C# Класс VSTOContrib.Core.Extensions.CommonExtensions

Common extensions that are not Office specific, but are used by the library
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CallWithTimeout ( this action, int timeoutMilliseconds ) : void

Calls the action with a timeout.

StartProcess ( this processStartInfo, DataReceivedEventHandler outputDataRecieved ) : int

Starts the process, and reads all output from the process

ToFullStackTrace ( this ex ) : string

Gets the full stack trace, including inner exceptions.

ToFullStackTrace ( this ex, int count ) : string

Gets the full stack trace, including inner exceptions up to a specified level

ToMessageStack ( this ex ) : string

Gets all messages (including inner exceptions) from the exception

Описание методов

CallWithTimeout() публичный статический Метод

Calls the action with a timeout.
If timeout occurs
public static CallWithTimeout ( this action, int timeoutMilliseconds ) : void
action this The action.
timeoutMilliseconds int The timeout milliseconds.
Результат void

StartProcess() публичный статический Метод

Starts the process, and reads all output from the process
public static StartProcess ( this processStartInfo, DataReceivedEventHandler outputDataRecieved ) : int
processStartInfo this The process start info.
outputDataRecieved DataReceivedEventHandler The output data recieved.
Результат int

ToFullStackTrace() публичный статический Метод

Gets the full stack trace, including inner exceptions.
public static ToFullStackTrace ( this ex ) : string
ex this The ex.
Результат string

ToFullStackTrace() публичный статический Метод

Gets the full stack trace, including inner exceptions up to a specified level
public static ToFullStackTrace ( this ex, int count ) : string
ex this The ex.
count int The count.
Результат string

ToMessageStack() публичный статический Метод

Gets all messages (including inner exceptions) from the exception
public static ToMessageStack ( this ex ) : string
ex this The ex.
Результат string