C# Класс VSSonarExtensionUi.ViewModel.Analysis.LocalViewModel

Наследование: IAnalysisModelBase, IViewModelBase, IModelBase
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Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
CreateRowContextMenu ObservableCollection
FilterIssuesWithFalsePositives List
GetUpdateTimeFromAssembly System.DateTime
InitCommanding void
OnCloseLeftFlyoutCommand void
OnGoToNextIssueCommand void
OnGoToPrevIssueCommand void
OnOpenLogCommand void
OnOpenSourceDirCommand void
OnStopLocalAnalysisCommand void
PopulateFalsePositivesAndResolvedItems void
ReloadSavedOptions void
RunLocalAnalysis void
ShowHideLeftFlyout void
UpdateLocalIssues void
UpdateNewLocalIssues void
UpdateOutputMessagesFromPlugin void
ValidateAdminRights void
WasAssemblyUpdated bool

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AssociateWithNewProject ( Resource project, string workingDir, ISourceControlProvider provider, Profile>.Dictionary profile, string visualStudioVersion ) : void

The init data association.

ClearIssues ( ) : void

Clears the issues.

GetAvailableModel ( ) : object

Gets the available model, TODO: needs to be removed after view models are split into models and view models

GetIssuesForResource ( Resource file, string fileContent, bool &shownfalseandresolved ) : List

The get issues for resource.

GetViewModel ( ) : object

Gets the view model.

LocalViewModel ( IList pluginsIn, ISonarRestService service, IConfigurationHelper configurationHelper, INotificationManager notificationManager, ISQKeyTranslator translator, ISonarLocalAnalyser analyser, Dictionary newIssuesList ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the LocalViewModel class.

OnAnalysisCommand ( ) : void

The on analysis command.

OnAnalysisModeHasChange ( EventArgs e ) : void

The on changed.

OnConnectToSonar ( ISonarConfiguration configuration, IEnumerable availableProjects, IIssueTrackerPlugin issuePlugin ) : void

Called when [connect to sonar].

OnDisconnect ( ) : void

Called when [disconnect].

OnFileAnalysisIsEnabledChanged ( ) : void

The on file analysis is enabled changed.

OnIncrementalCommand ( ) : void

The on incremental command.

OnPreviewCommand ( ) : void

The on preview command.

OnSelectedViewChanged ( ) : void

The on selected view changed.

OnShowFalsePositivesAndResolvedIssuesChanged ( ) : void

Called when [show false positives and resolved issues changed].

OnShowFlyoutsChanged ( ) : void

Called when [show flyouts changed].

OnShowIssuesOnModifiedSectionsOfFileOnlyChanged ( ) : void

Called when [show issues on modified sections of file only changed].

OnSolutionClosed ( ) : void

The end data association.

RefreshDataForResource ( Resource resourceFile, string resourceName, string content, bool fromSave ) : void

The refresh data for resource.

ResetStats ( ) : void

Reset Stats.

RunAnalysis ( AnalysisTypes mode, bool fromSave ) : void

Runs the analysis.

ShowNewAddedIssuesAndLock ( ) : void

Shows the new added issues and lock.

TriggerAProjectAnalysis ( VsProjectItem project ) : void

The trigger a project analysis.

UpdateColours ( Color background, Color foreground ) : void

The update colours.

UpdateServices ( IVsEnvironmentHelper vsenvironmenthelperIn, IVSSStatusBar statusBarIn, IServiceProvider provider ) : void

The update services.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
CreateRowContextMenu ( ISonarRestService service, ISQKeyTranslator translator, ISonarLocalAnalyser analyser ) : ObservableCollection

The create row context menu.

FilterIssuesWithFalsePositives ( List issues ) : List

Filters the issues with false positives.

GetUpdateTimeFromAssembly ( string outputPath ) : System.DateTime

Gets the update time from assembly.

InitCommanding ( ) : void

The init commanding.

OnCloseLeftFlyoutCommand ( ) : void

The on flyout log viewer command.

OnGoToNextIssueCommand ( ) : void

Called when [go to next issue command].

OnGoToPrevIssueCommand ( ) : void

Called when [go to previous issue command].

OnOpenLogCommand ( ) : void

Called when [open log command].

OnOpenSourceDirCommand ( ) : void

The on open source dir command.

OnStopLocalAnalysisCommand ( ) : void

The on stop local analysis command.

PopulateFalsePositivesAndResolvedItems ( ) : void

Populates the false positives and resolved items.

ReloadSavedOptions ( IConfigurationHelper configurationHelperIn ) : void

Reloads the saved options.

RunLocalAnalysis ( AnalysisTypes analysis, bool fromSave ) : void

The run local analysis new.

ShowHideLeftFlyout ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Shows the hide left flyout.

UpdateLocalIssues ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

The update local issues in view.

UpdateNewLocalIssues ( ) : void

The update local issues in view.

UpdateOutputMessagesFromPlugin ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

The update output messages from plugin.

ValidateAdminRights ( ) : void

Validates the admin rights.

WasAssemblyUpdated ( VsProjectItem project ) : bool

Wases the assembly updated.

Описание методов

AssociateWithNewProject() публичный Метод

The init data association.
public AssociateWithNewProject ( Resource project, string workingDir, ISourceControlProvider provider, Profile>.Dictionary profile, string visualStudioVersion ) : void
project Resource The project.
workingDir string The working dir.
provider ISourceControlProvider The provider.
profile Profile>.Dictionary The profile.
visualStudioVersion string
Результат void

ClearIssues() публичный Метод

Clears the issues.
public ClearIssues ( ) : void
Результат void

GetAvailableModel() публичный Метод

Gets the available model, TODO: needs to be removed after view models are split into models and view models
public GetAvailableModel ( ) : object
Результат object

GetIssuesForResource() публичный Метод

The get issues for resource.
public GetIssuesForResource ( Resource file, string fileContent, bool &shownfalseandresolved ) : List
file Resource The file.
fileContent string The file content.
shownfalseandresolved bool The shown false and resolved.
Результат List

GetViewModel() публичный Метод

Gets the view model.
public GetViewModel ( ) : object
Результат object

LocalViewModel() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the LocalViewModel class.
public LocalViewModel ( IList pluginsIn, ISonarRestService service, IConfigurationHelper configurationHelper, INotificationManager notificationManager, ISQKeyTranslator translator, ISonarLocalAnalyser analyser, Dictionary newIssuesList ) : System
pluginsIn IList The plugin data.
service ISonarRestService The service.
configurationHelper IConfigurationHelper The configuration helper.
notificationManager INotificationManager The notification manager.
translator ISQKeyTranslator The translator.
analyser ISonarLocalAnalyser The analyzer.
newIssuesList Dictionary The new issues list.
Результат System

OnAnalysisCommand() публичный Метод

The on analysis command.
public OnAnalysisCommand ( ) : void
Результат void

OnAnalysisModeHasChange() публичный Метод

The on changed.
public OnAnalysisModeHasChange ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs /// The e. ///
Результат void

OnConnectToSonar() публичный Метод

Called when [connect to sonar].
public OnConnectToSonar ( ISonarConfiguration configuration, IEnumerable availableProjects, IIssueTrackerPlugin issuePlugin ) : void
configuration ISonarConfiguration sonar configuration
availableProjects IEnumerable The available projects.
issuePlugin IIssueTrackerPlugin The issue plugin.
Результат void

OnDisconnect() публичный Метод

Called when [disconnect].
public OnDisconnect ( ) : void
Результат void

OnFileAnalysisIsEnabledChanged() публичный Метод

The on file analysis is enabled changed.
public OnFileAnalysisIsEnabledChanged ( ) : void
Результат void

OnIncrementalCommand() публичный Метод

The on incremental command.
public OnIncrementalCommand ( ) : void
Результат void

OnPreviewCommand() публичный Метод

The on preview command.
public OnPreviewCommand ( ) : void
Результат void

OnSelectedViewChanged() публичный Метод

The on selected view changed.
public OnSelectedViewChanged ( ) : void
Результат void

OnShowFalsePositivesAndResolvedIssuesChanged() публичный Метод

Called when [show false positives and resolved issues changed].
public OnShowFalsePositivesAndResolvedIssuesChanged ( ) : void
Результат void

OnShowFlyoutsChanged() публичный Метод

Called when [show flyouts changed].
public OnShowFlyoutsChanged ( ) : void
Результат void

OnShowIssuesOnModifiedSectionsOfFileOnlyChanged() публичный Метод

Called when [show issues on modified sections of file only changed].
public OnShowIssuesOnModifiedSectionsOfFileOnlyChanged ( ) : void
Результат void

OnSolutionClosed() публичный Метод

The end data association.
public OnSolutionClosed ( ) : void
Результат void

RefreshDataForResource() публичный Метод

The refresh data for resource.
public RefreshDataForResource ( Resource resourceFile, string resourceName, string content, bool fromSave ) : void
resourceFile Resource The resource file.
resourceName string Name of the resource.
content string The content.
fromSave bool if set to true [from save].
Результат void

ResetStats() публичный Метод

Reset Stats.
public ResetStats ( ) : void
Результат void

RunAnalysis() публичный Метод

Runs the analysis.
public RunAnalysis ( AnalysisTypes mode, bool fromSave ) : void
mode AnalysisTypes The mode.
fromSave bool if set to true [from save].
Результат void

ShowNewAddedIssuesAndLock() публичный Метод

Shows the new added issues and lock.
public ShowNewAddedIssuesAndLock ( ) : void
Результат void

TriggerAProjectAnalysis() публичный Метод

The trigger a project analysis.
public TriggerAProjectAnalysis ( VsProjectItem project ) : void
project VsProjectItem The project.
Результат void

UpdateColours() публичный Метод

The update colours.
public UpdateColours ( Color background, Color foreground ) : void
background Color /// The background. ///
foreground Color /// The foreground. ///
Результат void

UpdateServices() публичный Метод

The update services.
public UpdateServices ( IVsEnvironmentHelper vsenvironmenthelperIn, IVSSStatusBar statusBarIn, IServiceProvider provider ) : void
vsenvironmenthelperIn IVsEnvironmentHelper The vsenvironmenthelper in.
statusBarIn IVSSStatusBar The status bar in.
provider IServiceProvider The provider.
Результат void