C# Класс UnityEngine.VR.WSA.WebCam.VideoCapture

Records a video from the web camera directly to disk.

Наследование: IDisposable
Показать файл Открыть проект Примеры использования класса

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CreateAsync ( bool showHolograms, OnVideoCaptureResourceCreatedCallback onCreatedCallback ) : void
Dispose ( ) : void

Dispose must be called to shutdown the PhotoCapture instance.

GetSupportedFrameRatesForResolution ( Resolution resolution ) : IEnumerable

Returns the supported frame rates at which a video can be recorded given a resolution.

GetUnsafePointerToVideoDeviceController ( ) : IntPtr

Provides a COM pointer to the native IVideoDeviceController.

StartRecordingAsync ( string filename, OnStartedRecordingVideoCallback onStartedRecordingVideoCallback ) : void
StartVideoModeAsync ( CameraParameters setupParams, AudioState audioState, OnVideoModeStartedCallback onVideoModeStartedCallback ) : void
StopRecordingAsync ( OnStoppedRecordingVideoCallback onStoppedRecordingVideoCallback ) : void
StopVideoModeAsync ( OnVideoModeStoppedCallback onVideoModeStoppedCallback ) : void

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
DisposeThreaded_Internal ( IntPtr videoCaptureObj ) : void
Dispose_Internal ( IntPtr videoCaptureObj ) : void
GetSupportedFrameRatesForResolution_Internal ( int resolutionWidth, int resolutionHeight ) : float[]
GetSupportedResolutions_Internal ( ) : UnityEngine.Resolution[]
GetUnsafePointerToVideoDeviceController_Internal ( IntPtr videoCaptureObj ) : IntPtr
INTERNAL_CALL_GetUnsafePointerToVideoDeviceController_Internal ( IntPtr videoCaptureObj, IntPtr &value ) : void
INTERNAL_CALL_Instantiate_Internal ( bool showHolograms, OnVideoCaptureResourceCreatedCallback onCreatedCallback, IntPtr &value ) : void
Instantiate_Internal ( bool showHolograms, OnVideoCaptureResourceCreatedCallback onCreatedCallback ) : IntPtr
InvokeOnCreatedVideoCaptureResourceDelegate ( OnVideoCaptureResourceCreatedCallback callback, IntPtr nativePtr ) : void
InvokeOnStartedRecordingVideoToDiskDelegate ( OnStartedRecordingVideoCallback callback, long hResult ) : void
InvokeOnStoppedRecordingVideoToDiskDelegate ( OnStoppedRecordingVideoCallback callback, long hResult ) : void
InvokeOnVideoModeStartedDelegate ( OnVideoModeStartedCallback callback, long hResult ) : void
InvokeOnVideoModeStoppedDelegate ( OnVideoModeStoppedCallback callback, long hResult ) : void
IsRecording_Internal ( IntPtr videoCaptureObj ) : bool
MakeCaptureResult ( CaptureResultType resultType, long hResult ) : VideoCaptureResult
MakeCaptureResult ( long hResult ) : VideoCaptureResult
StartRecordingVideoToDisk_Internal ( IntPtr videoCaptureObj, string filename, OnStartedRecordingVideoCallback onStartedRecordingVideoCallback ) : void
StartVideoMode_Internal ( IntPtr videoCaptureObj, int audioState, OnVideoModeStartedCallback onVideoModeStartedCallback, float hologramOpacity, float frameRate, int cameraResolutionWidth, int cameraResolutionHeight, int pixelFormat ) : void
StopRecordingVideoToDisk_Internal ( IntPtr videoCaptureObj, OnStoppedRecordingVideoCallback onStoppedRecordingVideoCallback ) : void
StopVideoMode_Internal ( IntPtr videoCaptureObj, OnVideoModeStoppedCallback onVideoModeStoppedCallback ) : void
VideoCapture ( IntPtr nativeCaptureObject ) : System

Описание методов

CreateAsync() публичный статический Метод

public static CreateAsync ( bool showHolograms, OnVideoCaptureResourceCreatedCallback onCreatedCallback ) : void
showHolograms bool
onCreatedCallback OnVideoCaptureResourceCreatedCallback
Результат void

Dispose() публичный Метод

Dispose must be called to shutdown the PhotoCapture instance.

public Dispose ( ) : void
Результат void

GetSupportedFrameRatesForResolution() публичный статический Метод

Returns the supported frame rates at which a video can be recorded given a resolution.

public static GetSupportedFrameRatesForResolution ( Resolution resolution ) : IEnumerable
resolution UnityEngine.Resolution A recording resolution.
Результат IEnumerable

GetUnsafePointerToVideoDeviceController() публичный Метод

Provides a COM pointer to the native IVideoDeviceController.

public GetUnsafePointerToVideoDeviceController ( ) : IntPtr
Результат System.IntPtr

StartRecordingAsync() публичный Метод

public StartRecordingAsync ( string filename, OnStartedRecordingVideoCallback onStartedRecordingVideoCallback ) : void
filename string
onStartedRecordingVideoCallback OnStartedRecordingVideoCallback
Результат void

StartVideoModeAsync() публичный Метод

public StartVideoModeAsync ( CameraParameters setupParams, AudioState audioState, OnVideoModeStartedCallback onVideoModeStartedCallback ) : void
setupParams CameraParameters
audioState AudioState
onVideoModeStartedCallback OnVideoModeStartedCallback
Результат void

StopRecordingAsync() публичный Метод

public StopRecordingAsync ( OnStoppedRecordingVideoCallback onStoppedRecordingVideoCallback ) : void
onStoppedRecordingVideoCallback OnStoppedRecordingVideoCallback
Результат void

StopVideoModeAsync() публичный Метод

public StopVideoModeAsync ( OnVideoModeStoppedCallback onVideoModeStoppedCallback ) : void
onVideoModeStoppedCallback OnVideoModeStoppedCallback
Результат void