C# Класс Tpm2Lib.Tpm2ImportRequest

Наследование: TpmStructureBase
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Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Copy ( ) : Tpm2ImportRequest
Tpm2ImportRequest ( ) : System
Tpm2ImportRequest ( Tpm2ImportRequest the_Tpm2ImportRequest ) : System
Tpm2ImportRequest ( TpmHandle the_parentHandle, byte the_encryptionKey, TpmPublic the_objectPublic, TpmPrivate the_duplicate, byte the_inSymSeed, SymDefObject the_symmetricAlg ) : System

Описание методов

Copy() публичный Метод

public Copy ( ) : Tpm2ImportRequest
Результат Tpm2ImportRequest

Tpm2ImportRequest() публичный Метод

public Tpm2ImportRequest ( ) : System
Результат System

Tpm2ImportRequest() публичный Метод

public Tpm2ImportRequest ( Tpm2ImportRequest the_Tpm2ImportRequest ) : System
the_Tpm2ImportRequest Tpm2ImportRequest
Результат System

Tpm2ImportRequest() публичный Метод

public Tpm2ImportRequest ( TpmHandle the_parentHandle, byte the_encryptionKey, TpmPublic the_objectPublic, TpmPrivate the_duplicate, byte the_inSymSeed, SymDefObject the_symmetricAlg ) : System
the_parentHandle TpmHandle the handle of the new parent for the object Auth Index: 1 Auth Role: USER
the_encryptionKey byte the optional symmetric encryption key used as the inner wrapper for duplicate If symmetricAlg is TPM_ALG_NULL, then this parameter shall be the Empty Buffer.
the_objectPublic TpmPublic the public area of the object to be imported This is provided so that the integrity value for duplicate and the object attributes can be checked. NOTE Even if the integrity value of the object is not checked on input, the object Name is required to create the integrity value for the imported object.
the_duplicate TpmPrivate the symmetrically encrypted duplicate object that may contain an inner symmetric wrapper
the_inSymSeed byte the seed for the symmetric key and HMAC key inSymSeed is encrypted/encoded using the algorithms of newParent.
the_symmetricAlg SymDefObject definition for the symmetric algorithm to use for the inner wrapper If this algorithm is TPM_ALG_NULL, no inner wrapper is present and encryptionKey shall be the Empty Buffer.
Результат System