C# Класс UnityContrib.UnityEditor.EditorGUIEx

Provides helper methods for working with the T:UnityEngine.GUI and T:UnityEditor.EditorGUI classes.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
ChangeCheck ( System.Action content ) : bool

Check if any control was changed inside a block of code.

DrawRectangle ( Rect rect, Color color ) : void

Draws a rectangle at the spcified rect with the specified color.

Описание методов

ChangeCheck() публичный статический Метод

Check if any control was changed inside a block of code.
public static ChangeCheck ( System.Action content ) : bool
content System.Action /// The callback to invoke between start and end change check. ///
Результат bool

DrawRectangle() публичный статический Метод

Draws a rectangle at the spcified rect with the specified color.
public static DrawRectangle ( Rect rect, Color color ) : void
rect UnityEngine.Rect /// The position and size of the rectangle. ///
color Color /// The color of the rectangle. ///
Результат void