C# Класс Tools.CrashReporter.CrashReportWebSite.DataModels.Repositories.UserGroupRepository

Наследование: IUserGroupRepository
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Any ( Expression filter ) : bool

Check if there're any UserGroups matching a specific filter.

Count ( Expression filter ) : int

Count the number of objects that satisfy the filter

Delete ( UserGroup entity ) : void

Remove a UserGroup from the data store

First ( Expression filter ) : UserGroup

Get the first UserGroup matching a specific filter.

Get ( Expression filter ) : IEnumerable

Get a filtered list of UserGroups from data storage Calling this method returns the data directly. It will execute the data retrieval - in this case an sql transaction.

Get ( Expression filter, Func orderBy ) : IEnumerable

Get a filtered, ordered list of UserGroup

GetById ( int id ) : UserGroup

Get a UserGroup from it's id

GetByUserGroupName ( string UserGroupName ) : UserGroup

ListAll ( ) : IQueryable

Return a queryable string for query construction. NOTE - This is bad. Replace this method with proper expression tree construction and strictly return enumerated lists. All data handling should happen within the repository.

Save ( UserGroup entity ) : void

Add a new UserGroup to the data store

Update ( UserGroup entity ) : void

Update an existing UserGroup

UserGroupRepository ( CrashReportEntities entityContext ) : System


Описание методов

Any() публичный Метод

Check if there're any UserGroups matching a specific filter.
public Any ( Expression filter ) : bool
filter Expression
Результат bool

Count() публичный Метод

Count the number of objects that satisfy the filter
public Count ( Expression filter ) : int
filter Expression
Результат int

Delete() публичный Метод

Remove a UserGroup from the data store
public Delete ( UserGroup entity ) : void
entity UserGroup
Результат void

First() публичный Метод

Get the first UserGroup matching a specific filter.
public First ( Expression filter ) : UserGroup
filter Expression
Результат UserGroup

Get() публичный Метод

Get a filtered list of UserGroups from data storage Calling this method returns the data directly. It will execute the data retrieval - in this case an sql transaction.
public Get ( Expression filter ) : IEnumerable
filter Expression A linq expression used to filter the UserGroup table
Результат IEnumerable

Get() публичный Метод

Get a filtered, ordered list of UserGroup
public Get ( Expression filter, Func orderBy ) : IEnumerable
filter Expression An expression used to filter the UserGroups
orderBy Func An function delegate UserGroupd to order the results from the UserGroup table
Результат IEnumerable

GetById() публичный Метод

Get a UserGroup from it's id
public GetById ( int id ) : UserGroup
id int The id of the UserGroup to retrieve
Результат UserGroup

GetByUserGroupName() публичный Метод

public GetByUserGroupName ( string UserGroupName ) : UserGroup
UserGroupName string
Результат UserGroup

ListAll() публичный Метод

Return a queryable string for query construction. NOTE - This is bad. Replace this method with proper expression tree construction and strictly return enumerated lists. All data handling should happen within the repository.
public ListAll ( ) : IQueryable
Результат IQueryable

Save() публичный Метод

Add a new UserGroup to the data store
public Save ( UserGroup entity ) : void
entity UserGroup
Результат void

Update() публичный Метод

Update an existing UserGroup
public Update ( UserGroup entity ) : void
entity UserGroup
Результат void

UserGroupRepository() публичный Метод

public UserGroupRepository ( CrashReportEntities entityContext ) : System
entityContext CrashReportEntities A reference to the *single* instance of the data context.
Результат System