C# Класс TmdbWrapper.TheMovieDb

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Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
GetConfig Configuration.Configuration

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetCollectionAsync ( int collectionId ) : Task

Get a specific collection

GetCollectionImagesAsync ( int collectionId ) : Task

Gets the images that are associated with the collection.

GetCompanyAsync ( int companyId ) : Task

Gets a specific company

GetCompanyCreditsAsync ( int companyId, int page = 1 ) : Task>

Gets the credits of the specified company.

GetCreditsAsync ( int personId ) : Task

Get the credits of a specific movie.

GetImageAsync ( int personId ) : Task>

The images of a specific person.

GetMovieAlternateTitlesAsync ( int movieId, string country ) : Task>

Gets a list of altenative titles for the specified country

GetMovieAsync ( int movieId, MovieExtras extra ) : Task

Gets a movie by the movie database id.

GetMovieByImdbAsync ( string imdbId ) : Task

Gets a movie by the IMDB id.

GetMovieCastAsync ( int movieId ) : Task

Gets the credits of a specific movie.

GetMovieImagesAsync ( int movieId ) : Task

All images of a specific movie.

GetMovieKeywordsAsync ( int movieId ) : Task>

The keywords of a specific movie.

GetMovieReleasesAsync ( int movieId ) : Task>

Releases of a specific movie.

GetMovieTrailersAsync ( int movieId ) : Task

Gets the trailer of a specific movie.

GetMovieTranslationsAsync ( int movieId ) : Task

Gets the languages that a specific movie is translated into.

GetPersonAsync ( int personId, PersonExtras extras ) : Task

Gets the information of the specified person.

GetSeasonAsync ( int tvSeriesId, int seasonNumber ) : Task

Gets a season of a tv series by the database id of the series and the sequence number of the season.

GetSimilarMoviesAsync ( int movieId, int page = 1 ) : Task>

Gets movies that are similiar to the specified movie.

GetTvAsync ( int tvSeriesId, TVSeriesExtras extra ) : Task

Gets a TvSeries by the movie database id.

Initialise ( string apiKey, bool useSecureConnections = true ) : void

Initialises the wrapper.

Initialise ( string apiKey, string language, bool useSecureConnections = true ) : void

Initialises the wrapper.

SearchCollectionAsync ( string query, int page = 1 ) : Task>

Searches for collections that match the query string.

SearchCompanyAsync ( string query, int page = 1 ) : Task>

Searches for companies that match the query string.

SearchMovieAsync ( string query, int page = 1, bool includeAdult = null, int year = null ) : Task>

Searches for movies that match the query string.

SearchPersonAsync ( string query, int page = 1 ) : Task>

Searches for persons that match the query string.

SearchTVAsync ( string query, int firstAirDateYear = null, int page = 1 ) : Task>

Searches for TV series that match the query string

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GetConfig ( ) : Configuration.Configuration

Описание методов

GetCollectionAsync() публичный статический Метод

Get a specific collection
public static GetCollectionAsync ( int collectionId ) : Task
collectionId int Id of the collection
Результат Task

GetCollectionImagesAsync() публичный статический Метод

Gets the images that are associated with the collection.
public static GetCollectionImagesAsync ( int collectionId ) : Task
collectionId int Id of the collection
Результат Task

GetCompanyAsync() публичный статический Метод

Gets a specific company
public static GetCompanyAsync ( int companyId ) : Task
companyId int Id of the requested company.
Результат Task

GetCompanyCreditsAsync() публичный статический Метод

Gets the credits of the specified company.
public static GetCompanyCreditsAsync ( int companyId, int page = 1 ) : Task>
companyId int The id of the company
page int The request page of the search results, giving 0 will give all results.
Результат Task>

GetCreditsAsync() публичный статический Метод

Get the credits of a specific movie.
public static GetCreditsAsync ( int personId ) : Task
personId int The id of the person.
Результат Task

GetImageAsync() публичный статический Метод

The images of a specific person.
public static GetImageAsync ( int personId ) : Task>
personId int The id of the specified person.
Результат Task>

GetMovieAlternateTitlesAsync() публичный статический Метод

Gets a list of altenative titles for the specified country
public static GetMovieAlternateTitlesAsync ( int movieId, string country ) : Task>
movieId int Id of the movie
country string Code of the country
Результат Task>

GetMovieAsync() публичный статический Метод

Gets a movie by the movie database id.
public static GetMovieAsync ( int movieId, MovieExtras extra ) : Task
movieId int Id of the movie
extra MovieExtras Indicates which parts should be prefetched.
Результат Task

GetMovieByImdbAsync() публичный статический Метод

Gets a movie by the IMDB id.
public static GetMovieByImdbAsync ( string imdbId ) : Task
imdbId string The IMDB id
Результат Task

GetMovieCastAsync() публичный статический Метод

Gets the credits of a specific movie.
public static GetMovieCastAsync ( int movieId ) : Task
movieId int The id of the movie.
Результат Task

GetMovieImagesAsync() публичный статический Метод

All images of a specific movie.
public static GetMovieImagesAsync ( int movieId ) : Task
movieId int The id of the movie.
Результат Task

GetMovieKeywordsAsync() публичный статический Метод

The keywords of a specific movie.
public static GetMovieKeywordsAsync ( int movieId ) : Task>
movieId int The id of the movie.
Результат Task>

GetMovieReleasesAsync() публичный статический Метод

Releases of a specific movie.
public static GetMovieReleasesAsync ( int movieId ) : Task>
movieId int Id of the movie
Результат Task>

GetMovieTrailersAsync() публичный статический Метод

Gets the trailer of a specific movie.
public static GetMovieTrailersAsync ( int movieId ) : Task
movieId int The id of the movie.
Результат Task

GetMovieTranslationsAsync() публичный статический Метод

Gets the languages that a specific movie is translated into.
public static GetMovieTranslationsAsync ( int movieId ) : Task
movieId int The id of the movie.
Результат Task

GetPersonAsync() публичный статический Метод

Gets the information of the specified person.
public static GetPersonAsync ( int personId, PersonExtras extras ) : Task
personId int The id of the person.
extras PersonExtras Indicates which parts should be prefetched.
Результат Task

GetSeasonAsync() публичный статический Метод

Gets a season of a tv series by the database id of the series and the sequence number of the season.
public static GetSeasonAsync ( int tvSeriesId, int seasonNumber ) : Task
tvSeriesId int The if of the tv series.
seasonNumber int The sequence number of the season.
Результат Task

GetSimilarMoviesAsync() публичный статический Метод

Gets movies that are similiar to the specified movie.
public static GetSimilarMoviesAsync ( int movieId, int page = 1 ) : Task>
movieId int The specific movie.
page int The request page of the search results, giving 0 will give all results.
Результат Task>

GetTvAsync() публичный статический Метод

Gets a TvSeries by the movie database id.
public static GetTvAsync ( int tvSeriesId, TVSeriesExtras extra ) : Task
tvSeriesId int The id of the tv series
extra TVSeriesExtras Indicates which parts should be prefetched.
Результат Task

Initialise() публичный статический Метод

Initialises the wrapper.
public static Initialise ( string apiKey, bool useSecureConnections = true ) : void
apiKey string The apikey the requests will use.
useSecureConnections bool Inidicates if a secure connection should be used.
Результат void

Initialise() публичный статический Метод

Initialises the wrapper.
public static Initialise ( string apiKey, string language, bool useSecureConnections = true ) : void
apiKey string The apikey the request will use.
language string The language the requests will use.
useSecureConnections bool Inidicates if a secure connection should be used.
Результат void

SearchCollectionAsync() публичный статический Метод

Searches for collections that match the query string.
public static SearchCollectionAsync ( string query, int page = 1 ) : Task>
query string The query string
page int The request page of the search results, giving 0 will give all results.
Результат Task>

SearchCompanyAsync() публичный статический Метод

Searches for companies that match the query string.
public static SearchCompanyAsync ( string query, int page = 1 ) : Task>
query string The query string.
page int The request page of the search results, giving 0 will give all results.
Результат Task>

SearchMovieAsync() публичный статический Метод

Searches for movies that match the query string.
public static SearchMovieAsync ( string query, int page = 1, bool includeAdult = null, int year = null ) : Task>
query string The query string
page int The request page of the search results, giving 0 will give all results.
includeAdult bool Indicates whether to include adult movies.
year int If specified the year the movies are released.
Результат Task>

SearchPersonAsync() публичный статический Метод

Searches for persons that match the query string.
public static SearchPersonAsync ( string query, int page = 1 ) : Task>
query string The query string
page int The request page of the search results, giving 0 will give all results.
Результат Task>

SearchTVAsync() публичный статический Метод

Searches for TV series that match the query string
public static SearchTVAsync ( string query, int firstAirDateYear = null, int page = 1 ) : Task>
query string The query string
firstAirDateYear int The year of first air date
page int The request page of the search results, giving 0 will give all results.
Результат Task>