C# Класс Universe.Modules.Scripting.WorldCommModule

Наследование: INonSharedRegionModule, IWorldComm
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
CenterOfRegion System.Vector3

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddBlockedChannel ( int channel ) : void
AddRegion ( IScene scene ) : void
Close ( ) : void
CreateFromData ( UUID itemID, UUID hostID, OSD data ) : void
DeleteListener ( UUID itemID ) : void

Removes all listen event callbacks for the given itemID (script engine)

DeliverMessage ( ChatTypeEnum type, int channel, string name, UUID id, UUID toID, string msg ) : void
DeliverMessage ( ChatTypeEnum type, int channel, string name, UUID id, string msg ) : void
DeliverMessage ( ChatTypeEnum type, int channel, string name, UUID fromID, string msg, System.Vector3 position, float range, UUID toID ) : void

This method scans over the objects which registered an interest in listen callbacks. For everyone it finds, it checks if it fits the given filter. If it does, then enqueue the message for delivery to the objects listen event handler. The enqueued ListenerInfo no longer has filter values, but the actually trigged values. Objects that do an llSay have their messages delivered here and for nearby avatars, the OnChatFromClient event is used.

DeliverMessage ( ChatTypeEnum type, int channel, string name, UUID id, string msg, float range ) : void
GetNextMessage ( ) : IWorldCommListenerInfo

Pop the first available listen event from the queue

GetSerializationData ( UUID itemID, UUID primID ) : OSD
HasListeners ( ) : bool
HasMessages ( ) : bool

Are there any listen events ready to be dispatched?

Initialize ( IConfigSource config ) : void
Listen ( UUID itemID, UUID hostID, int channel, string name, UUID id, string msg, int regexBitfield ) : int

Create a listen event callback with the specified filters. The parameters localID,itemID are needed to uniquely identify the script during 'peek' time. Parameter hostID is needed to determine the position of the script.

ListenControl ( UUID itemID, int handle, int active ) : void

Sets the listen event with handle as active (active = TRUE) or inactive (active = FALSE). The handle used is returned from Listen()

ListenRemove ( UUID itemID, int handle ) : void

Removes the listen event callback with handle

RegionLoaded ( IScene scene ) : void
RemoveBlockedChannel ( int channel ) : void
RemoveRegion ( IScene scene ) : void

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
QueueMessage ( ListenerInfo li ) : void

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
DeliverClientMessage ( object sender, OSChatMessage e ) : void

Описание методов

AddBlockedChannel() публичный Метод

public AddBlockedChannel ( int channel ) : void
channel int
Результат void

AddRegion() публичный Метод

public AddRegion ( IScene scene ) : void
scene IScene
Результат void

Close() публичный Метод

public Close ( ) : void
Результат void

CreateFromData() публичный Метод

public CreateFromData ( UUID itemID, UUID hostID, OSD data ) : void
data OSD
Результат void

DeleteListener() публичный Метод

Removes all listen event callbacks for the given itemID (script engine)
public DeleteListener ( UUID itemID ) : void
itemID UUID UUID of the script engine
Результат void

DeliverMessage() публичный Метод

public DeliverMessage ( ChatTypeEnum type, int channel, string name, UUID id, UUID toID, string msg ) : void
type ChatTypeEnum
channel int
name string
msg string
Результат void

DeliverMessage() публичный Метод

public DeliverMessage ( ChatTypeEnum type, int channel, string name, UUID id, string msg ) : void
type ChatTypeEnum
channel int
name string
msg string
Результат void

DeliverMessage() публичный Метод

This method scans over the objects which registered an interest in listen callbacks. For everyone it finds, it checks if it fits the given filter. If it does, then enqueue the message for delivery to the objects listen event handler. The enqueued ListenerInfo no longer has filter values, but the actually trigged values. Objects that do an llSay have their messages delivered here and for nearby avatars, the OnChatFromClient event is used.
public DeliverMessage ( ChatTypeEnum type, int channel, string name, UUID fromID, string msg, System.Vector3 position, float range, UUID toID ) : void
type ChatTypeEnum type of delivery (whisper,say,shout or regionwide)
channel int channel to sent on
name string name of sender (object or avatar)
fromID UUID key of sender (object or avatar)
msg string msg to sent
position System.Vector3
range float
Результат void

DeliverMessage() публичный Метод

public DeliverMessage ( ChatTypeEnum type, int channel, string name, UUID id, string msg, float range ) : void
type ChatTypeEnum
channel int
name string
msg string
range float
Результат void

GetNextMessage() публичный Метод

Pop the first available listen event from the queue
public GetNextMessage ( ) : IWorldCommListenerInfo
Результат IWorldCommListenerInfo

GetSerializationData() публичный Метод

public GetSerializationData ( UUID itemID, UUID primID ) : OSD
Результат OSD

HasListeners() публичный Метод

public HasListeners ( ) : bool
Результат bool

HasMessages() публичный Метод

Are there any listen events ready to be dispatched?
public HasMessages ( ) : bool
Результат bool

Initialize() публичный Метод

public Initialize ( IConfigSource config ) : void
config IConfigSource
Результат void

Listen() публичный Метод

Create a listen event callback with the specified filters. The parameters localID,itemID are needed to uniquely identify the script during 'peek' time. Parameter hostID is needed to determine the position of the script.
public Listen ( UUID itemID, UUID hostID, int channel, string name, UUID id, string msg, int regexBitfield ) : int
itemID UUID UUID of the script engine
hostID UUID UUID of the SceneObjectPart
channel int channel to listen on
name string name to filter on
id UUID key to filter on (user given, could be totally faked)
msg string msg to filter on
regexBitfield int
Результат int

ListenControl() публичный Метод

Sets the listen event with handle as active (active = TRUE) or inactive (active = FALSE). The handle used is returned from Listen()
public ListenControl ( UUID itemID, int handle, int active ) : void
itemID UUID UUID of the script engine
handle int handle returned by Listen()
active int temp. activate or deactivate the Listen()
Результат void

ListenRemove() публичный Метод

Removes the listen event callback with handle
public ListenRemove ( UUID itemID, int handle ) : void
itemID UUID UUID of the script engine
handle int handle returned by Listen()
Результат void

QueueMessage() защищенный Метод

protected QueueMessage ( ListenerInfo li ) : void
li ListenerInfo
Результат void

RegionLoaded() публичный Метод

public RegionLoaded ( IScene scene ) : void
scene IScene
Результат void

RemoveBlockedChannel() публичный Метод

public RemoveBlockedChannel ( int channel ) : void
channel int
Результат void

RemoveRegion() публичный Метод

public RemoveRegion ( IScene scene ) : void
scene IScene
Результат void

Описание свойств

CenterOfRegion защищенное статическое свойство

protected static Vector3,System CenterOfRegion
Результат System.Vector3