C# Класс UnitTestUtilities.UIUtilities

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
ClickOnItem ( UIElement element ) : void

Clicks any given item. If you are clicking on a textbox, you should use the ClickOnTextbox method.

ClickOnItemNoWait ( UIElement element ) : void
ClickOnTextbox ( TextBox window_textbox ) : void

Clicks in a Textbox so you have focus, then use SendKeys to type into the textbox

CloseWindow ( Window wind ) : void

This closes a given window

RunAssert ( object expected, object actual ) : void

This verifies that the given expected and actual are equal-- if they aren't it throws an Assert

SelectComboboxItem ( ComboBox window_combobox, string item ) : void

Selects an item from a combobox

TypeIntoTextbox ( TextBox window_textbox, string valueToEnter ) : void

This clicks, deletes any values, and then types the given string into the textbox

TypeIntoTextboxNoWait ( TextBox window_textbox, string valueToEnter ) : void

This clicks, deletes any values, and then types the given string into the textbox without waiting to verify the value(s) typed

Описание методов

ClickOnItem() публичный статический Метод

Clicks any given item. If you are clicking on a textbox, you should use the ClickOnTextbox method.
public static ClickOnItem ( UIElement element ) : void
element UIElement
Результат void

ClickOnItemNoWait() публичный статический Метод

public static ClickOnItemNoWait ( UIElement element ) : void
element UIElement
Результат void

ClickOnTextbox() публичный статический Метод

Clicks in a Textbox so you have focus, then use SendKeys to type into the textbox
public static ClickOnTextbox ( TextBox window_textbox ) : void
window_textbox System.Windows.Controls.TextBox
Результат void

CloseWindow() публичный статический Метод

This closes a given window
public static CloseWindow ( Window wind ) : void
wind System.Windows.Window
Результат void

RunAssert() публичный статический Метод

This verifies that the given expected and actual are equal-- if they aren't it throws an Assert
public static RunAssert ( object expected, object actual ) : void
expected object
actual object
Результат void

SelectComboboxItem() публичный статический Метод

Selects an item from a combobox
public static SelectComboboxItem ( ComboBox window_combobox, string item ) : void
window_combobox System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox
item string
Результат void

TypeIntoTextbox() публичный статический Метод

This clicks, deletes any values, and then types the given string into the textbox
public static TypeIntoTextbox ( TextBox window_textbox, string valueToEnter ) : void
window_textbox System.Windows.Controls.TextBox
valueToEnter string
Результат void

TypeIntoTextboxNoWait() публичный статический Метод

This clicks, deletes any values, and then types the given string into the textbox without waiting to verify the value(s) typed
public static TypeIntoTextboxNoWait ( TextBox window_textbox, string valueToEnter ) : void
window_textbox System.Windows.Controls.TextBox
valueToEnter string
Результат void