C# Класс UIKit.AlertViewController

Alert view controller is a reusable helper class that makes working with UIAlertViewController alerts easier in a tvOS app.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
PresentDestructiveAlert ( string title, string description, string destructiveAction, UIViewController controller, AlertOKCancelDelegate action ) : UIAlertController

Presents a destructive alert (such as delete a file).

PresentOKAlert ( string title, string description, UIViewController controller ) : UIAlertController

Presents an alert containing only the OK button.

PresentOKCancelAlert ( string title, string description, UIViewController controller, AlertOKCancelDelegate action ) : UIAlertController

Presents an alert with an OK and a Cancel button.

PresentTextInputAlert ( string title, string description, string placeholder, string text, UIViewController controller, AlertTextInputDelegate action ) : UIAlertController

Presents an alert that allows the user to input a single line of text.

Описание методов

PresentDestructiveAlert() публичный статический Метод

Presents a destructive alert (such as delete a file).
public static PresentDestructiveAlert ( string title, string description, string destructiveAction, UIViewController controller, AlertOKCancelDelegate action ) : UIAlertController
title string The alert's title.
description string The alert's description.
destructiveAction string The title for the destructive action's button (such as delete).
controller UIViewController The View Controller that will present the alert.
action AlertOKCancelDelegate The AlertOKCancelDelegate use to respond to the user's action.
Результат UIAlertController

PresentOKAlert() публичный статический Метод

Presents an alert containing only the OK button.
public static PresentOKAlert ( string title, string description, UIViewController controller ) : UIAlertController
title string The alert's title.
description string The alert's description.
controller UIViewController The View Controller that will present the alert.
Результат UIAlertController

PresentOKCancelAlert() публичный статический Метод

Presents an alert with an OK and a Cancel button.
public static PresentOKCancelAlert ( string title, string description, UIViewController controller, AlertOKCancelDelegate action ) : UIAlertController
title string The alert's title.
description string The alert's Description.
controller UIViewController The Vinew Controller that will present the alert.
action AlertOKCancelDelegate The AlertOKCancelDelegate use to respond to the user's action.
Результат UIAlertController

PresentTextInputAlert() публичный статический Метод

Presents an alert that allows the user to input a single line of text.
public static PresentTextInputAlert ( string title, string description, string placeholder, string text, UIViewController controller, AlertTextInputDelegate action ) : UIAlertController
title string The alert's title.
description string The alert's description.
placeholder string The placholder text that will be displayed when the text field is empty.
text string The initial value for the text field.
controller UIViewController The View Controller that will present the alert.
action AlertTextInputDelegate The AlertTextInputDelegate that will respond to the user's action.
Результат UIAlertController