C# Класс Universe.Modules.Terrain.TerrainModule

Наследование: INonSharedRegionModule, ITerrainModule
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
m_noTerrain bool
m_terrainPatchesSent Dictionary
m_use3DWater bool

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddConsoleCommands ( ) : void

Adds the console commands.

AddRegion ( IScene scene ) : void
CalcLandArea ( IScene scene ) : uint

Calculates the land area.

CheckForTerrainUpdates ( ) : void

Checks to see if the terrain has been modified since last check but won't attempt to limit those changes to the limits specified in the estate settings currently invoked by the command line operations in the region server only

CheckForTerrainUpdates ( bool respectEstateSettings, bool forceSendOfTerrainInfo, bool isWater ) : void

Checks to see if the terrain has been modified since last check. If it has been modified, every all the terrain patches are sent to the client. If the call is asked to respect the estate settings for terrain_raise_limit and terrain_lower_limit, it will clamp terrain updates between these values currently invoked by client_OnModifyTerrain only and not the Commander interfaces should height map deltas be limited to the estate settings limits force send terrain Check water or terrain

Close ( ) : void
EventManager_OnNewClient ( IClientAPI client ) : void

Installs terrain brush hook to IClientAPI

EventManager_OnSignificantClientMovement ( IScenePresence presence ) : void
Initialize ( IConfigSource config ) : void

Creates and initializes a terrain module for a region

InstallDefaultEffects ( ) : void

Installs into terrain module the standard suite of brushes

InterfaceBakeTerrain ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
InterfaceCalcArea ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
InterfaceElevateTerrain ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
InterfaceEnableExperimentalBrushes ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
InterfaceFillTerrain ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
InterfaceFlipTerrain ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
InterfaceGenerateTerrain ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void

User interface for user generation of terrain in the selected region.

InterfaceHelp ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void

Command line interface help.

InterfaceLoadFile ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
InterfaceLoadTileFile ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
InterfaceLowerTerrain ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
InterfaceMultiplyTerrain ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
InterfaceRescaleTerrain ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
InterfaceRevertTerrain ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
InterfaceSaveFile ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
InterfaceSavePhysics ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
InterfaceShowDebugStats ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
InternalLoadFromStream ( string filename, Stream stream, int offsetX, int offsetY, ITerrainChannel update ) : ITerrainChannel

Loads a terrain file from a stream and installs it in the scene.

LoadFromFile ( string filename, int offsetX, int offsetY ) : void

Loads a terrain file from disk and installs it in the scene.

LoadFromStream ( string filename, Stream stream ) : void

Loads a terrain file from a stream and installs it in the scene.

LoadFromStream ( string filename, Stream stream, int offsetX, int offsetY ) : void

Loads a terrain file from a stream and installs it in the scene.

LoadFromStream ( string filename, Uri pathToTerrainHeightmap ) : void

Loads a terrain file from the specified URI

LoadPlugins ( ) : void
LoadRevertMap ( ) : void

Loads the World Revert heightmap

LoadRevertMapFromStream ( string filename, Stream stream, int offsetX, int offsetY ) : void

Loads a terrain file from a stream and installs it in the scene.

LoadRevertWaterMap ( ) : void

Loads the World Revert heightmap

LoadTileFromFile ( string filename, int fileTileWidth, int fileTileHeight, int tileLocX, int tileLocY ) : void

Loads a 256x256 tile from a larger terrain file and installs it into the region.

LoadWaterFromStream ( string filename, Stream stream, int offsetX, int offsetY ) : void

Loads a terrain file from a stream and installs it in the scene.

LoadWaterRevertMapFromStream ( string filename, Stream stream, int offsetX, int offsetY ) : void

Loads a terrain file from a stream and installs it in the scene.

LoadWorldHeightmap ( ) : void

Loads the World heightmap

LoadWorldWaterMap ( ) : void

Loads the World heightmap

ModifyTerrain ( UUID user, System.Vector3 pos, byte size, byte action, UUID agentId ) : void

Modify Land

OnClosingClient ( IClientAPI client ) : void
OnNewPresence ( IScenePresence presence ) : void
QueueTerrainUpdate ( ) : void
RegionLoaded ( IScene scene ) : void
RemoveRegion ( IScene scene ) : void
ResetTerrain ( ) : void

Reset the terrain of this region to the default

ResetWater ( ) : void

Reset the terrain of this region to the default

SaveToFile ( string filename ) : void

Saves the current heightmap to a specified file.

SaveToStream ( ITerrainChannel channel, string filename, Stream stream ) : void

Saves the current heightmap to a specified stream.

SendLayerData ( IClientAPI RemoteClient ) : void

Send the region heightmap to the client

StoreUndoState ( ) : void
TaintTerrain ( ) : void
TerrainUpdateTimer ( object sender, EventArgs ea ) : void
UndoTerrain ( ITerrainChannel channel ) : void
UpdateRevertMap ( ) : void

Saves the current state of the region into the revert map buffer.

UpdateRevertWaterMap ( ) : void

Saves the current state of the region into the revert map buffer.

UpdateWaterHeight ( double height ) : void
client_OnBakeTerrain ( IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void
client_OnLandUndo ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client_OnModifyTerrain ( UUID user, float height, float seconds, byte size, byte action, float north, float west, float south, float east, UUID agentId, float BrushSize ) : void
client_onGodlikeMessage ( IClientAPI client, UUID requester, string Method, List Parameters ) : void

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
SendTerrainUpdatesForClient ( IScenePresence presence ) : void

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
FindModuleForScene ( IScene scene ) : List
GetTerrainLoader ( string fileName ) : ITerrainLoader

Gets the terrain loader.

LimitChannelChanges ( ITerrainChannel channel, ITerrainChannel revert ) : bool

Checks to see height deltas in the tainted terrain patch at xStart ,yStart are all within the current estate limits true if changes were limited, false otherwise

LimitMaxTerrain ( ITerrainChannel channel ) : bool
URIFetch ( Uri uri ) : Stream
UniverseEventManager_OnGenericEvent ( string FunctionName, object parameters ) : object

Описание методов

AddConsoleCommands() публичный Метод

Adds the console commands.
public AddConsoleCommands ( ) : void
Результат void

AddRegion() публичный Метод

public AddRegion ( IScene scene ) : void
scene IScene
Результат void

CalcLandArea() публичный Метод

Calculates the land area.
public CalcLandArea ( IScene scene ) : uint
scene IScene Scene.
Результат uint

CheckForTerrainUpdates() публичный Метод

Checks to see if the terrain has been modified since last check but won't attempt to limit those changes to the limits specified in the estate settings currently invoked by the command line operations in the region server only
public CheckForTerrainUpdates ( ) : void
Результат void

CheckForTerrainUpdates() публичный Метод

Checks to see if the terrain has been modified since last check. If it has been modified, every all the terrain patches are sent to the client. If the call is asked to respect the estate settings for terrain_raise_limit and terrain_lower_limit, it will clamp terrain updates between these values currently invoked by client_OnModifyTerrain only and not the Commander interfaces should height map deltas be limited to the estate settings limits force send terrain Check water or terrain
public CheckForTerrainUpdates ( bool respectEstateSettings, bool forceSendOfTerrainInfo, bool isWater ) : void
respectEstateSettings bool
forceSendOfTerrainInfo bool
isWater bool
Результат void

Close() публичный Метод

public Close ( ) : void
Результат void

EventManager_OnNewClient() публичный Метод

Installs terrain brush hook to IClientAPI
public EventManager_OnNewClient ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
Результат void

EventManager_OnSignificantClientMovement() публичный Метод

public EventManager_OnSignificantClientMovement ( IScenePresence presence ) : void
presence IScenePresence
Результат void

Initialize() публичный Метод

Creates and initializes a terrain module for a region
public Initialize ( IConfigSource config ) : void
config IConfigSource Config for the region
Результат void

InstallDefaultEffects() публичный Метод

Installs into terrain module the standard suite of brushes
public InstallDefaultEffects ( ) : void
Результат void

InterfaceBakeTerrain() публичный Метод

public InterfaceBakeTerrain ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
scene IScene
cmd string
Результат void

InterfaceCalcArea() публичный Метод

public InterfaceCalcArea ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
scene IScene
cmd string
Результат void

InterfaceElevateTerrain() публичный Метод

public InterfaceElevateTerrain ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
scene IScene
cmd string
Результат void

InterfaceEnableExperimentalBrushes() публичный Метод

public InterfaceEnableExperimentalBrushes ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
scene IScene
cmd string
Результат void

InterfaceFillTerrain() публичный Метод

public InterfaceFillTerrain ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
scene IScene
cmd string
Результат void

InterfaceFlipTerrain() публичный Метод

public InterfaceFlipTerrain ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
scene IScene
cmd string
Результат void

InterfaceGenerateTerrain() публичный Метод

User interface for user generation of terrain in the selected region.
public InterfaceGenerateTerrain ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
scene IScene Scene.
cmd string Cmd.
Результат void

InterfaceHelp() публичный Метод

Command line interface help.
public InterfaceHelp ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
scene IScene Scene.
cmd string Cmd.
Результат void

InterfaceLoadFile() публичный Метод

public InterfaceLoadFile ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
scene IScene
cmd string
Результат void

InterfaceLoadTileFile() публичный Метод

public InterfaceLoadTileFile ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
scene IScene
cmd string
Результат void

InterfaceLowerTerrain() публичный Метод

public InterfaceLowerTerrain ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
scene IScene
cmd string
Результат void

InterfaceMultiplyTerrain() публичный Метод

public InterfaceMultiplyTerrain ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
scene IScene
cmd string
Результат void

InterfaceRescaleTerrain() публичный Метод

public InterfaceRescaleTerrain ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
scene IScene
cmd string
Результат void

InterfaceRevertTerrain() публичный Метод

public InterfaceRevertTerrain ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
scene IScene
cmd string
Результат void

InterfaceSaveFile() публичный Метод

public InterfaceSaveFile ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
scene IScene
cmd string
Результат void

InterfaceSavePhysics() публичный Метод

public InterfaceSavePhysics ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
scene IScene
cmd string
Результат void

InterfaceShowDebugStats() публичный Метод

public InterfaceShowDebugStats ( IScene scene, string cmd ) : void
scene IScene
cmd string
Результат void

InternalLoadFromStream() публичный Метод

Loads a terrain file from a stream and installs it in the scene.
public InternalLoadFromStream ( string filename, Stream stream, int offsetX, int offsetY, ITerrainChannel update ) : ITerrainChannel
filename string Filename to terrain file. Type is determined by extension.
stream Stream
offsetX int
offsetY int
update ITerrainChannel
Результат ITerrainChannel

LoadFromFile() публичный Метод

Loads a terrain file from disk and installs it in the scene.
public LoadFromFile ( string filename, int offsetX, int offsetY ) : void
filename string Filename to terrain file. Type is determined by extension.
offsetX int
offsetY int
Результат void

LoadFromStream() публичный Метод

Loads a terrain file from a stream and installs it in the scene.
public LoadFromStream ( string filename, Stream stream ) : void
filename string Filename to terrain file. Type is determined by extension.
stream Stream
Результат void

LoadFromStream() публичный Метод

Loads a terrain file from a stream and installs it in the scene.
public LoadFromStream ( string filename, Stream stream, int offsetX, int offsetY ) : void
filename string Filename to terrain file. Type is determined by extension.
stream Stream
offsetX int
offsetY int
Результат void

LoadFromStream() публичный Метод

Loads a terrain file from the specified URI
public LoadFromStream ( string filename, Uri pathToTerrainHeightmap ) : void
filename string The name of the terrain to load
pathToTerrainHeightmap System.Uri The URI to the terrain height map
Результат void

LoadPlugins() публичный Метод

public LoadPlugins ( ) : void
Результат void

LoadRevertMap() публичный Метод

Loads the World Revert heightmap
public LoadRevertMap ( ) : void
Результат void

LoadRevertMapFromStream() публичный Метод

Loads a terrain file from a stream and installs it in the scene.
public LoadRevertMapFromStream ( string filename, Stream stream, int offsetX, int offsetY ) : void
filename string Filename to terrain file. Type is determined by extension.
stream Stream
offsetX int
offsetY int
Результат void

LoadRevertWaterMap() публичный Метод

Loads the World Revert heightmap
public LoadRevertWaterMap ( ) : void
Результат void

LoadTileFromFile() публичный Метод

Loads a 256x256 tile from a larger terrain file and installs it into the region.
public LoadTileFromFile ( string filename, int fileTileWidth, int fileTileHeight, int tileLocX, int tileLocY ) : void
filename string The terrain file to load
fileTileWidth int The width of the file
fileTileHeight int The height of the file
tileLocX int Where to begin our slice
tileLocY int Where to begin our slice
Результат void

LoadWaterFromStream() публичный Метод

Loads a terrain file from a stream and installs it in the scene.
public LoadWaterFromStream ( string filename, Stream stream, int offsetX, int offsetY ) : void
filename string Filename to terrain file. Type is determined by extension.
stream Stream
offsetX int
offsetY int
Результат void

LoadWaterRevertMapFromStream() публичный Метод

Loads a terrain file from a stream and installs it in the scene.
public LoadWaterRevertMapFromStream ( string filename, Stream stream, int offsetX, int offsetY ) : void
filename string Filename to terrain file. Type is determined by extension.
stream Stream
offsetX int
offsetY int
Результат void

LoadWorldHeightmap() публичный Метод

Loads the World heightmap
public LoadWorldHeightmap ( ) : void
Результат void

LoadWorldWaterMap() публичный Метод

Loads the World heightmap
public LoadWorldWaterMap ( ) : void
Результат void

ModifyTerrain() публичный Метод

Modify Land
public ModifyTerrain ( UUID user, System.Vector3 pos, byte size, byte action, UUID agentId ) : void
user UUID
pos System.Vector3 Land-position (X,Y,0)
size byte The size of the brush (0=small, 1=medium, 2=large)
agentId UUID UUID of script-owner
Результат void

OnClosingClient() публичный Метод

public OnClosingClient ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
Результат void

OnNewPresence() публичный Метод

public OnNewPresence ( IScenePresence presence ) : void
presence IScenePresence
Результат void

QueueTerrainUpdate() публичный Метод

public QueueTerrainUpdate ( ) : void
Результат void

RegionLoaded() публичный Метод

public RegionLoaded ( IScene scene ) : void
scene IScene
Результат void

RemoveRegion() публичный Метод

public RemoveRegion ( IScene scene ) : void
scene IScene
Результат void

ResetTerrain() публичный Метод

Reset the terrain of this region to the default
public ResetTerrain ( ) : void
Результат void

ResetWater() публичный Метод

Reset the terrain of this region to the default
public ResetWater ( ) : void
Результат void

SaveToFile() публичный Метод

Saves the current heightmap to a specified file.
public SaveToFile ( string filename ) : void
filename string The destination filename
Результат void

SaveToStream() публичный Метод

Saves the current heightmap to a specified stream.
public SaveToStream ( ITerrainChannel channel, string filename, Stream stream ) : void
channel ITerrainChannel
filename string The destination filename. Used here only to identify the image type
stream Stream
Результат void

SendLayerData() публичный Метод

Send the region heightmap to the client
public SendLayerData ( IClientAPI RemoteClient ) : void
RemoteClient IClientAPI Client to send to
Результат void

SendTerrainUpdatesForClient() защищенный Метод

protected SendTerrainUpdatesForClient ( IScenePresence presence ) : void
presence IScenePresence
Результат void

StoreUndoState() публичный Метод

public StoreUndoState ( ) : void
Результат void

TaintTerrain() публичный Метод

public TaintTerrain ( ) : void
Результат void

TerrainUpdateTimer() публичный Метод

public TerrainUpdateTimer ( object sender, EventArgs ea ) : void
sender object
ea System.EventArgs
Результат void

UndoTerrain() публичный Метод

public UndoTerrain ( ITerrainChannel channel ) : void
channel ITerrainChannel
Результат void

UpdateRevertMap() публичный Метод

Saves the current state of the region into the revert map buffer.
public UpdateRevertMap ( ) : void
Результат void

UpdateRevertWaterMap() публичный Метод

Saves the current state of the region into the revert map buffer.
public UpdateRevertWaterMap ( ) : void
Результат void

UpdateWaterHeight() публичный Метод

public UpdateWaterHeight ( double height ) : void
height double
Результат void

client_OnBakeTerrain() публичный Метод

public client_OnBakeTerrain ( IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
Результат void

client_OnLandUndo() публичный Метод

public client_OnLandUndo ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
Результат void

client_OnModifyTerrain() публичный Метод

public client_OnModifyTerrain ( UUID user, float height, float seconds, byte size, byte action, float north, float west, float south, float east, UUID agentId, float BrushSize ) : void
user UUID
height float
seconds float
size byte
action byte
north float
west float
south float
east float
agentId UUID
BrushSize float
Результат void

client_onGodlikeMessage() публичный Метод

public client_onGodlikeMessage ( IClientAPI client, UUID requester, string Method, List Parameters ) : void
client IClientAPI
requester UUID
Method string
Parameters List
Результат void

Описание свойств

m_noTerrain защищенное свойство

protected bool m_noTerrain
Результат bool

m_terrainPatchesSent защищенное свойство

protected Dictionary m_terrainPatchesSent
Результат Dictionary

m_use3DWater защищенное свойство

protected bool m_use3DWater
Результат bool