Hmin, double Hmax, Color c ) : void

it plots outer border lines for editing comfort zone normaly 2 lines vertical and 2 spline horizontal are drawn vertical line represent temperature and horizontal line runs through in humidity line

ProcessResponse ( XmlDocument locationsResponse ) : void
PullChartList ( string buildingName ) : void
PullComfortZoneData ( ) : void
PullDataAndPlot ( ) : void

THIS HELPS To retrive data from psychometric db and plot in db

PullDataFromHardware ( string device_instance_id, string param1id, string param2id, string param1info, string param2info ) : void
PullLongitudeAndLatitude ( string dbName ) : void
PullingDataFromPsychrometricDB ( string tableName ) : void
PullingDataFromT3000BuildingDB ( string databaseFileWithPath ) : void
ReDrawLines ( string id, string prevNodeID, string nextNodeID, System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Series lineSeriesID, Color c, int thickness_value, string name, int status ) : void
ReDrawLinesForXML ( string id, string prevNodeID, string nextNodeID, System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Series lineSeriesID, Color c ) : void
ReDrawPoints ( System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Series s1, double x, double y, Color c, string source_temperature, string source_humidity, string name1, string labelValueText, int marker_size_value ) : void
ReDrawPointsForXML ( System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Series s1, double x, double y, Color c, string source1, string name1, string label1x, string labelValueText ) : void
ReDrawingLineAndNode ( ) : void
ReDrawingLineAndNodeForLoadXML ( ) : void
ReadDataForSavingConfiguration ( string path, string chartTableName, string nodeTableName, string lineTableName, string tableNameDevice, string tableForComfortZoneSetting, string tableForCF_Detail, string mixnodeInfoTable ) : void

Read data form db to save as SQLite file

ReadDataForSavingConfiguration_For_Load ( string DB_String_path, string chartTableName, string nodeTableName, string lineTableName, string tableNameDevice, string tableForComfortZoneSetting, string tableForCF_Detail, string tableForMixNode ) : void
ReadDataFromDevice ( int deviceID, uint temp_panID, uint hum_panID, string param1_identifier_type, string param2_identifier_type ) : void

helps to pull the data from the hardware of the device

ReadDataFromDeviceForHumidity ( int deviceID, uint hum_panID, string param2_identifier_type ) : void
ReadDataFromDeviceForTemperature ( int deviceID, uint temp_panID, string param1_identifier_type ) : void
ReadDeviceInfoForNode ( string nodeID1 ) : void

This get the device info values form the database

ReadNodeAndLineDetails ( string chart_respective_node_id, string chart_respective_line_id, string buildingName ) : void

Getting the values of the database on the chartID

ReadNodeInfoToDelete ( string chartNodeID ) : void

help in reading all the node info for a particular chart

RefreshDataFromDeviceAndWeb ( ) : void
RefreshGraph ( ) : void
RefreshingEverythingChartAndContent ( object sender ) : void
ReloadComfortZoneForBackGroundWorker ( ) : void
ResettingLines ( ) : void
SQLiteSaveConfigurationSetting ( ) : void

this fxn helps to create a sqlite file and write it value to db

SaveConfiguration ( ) : void
SaveConfigurationForBuildingSetting ( ) : void

New setting for saving into xml file formate.

SetNode ( string temperature_sourceVal, string humidity_sourceVal, string name, Color c1, int markerSize1, string lineNameVal, int lineStatusVal, int airflow ) : void
SetNodeForWeb ( string source, string name, string label, Color c1, string comboboxItemText1, int marker_size ) : void
SetNodeWithValues ( string source, string name, string label, Color c1, string comboboxItemText1, double temperature, double humidity ) : void
SetNodeWithValuesXYCoord ( string source, string name, string label, Color c1, string comboboxItemText1, double xvalue, double yvalue ) : void
ShowOrHideForComfortZone ( ) : void
StartHardwareScan ( ) : void
Test ( string path ) : void
UniqueMixName ( ) : string
UpdateComfortZoneValue ( string id, string name, double min_temp, double max_temp, double min_hum, double max_hum, Color color ) : void
UpdateLineInfoToDB ( string id, string prevNodeId, string nextNodeId, Color lineColor, System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Series lineSeriesVal, int lineThicknessValue, string line_name, int line_status ) : void

This value is edited just now bbk305

UpdateLineInfoToDBWithouSeriesID ( string id, string prevNodeId, string nextNodeId, Color lineColor, int lineThicknessValue ) : void
UpdateMixNodeValuesToDB ( string NodeID, double xValue, double yValue, int AirFlowValue ) : void
UpdateMixPointOnNodeMovement ( ) : void

Function update the mix values and helps in movement when the mouse movement is done related values Function helps in updating the mix point x and y value when other node are moved

UpdateNewDataFromDGV ( string name, string chartID ) : void
UpdateNodeInfoToDB ( string id, double xVal, double yVal, string source, string name, string label, Color colorValue, string showItemText, int nodeSizeValue ) : void

This information updates the node information

UpdateNodeInfoToDBForHumidityFromHardware ( string id, double yVal ) : void
UpdateNodeInfoToDBForTemeperatureFromHardware ( string id, double xVal ) : void
UpdateNodeInfoToDBFromTemperatureDeviceSource ( string id, double xVal, double yVal, string TemperatureSource, string HumiditySource, string name, Color colorValue, int airFlow, int nodeSizeValue ) : void

Updates the node info in db using Temperature Device input value

addCursorFunctionForLineDisconnectConnect ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void

This adds cursor function as dotted cursor which need to be redrawn constantly it updates the value of the dotted cursor

addTemporarySeries ( ) : void
add_t_pg ( ) : void
chart1RefreshCustom ( ) : void
checkForDataInSqlite ( ) : bool
dataGridView1_CellClick ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs e ) : void
elevationProcess ( XmlDocument locationsResponse ) : double
enthalpyHumidityCalculatorForXYvalue ( double xVal, double yVal ) : void
heat_map_button_click ( int index_selected_heat_map, System.DateTime from1, System.DateTime to1 ) : void
insertNewDataFromDGV ( string name ) : void
insertOrUpdateComfortChartSetting ( string chartID, string comfortzone_ID ) : void
loadDataFromIndependentFileAndRefreshData ( ) : void

This function load the data form s3db file to our project

loadXMLDoc ( ) : void
plot_by_DBT_Enthalpy ( double dbt, double enthalpy ) : int
plot_by_DBT_HR ( double DBT1, double HR ) : int
plot_by_DBT_HR_heat_map ( double DBT, double HR ) : int
plot_by_DBT_HR_process_diagram ( double DBT, double HR ) : int
plot_new_graph ( ) : void
plot_on_graph_values ( double dbt, double hr, double xval, double yval ) : void
plot_on_graph_values_heat_map ( double dbt, double hr, double xval, double yval ) : void
plot_on_graph_values_process_diagram ( double xval, double yval ) : void
printHeatMap ( ) : void
pullComfortZoneInfoSingle ( string comfortzoneid ) : void

Pulls the comfortzone parameters such as minTemp,maxTemp,minHum ,maxHum and colorValue

saveAsImageHeatMap ( ) : void
timer1_Tick_For_Device ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
update_comfort_zone_for_chart ( string chartid, string comfortzone_id, string status ) : void

updates the chart info for comfort zone

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Clean up any resources being used.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
CalculateHumidityFromXandYCoordinate ( double xVal, double yVal ) : double
ClearChart ( ) : void
ComfortZoneBorderLineDetectForEdit ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void

This function helps to detect the border line when comfort zone is in edit mode so that we can create new comfort zone by modifying it graphically

IndicatorLineForNodeMovement ( int idSelected, double x11, double y11, double x22, double y22 ) : void
InitializeComponent ( ) : void

Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor.

LineDetectOnMouseMove ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void

Detects the line which connects the two nodes when hovered over it

NodeSelectionAndRelease ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void
ProcessDiagramMouseMoveFunction ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void
PullLocationInformation ( ) : void
UpdateDataConstantly ( ) : void
addMixNodeToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
airHandlerToolStripMenuItem1_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
airHandlerToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
backgroundWorker1_DoWork ( object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e ) : void
backgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted ( object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e ) : void
bg_DoWork ( object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e ) : void
bg_RunWorkerCompleted ( object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e ) : void
buildingChartConfigurationToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
buildingChartToolStripMenuItem1_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
buildingChartToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
button1_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
button1_Click_1 ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
button2_Click_1 ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
button5_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
button7_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
button9_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
chart1_MouseClick ( object sender, MouseEventArgs e ) : void
chart1_MouseDown ( object sender, MouseEventArgs e ) : void
chart1_MouseMove ( object sender, MouseEventArgs e ) : void
clearChartToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
dataGridView1_CellBeginEdit ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs e ) : void
dataGridView1_CellDoubleClick ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs e ) : void
dataGridView1_CellEndEdit ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs e ) : void
dataGridView1_CellEnter ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs e ) : void
dataGridView1_CellMouseClick ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e ) : void
dataGridView1_SelectionChanged_1 ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
deleteNodeToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
deleteToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
deleteToolStripMenuItem_Click_1 ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
disconnectLineFromAToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
disconnectLineFromBToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
disconnectLineToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
disconnectLineToolStripMenuItem_Click_1 ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
editComfortzoneToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
editNodeToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
enableToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
exitToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
exportDataToolStripMenuItem1_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
exportDataToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
exportDataToolStripMenuItem_Click_1 ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
fillDataGridView ( ) : void

it helps to fill the datagridview with its item form db

get_stored_data_about_building ( ) : void

it helps to pull the information of the building stored

helpPsychometricChartToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
historyPlotToolStripMenuItem1_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
historyPlotToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
humiditySensorCalibrationToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
insertNodeToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
insertNodeToolStripMenuItem_Click_1 ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
insertNodeWithValuesToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
insert_in_db ( string q ) : void
label21_MouseHover ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
label23_MouseHover ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
label24_MouseHover ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
label25_MouseHover ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
label26_MouseHover ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
label2_DBT_units_MouseHover ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
label3_Sp_H_unit_MouseHover ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
label4_RH_unit_MouseHover ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
label5_H_unit_MouseHover ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
label6_DP_Unit_MouseHover ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
loadConfigurationToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
marker ( ) : void
marker_for_same_min_max_value ( ) : void
nodeAToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
nodeBToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
nodeGridViewToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
nodeViewToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
pb_lock_unlock_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
printToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
processDiagramToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
psychometricCalculatorToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
psychrometricCalculatorToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
pull_data_online ( string country1, string state1, string city1, string street1 ) : void
quickNodeInsertToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
rb_OFF_CheckedChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
rb_ON_CheckedChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
realTimeMode_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
realTimePlottingToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
saveAsToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
saveConfigurationToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
settingsToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
showComfortZoneToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
simulationMode_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sqlite_database_creation ( ) : void
timer1_Tick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
trashBoxToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
trendLogToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
weatherServicesToolStripMenuItem1_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
weatherServicesToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Описание методов

AddMixNodeBetweenTwoNodes() публичный Метод

public AddMixNodeBetweenTwoNodes ( ) : void
Результат void

AddOrUpdateNewRecord() публичный Метод

public AddOrUpdateNewRecord ( string name, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs e ) : void
name string
e System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs
Результат void

AsyncMethod1ForPullingData() публичный Метод

public AsyncMethod1ForPullingData ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
Результат System.Threading.Tasks.Task

CalculateHumidityEnthalpy() публичный Метод

Calculates humidity , enthalpy and specific volume form temperature and humidity ratio
public CalculateHumidityEnthalpy ( double xVal, double yVal ) : void
xVal double Temperature(deg cel)
yVal double Humidity Ratio(unitless)
Результат void

CalculateSpecificVolume() публичный Метод

public CalculateSpecificVolume ( double xVal, double yVal ) : double
xVal double
yVal double
Результат double

CalculateYFromXandEnthalpy() публичный Метод

public CalculateYFromXandEnthalpy ( double dbt, double enthalpy ) : double
dbt double
enthalpy double
Результат double

CalculateYFromXandHumidity() публичный Метод

public CalculateYFromXandHumidity ( double xVal, double humidity ) : double
xVal double
humidity double
Результат double

CheckDeviceOnlineOffline() публичный Метод

public CheckDeviceOnlineOffline ( int deviceID, int Parent_SerialNum ) : bool
deviceID int
Parent_SerialNum int
Результат bool

CheckLatLongAvailable() публичный Метод

public CheckLatLongAvailable ( ) : bool
Результат bool

CheckSelectedBuilding() публичный Метод

public CheckSelectedBuilding ( ) : void
Результат void

ClearComfortZone() публичный Метод

Clears the comfortzone that was created based on the min and max temperature and min and max humidity
public ClearComfortZone ( double Tmin, double Tmax, double Hmin, double Hmax ) : void
Tmin double minimum temperature
Tmax double maximum temperature
Hmin double minimum humidity
Hmax double maximum humidity
Результат void

ClearSeriesInChart() публичный Метод

public ClearSeriesInChart ( string seriesName ) : void
seriesName string
Результат void

ComfortZonePlot() публичный Метод

public ComfortZonePlot ( ) : void
Результат void

CountNumberOfItem() публичный Метод

This counts the number of items in ...chart_comfrotzone_setting is there any comfortzone item associated with a chart or not
public CountNumberOfItem ( string chartId ) : int
chartId string
Результат int

CreateRequireTableIfNotPresent() публичный Метод

public CreateRequireTableIfNotPresent ( string buildingName ) : void
buildingName string
Результат void

CreateTableForSavingConfiguration() публичный Метод

public CreateTableForSavingConfiguration ( string filePathWithName ) : void
filePathWithName string
Результат void

CursorFunctionForComfortZoneEditMode() публичный Метод

This function helps to add the cursor function while single series is selected
public CursorFunctionForComfortZoneEditMode ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void
e MouseEventArgs Mouse Event arguments selected
Результат void

DBUpdateMixPointOnNodeValueChange() публичный Метод

Function for making changes in mix nodes value
public DBUpdateMixPointOnNodeValueChange ( string NodeIDOfChangedNode ) : void
NodeIDOfChangedNode string NodeID of the node changed
Результат void

DataGridView_Show_Data() публичный Метод

public DataGridView_Show_Data ( ) : void
Результат void

DeleteAllDataFromTable() публичный Метод

public DeleteAllDataFromTable ( string db_path, string tableName ) : void
db_path string
tableName string
Результат void

DeleteChart() публичный Метод

public DeleteChart ( string chartID ) : void
chartID string
Результат void

DeleteChartContent() публичный Метод

This helps to delete node,line and device info for node,form db to clear the chart,does not delete chart only content
public DeleteChartContent ( string chartID, string chart_resp_nodeID, string chart_resp_lineID ) : void
chartID string
chart_resp_nodeID string
chart_resp_lineID string
Результат void

DeleteChartInfoFromChartDetailTable() публичный Метод

public DeleteChartInfoFromChartDetailTable ( string chartID ) : void
chartID string
Результат void

DeleteComfortZoneData() публичный Метод

public DeleteComfortZoneData ( string id ) : void
id string
Результат void

DeleteComfortZoneSettingForChart() публичный Метод

public DeleteComfortZoneSettingForChart ( string chartID ) : void
chartID string
Результат void

DeleteLine() публичный Метод

public DeleteLine ( string lineID ) : void
lineID string
Результат void

DeleteLineUsingNodeID() публичный Метод

public DeleteLineUsingNodeID ( string nodeID ) : void
nodeID string
Результат void

DeleteMixNodeInfo() публичный Метод

public DeleteMixNodeInfo ( string chartID ) : void
chartID string
Результат void

DeleteNode() публичный Метод

public DeleteNode ( string nodeID ) : void
nodeID string
Результат void

DeleteNodeDeviceInfo() публичный Метод

public DeleteNodeDeviceInfo ( string nodeID ) : void
nodeID string
Результат void

DeleteNodeUsingNodeID() публичный Метод

public DeleteNodeUsingNodeID ( string nodeID ) : void
nodeID string
Результат void

DeleteSingleNodeAndAssociatedLinesInDB() публичный Метод

public DeleteSingleNodeAndAssociatedLinesInDB ( string nodeID ) : void
nodeID string
Результат void

DisableChart() публичный Метод

public DisableChart ( string chartID ) : void
chartID string
Результат void

Dispose() защищенный Метод

Clean up any resources being used.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.
Результат void

EditComfortZoneGraphicalWay() публичный Метод

Helps to edit the comfort one when click raises four lines which can be dragged based on temperature along x axis and humidity along y axis
public EditComfortZoneGraphicalWay ( ) : void
Результат void

FillLatLongValueAutomatically() публичный Метод

public FillLatLongValueAutomatically ( ) : void
Результат void

FindPathOfBuildingDB() публичный Метод

public FindPathOfBuildingDB ( ) : void
Результат void

FindPathOfBuildingDBNewVersion() публичный Метод

public FindPathOfBuildingDBNewVersion ( ) : void
Результат void

Form1_Load() публичный Метод

public Form1_Load ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object
e System.EventArgs
Результат void

Form1_main() публичный Метод

public Form1_main ( ) : System
Результат System

GetDataFromWeb() публичный Метод

This return the different values such as temperatue ,humidity and other parameters.
public GetDataFromWeb ( double latValue, double longValue ) : void
latValue double Latitude
longValue double Longitude
Результат void

GetGUID() публичный Метод

public GetGUID ( ) : string
Результат string

HumTempCalcByCoordinate() публичный Метод

public HumTempCalcByCoordinate ( ) : void
Результат void

IndexOfPreviousNodeForLineFunction() публичный Метод

public IndexOfPreviousNodeForLineFunction ( ) : int
Результат int

InfoForComfortZoneOfChart() публичный Метод

This gets the information of comfortzone such as status , comfortzoneid, chartid etc
public InfoForComfortZoneOfChart ( string chartID ) : void
chartID string
Результат void

InitTimer() публичный Метод

public InitTimer ( ) : void
Результат void

InitTimerForDevice() публичный Метод

public InitTimerForDevice ( ) : void
Результат void

InsertChartComfortzoneInfo() публичный Метод

public InsertChartComfortzoneInfo ( string chartid, string comfortzone_id ) : void
chartid string
comfortzone_id string
Результат void

InsertComfortZoneValue() публичный Метод

This function helps to insert the comfort zone setting in the database.
public InsertComfortZoneValue ( string name, double min_temp, double max_temp, double min_hum, double max_hum, Color color ) : void
name string name of the comfort zone
min_temp double min temperature
max_temp double max temperature
min_hum double min humidity
max_hum double max humidity
color Color color value
Результат void

InsertForSavingConfiguration() публичный Метод

This helps in insertion of the data to db
public InsertForSavingConfiguration ( string fileWithPath, string chartTableName, string nodeTableName, string lineTableName, string tableNameDevice, string tableForComfortZoneSetting, string tableForCF_Detail, string tableForMixNode ) : void
fileWithPath string file name with path
chartTableName string
nodeTableName string
lineTableName string
tableNameDevice string
tableForComfortZoneSetting string
tableForCF_Detail string
tableForMixNode string
Результат void

InsertForSavingConfiguration_For_Load() публичный Метод

This helps in insertion of the data to db
public InsertForSavingConfiguration_For_Load ( string fileWithPath, string chartTableName, string nodeTableName, string lineTableName, string tableNameDevice, string tableForComfortZoneSetting, string tableForCF_Detail, string tableMixNode ) : void
fileWithPath string file name with path
chartTableName string
nodeTableName string
lineTableName string
tableNameDevice string
tableForComfortZoneSetting string
tableForCF_Detail string
tableMixNode string
Результат void

InsertIntoDeviceInfoDB() публичный Метод

public InsertIntoDeviceInfoDB ( string nodeid, string deviceinstance, string deviceip, string param1id, string param2id, string param1info, string param2info, string param1type, string param2type ) : void
nodeid string
deviceinstance string
deviceip string
param1id string
param2id string
param1info string
param2info string
param1type string
param2type string
Результат void

InsertLineInfoToDB() публичный Метод

public InsertLineInfoToDB ( string id, string prevNodeId, string nextNodeId, Color lineColor, System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Series lineSeriesVal, int linethickness ) : void
id string
prevNodeId string
nextNodeId string
lineColor Color
lineSeriesVal System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Series
linethickness int
Результат void

InsertNodeInfoToDB() публичный Метод

public InsertNodeInfoToDB ( string id, double xVal, double yVal, string source, string name, string label, Color colorValue, string showItemText, int nodeSizeValue, string deviceinstance, string deviceip, string param1id, string param2id, string param1info, string param2info, string param1type, string param2type ) : void
id string
xVal double
yVal double
source string
name string
label string
colorValue Color
showItemText string
nodeSizeValue int
deviceinstance string
deviceip string
param1id string
param2id string
param1info string
param2info string
param1type string
param2type string
Результат void

InsertUpdateFromHumidityDeviceSelectionToDBOnlyTempertureUpdate() публичный Метод

For humidity values
public InsertUpdateFromHumidityDeviceSelectionToDBOnlyTempertureUpdate ( string nodeid, string Humidity_deviceInstanceID, string Humidity_ip, string Humidity_param1id, string Humidity_param1info, string Humidity_param1type ) : void
nodeid string
Humidity_deviceInstanceID string
Humidity_ip string
Humidity_param1id string
Humidity_param1info string
Humidity_param1type string
Результат void

InsertUpdateFromTemperatureDeviceSelectionToDBOnlyTempertureUpdate() публичный Метод

public InsertUpdateFromTemperatureDeviceSelectionToDBOnlyTempertureUpdate ( string nodeid, string temp_deviceInstanceID, string temp_ip, string temp_param1id, string temp_param1info, string temp_param1type ) : void
nodeid string
temp_deviceInstanceID string
temp_ip string
temp_param1id string
temp_param1info string
temp_param1type string
Результат void

InsertingInputDataOfT3000ToPsychroDB() публичный Метод

public InsertingInputDataOfT3000ToPsychroDB ( string panelID, string inputIndex, string inputDesc, string inputAM, string inputValue, string inputUnit, string inputRange, string inputCalibration, string inputCalSign, string inputFilter, string inputDecon, string inputJumper, string inputLabel ) : void
panelID string
inputIndex string
inputDesc string
inputAM string
inputValue string
inputUnit string
inputRange string
inputCalibration string
inputCalSign string
inputFilter string
inputDecon string
inputJumper string
inputLabel string
Результат void

LoadComfortZone() публичный Метод

load the comfort zone when chart is selected
public LoadComfortZone ( string chartid ) : void
chartid string
Результат void

LoadComfortZoneIfOn() публичный Метод

public LoadComfortZoneIfOn ( string chartid ) : void
chartid string
Результат void

LoadDataFromFileToDBConfiguration() публичный Метод

public LoadDataFromFileToDBConfiguration ( ) : void
Результат void

LoadFunctionForTrash() публичный Метод

This function is used by trash section and helps in refreshing everything
public LoadFunctionForTrash ( ) : void
Результат void

LoadNodeAndLineFromDB() публичный Метод

We need have three parameters
public LoadNodeAndLineFromDB ( int indexValue ) : void
indexValue int
Результат void

LoadNode_LineAndDeviceInfoFromDB() публичный Метод

This function is for getting node info , correspoing device info for particular node,and line info this is required for saving in xml formate.
public LoadNode_LineAndDeviceInfoFromDB ( int indexValue ) : void
indexValue int index of the chart selected
Результат void

LockAndUnlock() публичный Метод

This function helps to lock and unlock the when click is performed in picture box one click = lock and another = unlock
public LockAndUnlock ( ) : void
Результат void

PlotComfortZone() публичный Метод

public PlotComfortZone ( double Tmin, double Tmax, double Hmin, double Hmax, Color c, string name ) : void
Tmin double
Tmax double
Hmin double
Hmax double
c Color
name string
Результат void

PlotComfortZoneForBackGroundWorker() публичный Метод

public PlotComfortZoneForBackGroundWorker ( double Tmin, double Tmax, double Hmin, double Hmax, Color c, string name ) : void
Tmin double
Tmax double
Hmin double
Hmax double
c Color
name string
Результат void

PlotOuterBorderForComfortZone() публичный Метод

it plots outer border lines for editing comfort zone normaly 2 lines vertical and 2 spline horizontal are drawn vertical line represent temperature and horizontal line runs through in humidity line
public PlotOuterBorderForComfortZone ( double Tmin, double Tmax, double Hmin, double Hmax, Color c ) : void
Tmin double minimum temperature in deg Cel
Tmax double maximum temperature in Deg Cel
Hmin double minimum humidity in % like 30%
Hmax double maximum humidity in % like 40%
c Color color value
Результат void

ProcessResponse() публичный Метод

public ProcessResponse ( XmlDocument locationsResponse ) : void
locationsResponse System.Xml.XmlDocument
Результат void

PullChartList() публичный Метод

public PullChartList ( string buildingName ) : void
buildingName string
Результат void

PullComfortZoneData() публичный Метод

public PullComfortZoneData ( ) : void
Результат void

PullDataAndPlot() публичный Метод

THIS HELPS To retrive data from psychometric db and plot in db
public PullDataAndPlot ( ) : void
Результат void

PullDataFromHardware() публичный Метод

public PullDataFromHardware ( string device_instance_id, string param1id, string param2id, string param1info, string param2info ) : void
device_instance_id string
param1id string
param2id string
param1info string
param2info string
Результат void

PullLongitudeAndLatitude() публичный Метод

public PullLongitudeAndLatitude ( string dbName ) : void
dbName string
Результат void

PullingDataFromPsychrometricDB() публичный Метод

public PullingDataFromPsychrometricDB ( string tableName ) : void
tableName string
Результат void

PullingDataFromT3000BuildingDB() публичный Метод

public PullingDataFromT3000BuildingDB ( string databaseFileWithPath ) : void
databaseFileWithPath string
Результат void

ReDrawLines() публичный Метод

public ReDrawLines ( string id, string prevNodeID, string nextNodeID, System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Series lineSeriesID, Color c, int thickness_value, string name, int status ) : void
id string
prevNodeID string
nextNodeID string
lineSeriesID System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Series
c Color
thickness_value int
name string
status int
Результат void

ReDrawLinesForXML() публичный Метод

public ReDrawLinesForXML ( string id, string prevNodeID, string nextNodeID, System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Series lineSeriesID, Color c ) : void
id string
prevNodeID string
nextNodeID string
lineSeriesID System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Series
c Color
Результат void

ReDrawPoints() публичный Метод

public ReDrawPoints ( System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Series s1, double x, double y, Color c, string source_temperature, string source_humidity, string name1, string labelValueText, int marker_size_value ) : void
s1 System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Series
x double
y double
c Color
source_temperature string
source_humidity string
name1 string
labelValueText string
marker_size_value int
Результат void

ReDrawPointsForXML() публичный Метод

public ReDrawPointsForXML ( System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Series s1, double x, double y, Color c, string source1, string name1, string label1x, string labelValueText ) : void
s1 System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Series
x double
y double
c Color
source1 string
name1 string
label1x string
labelValueText string
Результат void

ReDrawingLineAndNode() публичный Метод

public ReDrawingLineAndNode ( ) : void
Результат void

ReDrawingLineAndNodeForLoadXML() публичный Метод

public ReDrawingLineAndNodeForLoadXML ( ) : void
Результат void

ReadDataForSavingConfiguration() публичный Метод

Read data form db to save as SQLite file
public ReadDataForSavingConfiguration ( string path, string chartTableName, string nodeTableName, string lineTableName, string tableNameDevice, string tableForComfortZoneSetting, string tableForCF_Detail, string mixnodeInfoTable ) : void
path string
chartTableName string
nodeTableName string
lineTableName string
tableNameDevice string
tableForComfortZoneSetting string
tableForCF_Detail string
mixnodeInfoTable string
Результат void

ReadDataForSavingConfiguration_For_Load() публичный Метод

public ReadDataForSavingConfiguration_For_Load ( string DB_String_path, string chartTableName, string nodeTableName, string lineTableName, string tableNameDevice, string tableForComfortZoneSetting, string tableForCF_Detail, string tableForMixNode ) : void
DB_String_path string
chartTableName string
nodeTableName string
lineTableName string
tableNameDevice string
tableForComfortZoneSetting string
tableForCF_Detail string
tableForMixNode string
Результат void

ReadDataFromDevice() публичный Метод

helps to pull the data from the hardware of the device
public ReadDataFromDevice ( int deviceID, uint temp_panID, uint hum_panID, string param1_identifier_type, string param2_identifier_type ) : void
deviceID int
temp_panID uint
hum_panID uint
param1_identifier_type string
param2_identifier_type string
Результат void

ReadDataFromDeviceForHumidity() публичный Метод

public ReadDataFromDeviceForHumidity ( int deviceID, uint hum_panID, string param2_identifier_type ) : void
deviceID int
hum_panID uint
param2_identifier_type string
Результат void

ReadDataFromDeviceForTemperature() публичный Метод

public ReadDataFromDeviceForTemperature ( int deviceID, uint temp_panID, string param1_identifier_type ) : void
deviceID int
temp_panID uint
param1_identifier_type string
Результат void

ReadDeviceInfoForNode() публичный Метод

This get the device info values form the database
public ReadDeviceInfoForNode ( string nodeID1 ) : void
nodeID1 string the node id selected to search for
Результат void

ReadNodeAndLineDetails() публичный Метод

Getting the values of the database on the chartID
public ReadNodeAndLineDetails ( string chart_respective_node_id, string chart_respective_line_id, string buildingName ) : void
chart_respective_node_id string
chart_respective_line_id string
buildingName string
Результат void

ReadNodeInfoToDelete() публичный Метод

help in reading all the node info for a particular chart
public ReadNodeInfoToDelete ( string chartNodeID ) : void
chartNodeID string
Результат void

RefreshDataFromDeviceAndWeb() публичный Метод

public RefreshDataFromDeviceAndWeb ( ) : void
Результат void

RefreshGraph() публичный Метод

public RefreshGraph ( ) : void
Результат void

RefreshingEverythingChartAndContent() публичный Метод

public RefreshingEverythingChartAndContent ( object sender ) : void
sender object
Результат void

ReloadComfortZoneForBackGroundWorker() публичный Метод

public ReloadComfortZoneForBackGroundWorker ( ) : void
Результат void

ResettingLines() публичный Метод

public ResettingLines ( ) : void
Результат void

SQLiteSaveConfigurationSetting() публичный Метод

this fxn helps to create a sqlite file and write it value to db
public SQLiteSaveConfigurationSetting ( ) : void
Результат void

SaveConfiguration() публичный Метод

public SaveConfiguration ( ) : void
Результат void

SaveConfigurationForBuildingSetting() публичный Метод

New setting for saving into xml file formate.
public SaveConfigurationForBuildingSetting ( ) : void
Результат void

SetNode() публичный Метод

public SetNode ( string temperature_sourceVal, string humidity_sourceVal, string name, Color c1, int markerSize1, string lineNameVal, int lineStatusVal, int airflow ) : void
temperature_sourceVal string
humidity_sourceVal string
name string
c1 Color
markerSize1 int
lineNameVal string
lineStatusVal int
airflow int
Результат void

SetNodeForWeb() публичный Метод

public SetNodeForWeb ( string source, string name, string label, Color c1, string comboboxItemText1, int marker_size ) : void
source string
name string
label string
c1 Color
comboboxItemText1 string
marker_size int
Результат void

SetNodeWithValues() публичный Метод

public SetNodeWithValues ( string source, string name, string label, Color c1, string comboboxItemText1, double temperature, double humidity ) : void
source string
name string
label string
c1 Color
comboboxItemText1 string
temperature double
humidity double
Результат void

SetNodeWithValuesXYCoord() публичный Метод

public SetNodeWithValuesXYCoord ( string source, string name, string label, Color c1, string comboboxItemText1, double xvalue, double yvalue ) : void
source string
name string
label string
c1 Color
comboboxItemText1 string
xvalue double
yvalue double
Результат void

ShowOrHideForComfortZone() публичный Метод

public ShowOrHideForComfortZone ( ) : void
Результат void

StartHardwareScan() публичный Метод

public StartHardwareScan ( ) : void
Результат void

Test() публичный Метод

public Test ( string path ) : void
path string
Результат void

UniqueMixName() публичный Метод

public UniqueMixName ( ) : string
Результат string

UpdateComfortZoneValue() публичный Метод

public UpdateComfortZoneValue ( string id, string name, double min_temp, double max_temp, double min_hum, double max_hum, Color color ) : void
id string
name string
min_temp double
max_temp double
min_hum double
max_hum double
color Color
Результат void

UpdateLineInfoToDB() публичный Метод

This value is edited just now bbk305
public UpdateLineInfoToDB ( string id, string prevNodeId, string nextNodeId, Color lineColor, System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Series lineSeriesVal, int lineThicknessValue, string line_name, int line_status ) : void
id string
prevNodeId string
nextNodeId string
lineColor Color
lineSeriesVal System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Series
lineThicknessValue int
line_name string
line_status int
Результат void

UpdateLineInfoToDBWithouSeriesID() публичный Метод

public UpdateLineInfoToDBWithouSeriesID ( string id, string prevNodeId, string nextNodeId, Color lineColor, int lineThicknessValue ) : void
id string
prevNodeId string
nextNodeId string
lineColor Color
lineThicknessValue int
Результат void

UpdateMixNodeValuesToDB() публичный Метод

public UpdateMixNodeValuesToDB ( string NodeID, double xValue, double yValue, int AirFlowValue ) : void
NodeID string
xValue double
yValue double
AirFlowValue int
Результат void

UpdateMixPointOnNodeMovement() публичный Метод

Function update the mix values and helps in movement when the mouse movement is done related values Function helps in updating the mix point x and y value when other node are moved
public UpdateMixPointOnNodeMovement ( ) : void
Результат void

UpdateNewDataFromDGV() публичный Метод

public UpdateNewDataFromDGV ( string name, string chartID ) : void
name string
chartID string
Результат void

UpdateNodeInfoToDB() публичный Метод

This information updates the node information
public UpdateNodeInfoToDB ( string id, double xVal, double yVal, string source, string name, string label, Color colorValue, string showItemText, int nodeSizeValue ) : void
id string Nodeid
xVal double x coordinate
yVal double y coordinate
source string source of node
name string name of the node
label string label of node
colorValue Color color value of node
showItemText string which text to show
nodeSizeValue int node size value
Результат void

UpdateNodeInfoToDBForHumidityFromHardware() публичный Метод

public UpdateNodeInfoToDBForHumidityFromHardware ( string id, double yVal ) : void
id string
yVal double
Результат void

UpdateNodeInfoToDBForTemeperatureFromHardware() публичный Метод

public UpdateNodeInfoToDBForTemeperatureFromHardware ( string id, double xVal ) : void
id string
xVal double
Результат void

UpdateNodeInfoToDBFromTemperatureDeviceSource() публичный Метод

Updates the node info in db using Temperature Device input value
public UpdateNodeInfoToDBFromTemperatureDeviceSource ( string id, double xVal, double yVal, string TemperatureSource, string HumiditySource, string name, Color colorValue, int airFlow, int nodeSizeValue ) : void
id string
xVal double
yVal double
TemperatureSource string
HumiditySource string
name string
colorValue Color
airFlow int
nodeSizeValue int
Результат void

addCursorFunctionForLineDisconnectConnect() публичный Метод

This adds cursor function as dotted cursor which need to be redrawn constantly it updates the value of the dotted cursor
public addCursorFunctionForLineDisconnectConnect ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void
e MouseEventArgs Mouse event argument while performing onMouseMove
Результат void

addTemporarySeries() публичный Метод

public addTemporarySeries ( ) : void
Результат void

add_t_pg() публичный Метод

public add_t_pg ( ) : void
Результат void

chart1RefreshCustom() публичный Метод

public chart1RefreshCustom ( ) : void
Результат void

checkForDataInSqlite() публичный Метод

public checkForDataInSqlite ( ) : bool
Результат bool

dataGridView1_CellClick() публичный Метод

public dataGridView1_CellClick ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs e ) : void
sender object
e System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs
Результат void

elevationProcess() публичный Метод

public elevationProcess ( XmlDocument locationsResponse ) : double
locationsResponse System.Xml.XmlDocument
Результат double

enthalpyHumidityCalculatorForXYvalue() публичный Метод

public enthalpyHumidityCalculatorForXYvalue ( double xVal, double yVal ) : void
xVal double
yVal double
Результат void

heat_map_button_click() публичный Метод

public heat_map_button_click ( int index_selected_heat_map, System.DateTime from1, System.DateTime to1 ) : void
index_selected_heat_map int
from1 System.DateTime
to1 System.DateTime
Результат void

insertNewDataFromDGV() публичный Метод

public insertNewDataFromDGV ( string name ) : void
name string
Результат void

insertOrUpdateComfortChartSetting() публичный Метод

public insertOrUpdateComfortChartSetting ( string chartID, string comfortzone_ID ) : void
chartID string
comfortzone_ID string
Результат void

loadDataFromIndependentFileAndRefreshData() публичный Метод

This function load the data form s3db file to our project
public loadDataFromIndependentFileAndRefreshData ( ) : void
Результат void

loadXMLDoc() публичный Метод

public loadXMLDoc ( ) : void
Результат void

plot_by_DBT_Enthalpy() публичный Метод

public plot_by_DBT_Enthalpy ( double dbt, double enthalpy ) : int
dbt double
enthalpy double
Результат int

plot_by_DBT_HR() публичный Метод

public plot_by_DBT_HR ( double DBT1, double HR ) : int
DBT1 double
HR double
Результат int

plot_by_DBT_HR_heat_map() публичный Метод

public plot_by_DBT_HR_heat_map ( double DBT, double HR ) : int
DBT double
HR double
Результат int

plot_by_DBT_HR_process_diagram() публичный Метод

public plot_by_DBT_HR_process_diagram ( double DBT, double HR ) : int
DBT double
HR double
Результат int

plot_new_graph() публичный Метод

public plot_new_graph ( ) : void
Результат void

plot_on_graph_values() публичный Метод

public plot_on_graph_values ( double dbt, double hr, double xval, double yval ) : void
dbt double
hr double
xval double
yval double
Результат void

plot_on_graph_values_heat_map() публичный Метод

public plot_on_graph_values_heat_map ( double dbt, double hr, double xval, double yval ) : void
dbt double
hr double
xval double
yval double
Результат void

plot_on_graph_values_process_diagram() публичный Метод

public plot_on_graph_values_process_diagram ( double xval, double yval ) : void
xval double
yval double
Результат void

printHeatMap() публичный Метод

public printHeatMap ( ) : void
Результат void

pullComfortZoneInfoSingle() публичный Метод

Pulls the comfortzone parameters such as minTemp,maxTemp,minHum ,maxHum and colorValue
public pullComfortZoneInfoSingle ( string comfortzoneid ) : void
comfortzoneid string
Результат void

saveAsImageHeatMap() публичный Метод

public saveAsImageHeatMap ( ) : void
Результат void

timer1_Tick_For_Device() публичный Метод

public timer1_Tick_For_Device ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object
e EventArgs
Результат void

update_comfort_zone_for_chart() публичный Метод

updates the chart info for comfort zone
public update_comfort_zone_for_chart ( string chartid, string comfortzone_id, string status ) : void
chartid string id of chart selected
comfortzone_id string comfort zone id for each chart
status string
Результат void

Описание свойств

AirPressureFromDB публичное свойство

This returns air pressure in pascal (pa)
public double AirPressureFromDB
Результат double

BuildingSelected публичное свойство

public List BuildingSelected
Результат List

ComfortZonesDetailForSaving публичное свойство

public List ComfortZonesDetailForSaving
Результат List

ComfortZonesDetailForSaving_For_Load публичное свойство

public List ComfortZonesDetailForSaving_For_Load
Результат List

CurrentSelectedBuilding публичное свойство

public string CurrentSelectedBuilding
Результат string

PathToT3000BuildingDB публичное свойство

public string PathToT3000BuildingDB
Результат string

SpecificVolumeReturn публичное свойство

public double SpecificVolumeReturn
Результат double

buildingList публичное свойство

public List buildingList
Результат List

chartDetailList публичное свойство

public List chartDetailList
Результат List

chartInfoPulledForSaving публичное свойство

public List chartInfoPulledForSaving
Результат List

chartInfoPulledForSaving_For_Load публичное свойство

public List chartInfoPulledForSaving_For_Load
Результат List

city_name_pulled публичное свойство

public string city_name_pulled
Результат string

colorValue публичное свойство

public Color colorValue
Результат Color

comboboxItemText публичное свойство

public string comboboxItemText
Результат string

comfortZoneInforForEachChartForSaving публичное свойство

public List comfortZoneInforForEachChartForSaving
Результат List

comfortZoneInforForEachChartForSaving_For_Load публичное свойство

public List comfortZoneInforForEachChartForSaving_For_Load
Результат List

country_name_pulled публичное свойство

public string country_name_pulled
Результат string

dataGridView1 публичное свойство

public System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView dataGridView1
Результат System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView

default_comfort_zone_of_chart публичное свойство

public List default_comfort_zone_of_chart
Результат List

deleteNodeDetailList публичное свойство

public List deleteNodeDetailList
Результат List

deviceIP публичное свойство

public string deviceIP
Результат string

deviceInfoForSavingToXML публичное свойство

public List deviceInfoForSavingToXML
Результат List

deviceInfoPulledForSaving публичное свойство

public List deviceInfoPulledForSaving
Результат List

deviceInfoPulledForSaving_For_Load публичное свойство

public List deviceInfoPulledForSaving_For_Load
Результат List

deviceInstanceValue публичное свойство

public string deviceInstanceValue
Результат string

deviceParam1ID публичное свойство

public string deviceParam1ID
Результат string

deviceParam2ID публичное свойство

public string deviceParam2ID
Результат string

device_param1_info_for_node публичное свойство

public string device_param1_info_for_node
Результат string

device_param2_info_for_node публичное свойство

public string device_param2_info_for_node
Результат string

direction_pulled публичное свойство

public string direction_pulled
Результат string

enthalpyCalculated публичное свойство

public double enthalpyCalculated
Результат double

enthalpyDataGridView публичное свойство

public double enthalpyDataGridView
Результат double

humDataGridValue публичное свойство

public double humDataGridValue
Результат double

hum_pulled публичное свойство

public string hum_pulled
Результат string

humidityCalculated публичное свойство

public double humidityCalculated
Результат double

humidityValue публичное свойство

public double humidityValue
Результат double

humidity_sourceGlobal публичное свойство

public string humidity_sourceGlobal
Результат string

indexForWhichChartIsSelected публичное свойство

public int indexForWhichChartIsSelected
Результат int

indexOfChartSelected публичное свойство

public int indexOfChartSelected
Результат int

last_update_pulled публичное свойство

public string last_update_pulled
Результат string

latValueFromDB публичное свойство

public double latValueFromDB
Результат double

lat_pulled публичное свойство

public string lat_pulled
Результат string

lat_val публичное свойство

public double lat_val
Результат double

lb_title_display публичное свойство

public System.Windows.Forms.Label lb_title_display
Результат System.Windows.Forms.Label

lineBorderThickness публичное свойство

public int lineBorderThickness
Результат int

lineInfoForSavingToXML публичное свойство

public List lineInfoForSavingToXML
Результат List

lineInfoFromXMLfile публичное свойство

public List lineInfoFromXMLfile
Результат List

lineInfoPulledForSaving публичное свойство

public List lineInfoPulledForSaving
Результат List

lineInfoPulledForSaving_For_Load публичное свойство

public List lineInfoPulledForSaving_For_Load
Результат List

lineName публичное свойство

public string lineName
Результат string

lineStatus_ON_OFF публичное свойство

public int lineStatus_ON_OFF
Результат int

listComfortZoneDetail публичное свойство

public List listComfortZoneDetail
Результат List

listForInputFromPsychoDB публичное свойство

public List listForInputFromPsychoDB
Результат List

listForInputFromT3000 публичное свойство

public List listForInputFromT3000
Результат List

listchartComfortZoneInfoSingle публичное свойство

public List listchartComfortZoneInfoSingle
Результат List

lng_val публичное свойство

public double lng_val
Результат double

longValueFromDB публичное свойство

public double longValueFromDB
Результат double

long_pulled публичное свойство

public string long_pulled
Результат string

markerSize публичное свойство

public int markerSize
Результат int

medium_device_or_web_value публичное свойство

This create a node in the chart
public string medium_device_or_web_value
Результат string

menuStripNodeInfoValues публичное свойство

public List menuStripNodeInfoValues
Результат List

menuStripNodeLineInfoValues публичное свойство

public List menuStripNodeLineInfoValues
Результат List

mixCorrespondingNodeValuesList публичное свойство

Contains node1 and node2 details for mixing
public List mixCorrespondingNodeValuesList
Результат List

mixNodeInfoList публичное свойство

public List mixNodeInfoList
Результат List

mixNodeInfoListForSaveConfiguration публичное свойство

public List mixNodeInfoListForSaveConfiguration
Результат List

mixNodeList_For_Load публичное свойство

public List mixNodeList_For_Load
Результат List

nodeInfoContainingDevice публичное свойство

This list containts the node whose souce = Device
public List nodeInfoContainingDevice
Результат List

nodeInfoForSavingToXML публичное свойство

public List nodeInfoForSavingToXML
Результат List

nodeInfoFromXMLfile публичное свойство

public List nodeInfoFromXMLfile
Результат List

nodeInfoPulledForSaving публичное свойство

public List nodeInfoPulledForSaving
Результат List

nodeInfoPulledForSaving_For_Load публичное свойство

public List nodeInfoPulledForSaving_For_Load
Результат List

object_param1_identifier_type публичное свойство

public string object_param1_identifier_type
Результат string

object_param2_identifier_type публичное свойство

public string object_param2_identifier_type
Результат string

pressure_pulled публичное свойство

public string pressure_pulled
Результат string

previousNodeIndexForLineInput публичное свойство

public int previousNodeIndexForLineInput
Результат int

selectedBuildingList публичное свойство

public List selectedBuildingList
Результат List

series1 публичное свойство

public Series series1
Результат Series

tbLabel публичное свойство

public string tbLabel
Результат string

tbName публичное свойство

public string tbName
Результат string

tbSource публичное свойство

public string tbSource
Результат string

temp_pulled публичное свойство

public string temp_pulled
Результат string

temp_pulled_from_web публичное свойство

public double temp_pulled_from_web
Результат double

temperatureValue публичное свойство

public double temperatureValue
Результат double

temperature_sourceGlobal публичное свойство

public string temperature_sourceGlobal
Результат string

temporaryMixNodeList публичное свойство

public List temporaryMixNodeList
Результат List

wind_speed_pulled публичное свойство

public string wind_speed_pulled
Результат string

yCoord публичное свойство

public int yCoord
Результат int

y_coord_value публичное свойство

public double y_coord_value
Результат double