C# Класс Vertesaur.Periodic.PeriodicOperations

Provides operations that can be performed on values and ranges that have a periodic nature (wrap around).
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
PeriodicOperations ( double periodStart, double periodLength ) : System

Constructs a new periodic operator from the given start and with the given length.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
CalculateMidpoint ( double rangeStart, double rangeEnd ) : double
CodeContractInvariants ( ) : void
Contains ( double rangeStart, double rangeEnd, double testValue ) : bool
Contains ( double startA, double endA, double startB, double endB ) : bool
Distance ( double a, double b ) : double
Distance ( double rangeStart, double rangeEnd, double singleValue ) : double
Fix ( double value ) : double
FixExcludingEnd ( double value ) : double
Intersects ( double rangeStart, double rangeEnd, double testValue ) : bool
Intersects ( double startA, double endA, double startB, double endB ) : bool
Magnitude ( double rangeStart, double rangeEnd ) : double

Описание методов

PeriodicOperations() публичный Метод

Constructs a new periodic operator from the given start and with the given length.
public PeriodicOperations ( double periodStart, double periodLength ) : System
periodStart double The start value of the period.
periodLength double The length of the range.
Результат System