C# Класс VSSonarQubeExtension.Helpers.VsPropertiesHelper

The vs properties helper.
Наследование: IVsEnvironmentHelper
Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
ActiveConfiguration ( ) : string

The active configuration.

ActiveFileFullPath ( ) : string

The get active file full path 1.

ActivePlatform ( ) : string

The active platform.

ActiveProjectFileFullPath ( ) : string

The get active project from solution full name.

ActiveProjectName ( ) : string

The get active project from solution name.

ActiveSolutionFullName ( ) : string

The get solution path.

ActiveSolutionName ( ) : string

The get solution path.

ActiveSolutionPath ( ) : string

The get solution path.

AreWeRunningInVisualStudio ( ) : bool

The are we running in visual studio.

ClearDiffFile ( string localFileName, string serverFileName ) : void

The clear diff file.

CurrentSelectedDocumentLanguage ( ) : string

The get document language.

DoIHaveAdminRights ( ) : bool

Does the i have admin rights.

Environment ( ) : DTE2

The get environment.

EvaluatedValueForIncludeFile ( string msbuildProjectFile, string filePath ) : string

Evaluated the value for include file.

GetCurrentDocumentInView ( ) : string

Gets the current document in view.

GetCurrentRoslynSolution ( ) : Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Solution

Gets the current roslyn solution.

GetCurrentTextInView ( ) : string

The get current text in view.

GetCurrentView ( ) : IWpfTextView

The get current view.

GetDocumentLanguage ( Document doc ) : string

The get document language.

GetFileRealPathForSolution ( string fileInView ) : string

The get file real path for solution.

GetGuidForProject ( string projectPath, string solutionPath ) : string

Gets the project guid from path.

GetProjectByGuidInSolution ( string guid, string solutionPath ) : VsProjectItem

Gets the project by unique identifier in solution.

GetProjectByNameInSolution ( string name, string solutionPath ) : VsProjectItem

Gets the project by name in solution.

GetProperFilePathCapitalization ( string filename ) : string

The get proper file path capitalization.

NavigateToResource ( string url ) : void

The navigate to resource.

OpenResourceInVisualStudio ( string filename, int line, string editorCommandExec = "notepad" ) : void

The open resource in visual studio.

OpenResourceInVisualStudio ( string workfolder, string filename, int line, string editorCommandExec = "notepad" ) : void

The open resource in visual studio.

ReadSavedOption ( string category, string page, string item ) : string

The get saved option.

RestartVisualStudio ( ) : void

The restart visual studio.

SetCurrentDocumentInView ( string fullName ) : void

Sets the current document in view.

ShowSourceDiff ( string resourceInEditor, string documentInViewPath ) : void

The show source diff.

SolutionPath ( DTE2 applicationObject ) : string

The solution path.

VsFileItem ( string filename, Resource associatedProject, Resource fileResource ) : VSSonarPlugins.Types.VsFileItem

The vs file item.

VsFileItem ( string fullPath, string projectFullPath, Resource associatedProject, Resource fileResource ) : VSSonarPlugins.Types.VsFileItem

The vs file item.

VsProjectItem ( string filename, Resource associatedProject ) : VsProjectItem

The vs project item.

VsPropertiesHelper ( DTE2 environment, IServiceProvider service ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the VsPropertiesHelper class.

WriteDefaultOption ( string category, string page, string item, string value ) : void

The set default option.

WriteOption ( string category, string page, string item, string value ) : void

The set option.

WriteToVisualStudioOutput ( string errorMessage ) : void

The write to visual studio output.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
CreateVsProjectItem ( ProjectTypes project ) : VsProjectItem

Creates the vs project item.

GetLongPathName ( string shortPath, StringBuilder sb, int buffer ) : uint
GetProperDirectoryCapitalization ( DirectoryInfo dirInfo ) : string

The get proper directory capitalization.

RecursePath ( string fileName, string path, List paths ) : void

The recurse path.

Описание методов

ActiveConfiguration() публичный Метод

The active configuration.
public ActiveConfiguration ( ) : string
Результат string

ActiveFileFullPath() публичный Метод

The get active file full path 1.
public ActiveFileFullPath ( ) : string
Результат string

ActivePlatform() публичный Метод

The active platform.
public ActivePlatform ( ) : string
Результат string

ActiveProjectFileFullPath() публичный Метод

The get active project from solution full name.
public ActiveProjectFileFullPath ( ) : string
Результат string

ActiveProjectName() публичный Метод

The get active project from solution name.
public ActiveProjectName ( ) : string
Результат string

ActiveSolutionFullName() публичный Метод

The get solution path.
public ActiveSolutionFullName ( ) : string
Результат string

ActiveSolutionName() публичный Метод

The get solution path.
public ActiveSolutionName ( ) : string
Результат string

ActiveSolutionPath() публичный Метод

The get solution path.
public ActiveSolutionPath ( ) : string
Результат string

AreWeRunningInVisualStudio() публичный Метод

The are we running in visual studio.
public AreWeRunningInVisualStudio ( ) : bool
Результат bool

ClearDiffFile() публичный Метод

The clear diff file.
public ClearDiffFile ( string localFileName, string serverFileName ) : void
localFileName string The local file name.
serverFileName string The server file name.
Результат void

CurrentSelectedDocumentLanguage() публичный Метод

The get document language.
public CurrentSelectedDocumentLanguage ( ) : string
Результат string

DoIHaveAdminRights() публичный Метод

Does the i have admin rights.
public DoIHaveAdminRights ( ) : bool
Результат bool

Environment() публичный Метод

The get environment.
public Environment ( ) : DTE2
Результат DTE2

EvaluatedValueForIncludeFile() публичный Метод

Evaluated the value for include file.
public EvaluatedValueForIncludeFile ( string msbuildProjectFile, string filePath ) : string
msbuildProjectFile string The msbuild project file.
filePath string The file path.
Результат string

GetCurrentDocumentInView() публичный Метод

Gets the current document in view.
public GetCurrentDocumentInView ( ) : string
Результат string

GetCurrentRoslynSolution() публичный Метод

Gets the current roslyn solution.
public GetCurrentRoslynSolution ( ) : Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Solution
Результат Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Solution

GetCurrentTextInView() публичный Метод

The get current text in view.
public GetCurrentTextInView ( ) : string
Результат string

GetCurrentView() публичный Метод

The get current view.
public GetCurrentView ( ) : IWpfTextView
Результат IWpfTextView

GetDocumentLanguage() публичный статический Метод

The get document language.
public static GetDocumentLanguage ( Document doc ) : string
doc Document /// The doc. ///
Результат string

GetFileRealPathForSolution() публичный Метод

The get file real path for solution.
public GetFileRealPathForSolution ( string fileInView ) : string
fileInView string /// The file in view. ///
Результат string

GetGuidForProject() публичный Метод

Gets the project guid from path.
public GetGuidForProject ( string projectPath, string solutionPath ) : string
projectPath string The project path.
solutionPath string The solution path.
Результат string

GetProjectByGuidInSolution() публичный Метод

Gets the project by unique identifier in solution.
public GetProjectByGuidInSolution ( string guid, string solutionPath ) : VsProjectItem
guid string The unique identifier.
solutionPath string The solution path.
Результат VsProjectItem

GetProjectByNameInSolution() публичный Метод

Gets the project by name in solution.
public GetProjectByNameInSolution ( string name, string solutionPath ) : VsProjectItem
name string The name.
solutionPath string The solution path.
Результат VsProjectItem

GetProperFilePathCapitalization() публичный Метод

The get proper file path capitalization.
public GetProperFilePathCapitalization ( string filename ) : string
filename string /// The filename. ///
Результат string

NavigateToResource() публичный Метод

The navigate to resource.
public NavigateToResource ( string url ) : void
url string /// The url. ///
Результат void

OpenResourceInVisualStudio() публичный Метод

The open resource in visual studio.
public OpenResourceInVisualStudio ( string filename, int line, string editorCommandExec = "notepad" ) : void
filename string The filename.
line int The line.
editorCommandExec string The editor command exec.
Результат void

OpenResourceInVisualStudio() публичный Метод

The open resource in visual studio.
public OpenResourceInVisualStudio ( string workfolder, string filename, int line, string editorCommandExec = "notepad" ) : void
workfolder string /// The workfolder. ///
filename string /// The filename. ///
line int /// The line. ///
editorCommandExec string /// The editor Command Exec. ///
Результат void

ReadSavedOption() публичный Метод

The get saved option.
public ReadSavedOption ( string category, string page, string item ) : string
category string /// The category. ///
page string /// The page. ///
item string /// The item. ///
Результат string

RestartVisualStudio() публичный Метод

The restart visual studio.
public RestartVisualStudio ( ) : void
Результат void

SetCurrentDocumentInView() публичный Метод

Sets the current document in view.
public SetCurrentDocumentInView ( string fullName ) : void
fullName string The full name.
Результат void

ShowSourceDiff() публичный Метод

The show source diff.
public ShowSourceDiff ( string resourceInEditor, string documentInViewPath ) : void
resourceInEditor string /// The resource in editor. ///
documentInViewPath string /// The document in view path. ///
Результат void

SolutionPath() публичный статический Метод

The solution path.
public static SolutionPath ( DTE2 applicationObject ) : string
applicationObject DTE2 /// The application object. ///
Результат string

VsFileItem() публичный Метод

The vs file item.
public VsFileItem ( string filename, Resource associatedProject, Resource fileResource ) : VSSonarPlugins.Types.VsFileItem
filename string The filename.
associatedProject VSSonarPlugins.Types.Resource The associated project.
fileResource VSSonarPlugins.Types.Resource The file resource.
Результат VSSonarPlugins.Types.VsFileItem

VsFileItem() публичный Метод

The vs file item.
public VsFileItem ( string fullPath, string projectFullPath, Resource associatedProject, Resource fileResource ) : VSSonarPlugins.Types.VsFileItem
fullPath string The full Path.
projectFullPath string The project Full Path.
associatedProject VSSonarPlugins.Types.Resource The associated project.
fileResource VSSonarPlugins.Types.Resource The file resource.
Результат VSSonarPlugins.Types.VsFileItem

VsProjectItem() публичный Метод

The vs project item.
public VsProjectItem ( string filename, Resource associatedProject ) : VsProjectItem
filename string The filename.
associatedProject VSSonarPlugins.Types.Resource The associated project.
Результат VsProjectItem

VsPropertiesHelper() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the VsPropertiesHelper class.
public VsPropertiesHelper ( DTE2 environment, IServiceProvider service ) : System
environment DTE2 /// The environment 2. ///
service IServiceProvider /// The service. ///
Результат System

WriteDefaultOption() публичный Метод

The set default option.
public WriteDefaultOption ( string category, string page, string item, string value ) : void
category string /// The category. ///
page string /// The page. ///
item string /// The item. ///
value string /// The value. ///
Результат void

WriteOption() публичный Метод

The set option.
public WriteOption ( string category, string page, string item, string value ) : void
category string /// The category. ///
page string /// The page. ///
item string /// The item. ///
value string /// The value. ///
Результат void

WriteToVisualStudioOutput() публичный Метод

The write to visual studio output.
public WriteToVisualStudioOutput ( string errorMessage ) : void
errorMessage string /// The error message. ///
Результат void