C# Класс TressFXLib.Formats.UTFXFormat

The unity tressfx format was implemented in order to create an own format for the unity tressfx implementation and add some additional parameters to the rendering and simulation.
Наследование: TFXBFormat
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Export ( BinaryWriter writer, string path, Hair hair ) : void
Import ( BinaryReader reader, string path, Hair hair, HairImportSettings importSettings ) : HairMesh[]

Описание методов

Export() публичный Метод

public Export ( BinaryWriter writer, string path, Hair hair ) : void
writer System.IO.BinaryWriter
path string
hair Hair
Результат void

Import() публичный Метод

public Import ( BinaryReader reader, string path, Hair hair, HairImportSettings importSettings ) : HairMesh[]
reader System.IO.BinaryReader
path string
hair Hair
importSettings HairImportSettings
Результат HairMesh[]