C# Класс TouchScript.Gestures.Base.TransformGestureBase

Abstract base class for Transform Gestures.
Наследование: Gesture
Показать файл Открыть проект

Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
angleBuffer float
debugCoroutine UnityEngine.Coroutine
debugID int
debugTouchSize Vector2
deltaPosition Vector3
deltaRotation float
deltaScale float
isTransforming bool
minScreenPointsPixelDistance float
minScreenPointsPixelDistanceSquared float
scaleBuffer float
screenPixelRotationBuffer float
screenPixelScalingBuffer float
screenPixelTranslationBuffer Vector2
screenTransformPixelThreshold float
screenTransformPixelThresholdSquared float

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
Awake ( ) : void
OnEnable ( ) : void
clearDebug ( ) : void
doOnePointTranslation ( Vector2 oldScreenPos, Vector2 newScreenPos, TouchScript.Layers.ProjectionParams projectionParams ) : Vector3

Calculates single finger translation.

doRotation ( Vector2 oldScreenPos1, Vector2 oldScreenPos2, Vector2 newScreenPos1, Vector2 newScreenPos2, TouchScript.Layers.ProjectionParams projectionParams ) : float

Calculates rotation.

doScaling ( Vector2 oldScreenPos1, Vector2 oldScreenPos2, Vector2 newScreenPos1, Vector2 newScreenPos2, TouchScript.Layers.ProjectionParams projectionParams ) : float

Calculates scaling.

doTwoPointTranslation ( Vector2 oldScreenPos1, Vector2 oldScreenPos2, Vector2 newScreenPos1, Vector2 newScreenPos2, float dR, float dS, TouchScript.Layers.ProjectionParams projectionParams ) : Vector3

Calculated two finger translation with respect to rotation and scaling.

drawDebug ( int touchPoints ) : void
drawDebugDelayed ( int touchPoints ) : void
getNumPoints ( ) : int

Gets the number of points.

getPointPreviousScreenPosition ( int index ) : Vector2

Returns previous screen position of a point with index 0 or 1

getPointScreenPosition ( int index ) : Vector2

Returns screen position of a point with index 0 or 1

onBegan ( ) : void
onChanged ( ) : void
onRecognized ( ) : void
relevantTouches1 ( IList touches ) : bool

Checks if there are touch points in the list which matter for the gesture.

relevantTouches2 ( IList touches ) : bool

Checks if there are touch points in the list which matter for the gesture.

reset ( ) : void
touchesBegan ( IList touches ) : void
touchesEnded ( IList touches ) : void
touchesMoved ( IList touches ) : void

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
doDrawDebug ( int touchPoints ) : IEnumerator
updateMinScreenPointsDistance ( ) : void
updateScreenTransformThreshold ( ) : void

Описание методов

Awake() защищенный Метод

protected Awake ( ) : void
Результат void

OnEnable() защищенный Метод

protected OnEnable ( ) : void
Результат void

clearDebug() защищенный Метод

protected clearDebug ( ) : void
Результат void

doOnePointTranslation() защищенный Метод

Calculates single finger translation.
protected doOnePointTranslation ( Vector2 oldScreenPos, Vector2 newScreenPos, TouchScript.Layers.ProjectionParams projectionParams ) : Vector3
oldScreenPos Vector2 Finger old screen position.
newScreenPos Vector2 Finger new screen position.
projectionParams TouchScript.Layers.ProjectionParams Layer projection parameters.
Результат Vector3

doRotation() защищенный Метод

Calculates rotation.
protected doRotation ( Vector2 oldScreenPos1, Vector2 oldScreenPos2, Vector2 newScreenPos1, Vector2 newScreenPos2, TouchScript.Layers.ProjectionParams projectionParams ) : float
oldScreenPos1 Vector2 Finger one old screen position.
oldScreenPos2 Vector2 Finger two old screen position.
newScreenPos1 Vector2 Finger one new screen position.
newScreenPos2 Vector2 Finger two new screen position.
projectionParams TouchScript.Layers.ProjectionParams Layer projection parameters.
Результат float

doScaling() защищенный Метод

Calculates scaling.
protected doScaling ( Vector2 oldScreenPos1, Vector2 oldScreenPos2, Vector2 newScreenPos1, Vector2 newScreenPos2, TouchScript.Layers.ProjectionParams projectionParams ) : float
oldScreenPos1 Vector2 Finger one old screen position.
oldScreenPos2 Vector2 Finger two old screen position.
newScreenPos1 Vector2 Finger one new screen position.
newScreenPos2 Vector2 Finger two new screen position.
projectionParams TouchScript.Layers.ProjectionParams Layer projection parameters.
Результат float

doTwoPointTranslation() защищенный Метод

Calculated two finger translation with respect to rotation and scaling.
protected doTwoPointTranslation ( Vector2 oldScreenPos1, Vector2 oldScreenPos2, Vector2 newScreenPos1, Vector2 newScreenPos2, float dR, float dS, TouchScript.Layers.ProjectionParams projectionParams ) : Vector3
oldScreenPos1 Vector2 Finger one old screen position.
oldScreenPos2 Vector2 Finger two old screen position.
newScreenPos1 Vector2 Finger one new screen position.
newScreenPos2 Vector2 Finger two new screen position.
dR float Calculated delta rotation.
dS float Calculated delta scaling.
projectionParams TouchScript.Layers.ProjectionParams Layer projection parameters.
Результат Vector3

drawDebug() защищенный Метод

protected drawDebug ( int touchPoints ) : void
touchPoints int
Результат void

drawDebugDelayed() защищенный Метод

protected drawDebugDelayed ( int touchPoints ) : void
touchPoints int
Результат void

getNumPoints() защищенный Метод

Gets the number of points.
protected getNumPoints ( ) : int
Результат int

getPointPreviousScreenPosition() защищенный Метод

Returns previous screen position of a point with index 0 or 1
protected getPointPreviousScreenPosition ( int index ) : Vector2
index int The index.
Результат Vector2

getPointScreenPosition() защищенный Метод

Returns screen position of a point with index 0 or 1
protected getPointScreenPosition ( int index ) : Vector2
index int The index.
Результат Vector2

onBegan() защищенный Метод

protected onBegan ( ) : void
Результат void

onChanged() защищенный Метод

protected onChanged ( ) : void
Результат void

onRecognized() защищенный Метод

protected onRecognized ( ) : void
Результат void

relevantTouches1() защищенный Метод

Checks if there are touch points in the list which matter for the gesture.
protected relevantTouches1 ( IList touches ) : bool
touches IList List of touch points.
Результат bool

relevantTouches2() защищенный Метод

Checks if there are touch points in the list which matter for the gesture.
protected relevantTouches2 ( IList touches ) : bool
touches IList List of touch points.
Результат bool

reset() защищенный Метод

protected reset ( ) : void
Результат void

touchesBegan() защищенный Метод

protected touchesBegan ( IList touches ) : void
touches IList
Результат void

touchesEnded() защищенный Метод

protected touchesEnded ( IList touches ) : void
touches IList
Результат void

touchesMoved() защищенный Метод

protected touchesMoved ( IList touches ) : void
touches IList
Результат void

Описание свойств

angleBuffer защищенное свойство

Angle buffer.
protected float angleBuffer
Результат float

debugCoroutine защищенное свойство

protected Coroutine,UnityEngine debugCoroutine
Результат UnityEngine.Coroutine

debugID защищенное свойство

protected int debugID
Результат int

debugTouchSize защищенное свойство

protected Vector2 debugTouchSize
Результат Vector2

deltaPosition защищенное свойство

Calculated delta position.
protected Vector3 deltaPosition
Результат Vector3

deltaRotation защищенное свойство

Calculated delta rotation.
protected float deltaRotation
Результат float

deltaScale защищенное свойство

Calculated delta scale.
protected float deltaScale
Результат float

isTransforming защищенное свойство

Indicates whether transformation started;
protected bool isTransforming
Результат bool

minScreenPointsPixelDistance защищенное свойство

MinScreenPointsDistance in pixels for internal use.
protected float minScreenPointsPixelDistance
Результат float

minScreenPointsPixelDistanceSquared защищенное свойство

MinScreenPointsDistance squared in pixels for internal use.
protected float minScreenPointsPixelDistanceSquared
Результат float

scaleBuffer защищенное свойство

Scaling buffer.
protected float scaleBuffer
Результат float

screenPixelRotationBuffer защищенное свойство

Rotation buffer.
protected float screenPixelRotationBuffer
Результат float

screenPixelScalingBuffer защищенное свойство

Screen space scaling buffer.
protected float screenPixelScalingBuffer
Результат float

screenPixelTranslationBuffer защищенное свойство

Translation buffer.
protected Vector2 screenPixelTranslationBuffer
Результат Vector2

screenTransformPixelThreshold защищенное свойство

ScreenTransformThreshold in pixels.
protected float screenTransformPixelThreshold
Результат float

screenTransformPixelThresholdSquared защищенное свойство

ScreenTransformThreshold in pixels squared.
protected float screenTransformPixelThresholdSquared
Результат float