C# Класс Vim.VisualStudio.VsVimPackage

Наследование: Package, IOleCommandTarget
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
VsVimPackage ( ) : System

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
Initialize ( ) : void

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
ClearTSQLBindings ( ) : void

There are a set of TSQL command entries which a) have no name and b) use keystrokes Vim users would like to use. In general this isn't a problem becuase VsVim is capable of removing conflicting key bindings via the options page The problem here is the commands are unnamed. Any attempt to change a key binding on an unnamed command (via Command::put_Bindings) will fail. There is no good reason for this that I was able to track down, it's just the behavior. There is some hope this can be changed in 2015 or the next release but in the short term I need to use a different hammer for changing the key bindings. This method method removes the binding by doing the following 1. Add a key binding to a VsVim command where the key binding has the same scope as the TSQL key bindings 2. Remove the key bindings on the VsVim command As a consequence of adding the key binding in #1 Visual Studio will delete the key binding on the TSQL command. This type of deletion doesn't check for a name and hence succeeds. The subsequent removal of the key binding to the fake VsVim command effectively fully clears the key binding which is what we want

DumpKeyboard ( ) : void
GetStringArgument ( IntPtr variantIn ) : string
IOleCommandTarget ( System.Guid &commandGroup, uint commandsCount, OLECMD commands, IntPtr pCmdText ) : int
IOleCommandTarget ( System.Guid &commandGroup, uint commandId, uint commandExecOpt, IntPtr variantIn, IntPtr variantOut ) : int
IsQueryParameterList ( IntPtr variantIn, IntPtr variantOut, uint nCmdexecopt ) : bool

Used to determine if the shell is querying for the parameter list of our command.

PrintToCommandWindow ( string text ) : void
SetMode ( IntPtr variantIn, IntPtr variantOut, uint commandExecOpt ) : int
ToggleEnabled ( ) : void

Описание методов

Dispose() защищенный Метод

protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
Результат void

Initialize() защищенный Метод

protected Initialize ( ) : void
Результат void

VsVimPackage() публичный Метод

public VsVimPackage ( ) : System
Результат System