C# Класс Timestamper.TimestampClassExtension

Наследование: IClassExtension, IObjectClassExtension, IFeatureClassExtension, IObjectClassEvents, IObjectClassInfo
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CanBypassStoreMethod ( ) : System.Boolean

Indicates if updates to objects can bypass the Store method and OnChange notifications for efficiency.

Init ( IClassHelper classHelper, IPropertySet extensionProperties ) : void

Initializes the extension.

OnChange ( IObject obj ) : void

Fired when an object's attributes or geometry is updated.

OnCreate ( IObject obj ) : void

Fired when a new object is created.

OnDelete ( IObject obj ) : void

Fired when an object is deleted.

SetTimestampFields ( String createdField, String modifiedField, String userField ) : void

Changes the member variables and extension properties to store the provided field names as the created, modified and user fields (positions are also refreshed). Empty strings indicate the values should not be saved in a field.

Shutdown ( ) : void

Informs the extension that the class is being disposed of.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GetCurrentUser ( ) : String

Gets the name of the extension's user. For local geodatabases, this is the username as known by the operating system (in a domain\username format). For remote geodatabases, the IDatabaseConnectionInfo interface is utilized.

InitNewExtension ( ) : void

This method should be called the first time the extension is initialized, when the extension properties are null. This will create a new set of properties with the default field names.

RegisterFunction ( Type registerType ) : void
SetFieldIndexes ( ) : void

Finds the positions of the created, modified and user fields, and verifies that the specified field has the correct data type.

UnregisterFunction ( Type registerType ) : void

Описание методов

CanBypassStoreMethod() публичный Метод

Indicates if updates to objects can bypass the Store method and OnChange notifications for efficiency.
public CanBypassStoreMethod ( ) : System.Boolean
Результат System.Boolean

Init() публичный Метод

Initializes the extension.
public Init ( IClassHelper classHelper, IPropertySet extensionProperties ) : void
classHelper IClassHelper Provides a reference to the extension's class.
extensionProperties IPropertySet A set of properties unique to the extension.
Результат void

OnChange() публичный Метод

Fired when an object's attributes or geometry is updated.
public OnChange ( IObject obj ) : void
obj IObject The updated object.
Результат void

OnCreate() публичный Метод

Fired when a new object is created.
public OnCreate ( IObject obj ) : void
obj IObject The new object.
Результат void

OnDelete() публичный Метод

Fired when an object is deleted.
public OnDelete ( IObject obj ) : void
obj IObject The deleted object.
Результат void

SetTimestampFields() публичный Метод

Changes the member variables and extension properties to store the provided field names as the created, modified and user fields (positions are also refreshed). Empty strings indicate the values should not be saved in a field.
public SetTimestampFields ( String createdField, String modifiedField, String userField ) : void
createdField String The name of the "created" field.
modifiedField String The name of the "modified" field.
userField String The name of the "user" field.
Результат void

Shutdown() публичный Метод

Informs the extension that the class is being disposed of.
public Shutdown ( ) : void
Результат void