C# Класс Uchu.Navigation.Vector3D

Basic geometry class : easy to replace Written so as to be generalized
Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Vector3D ( Array coordinates ) : System

Vector3D constructor.

Vector3D ( Uchu.Navigation.Point3D p1, Uchu.Navigation.Point3D p2 ) : System

Constructs a Vector3D with two points.

Vector3D ( double deltaX, double deltaY, double deltaZ ) : System

Vector3D constructor.

this ( int coordinateIndex ) : double

Accede to coordinates by indexes.

Описание методов

Vector3D() публичный Метод

Vector3D constructor.
Argument array must not be null. The Coordinates' array must contain exactly 3 elements.
public Vector3D ( Array coordinates ) : System
coordinates Array An array containing the three coordinates' values.
Результат System

Vector3D() публичный Метод

Constructs a Vector3D with two points.
public Vector3D ( Uchu.Navigation.Point3D p1, Uchu.Navigation.Point3D p2 ) : System
p1 Uchu.Navigation.Point3D First point of the vector.
p2 Uchu.Navigation.Point3D Second point of the vector.
Результат System

Vector3D() публичный Метод

Vector3D constructor.
public Vector3D ( double deltaX, double deltaY, double deltaZ ) : System
deltaX double DX coordinate.
deltaY double DY coordinate.
deltaZ double DZ coordinate.
Результат System

this() публичный Метод

Accede to coordinates by indexes.
Illegal value for CoordinateIndex.
public this ( int coordinateIndex ) : double
coordinateIndex int
Результат double