C# Класс TimeSeriesLibrary.TSImport

This class data for one time series record that was imported. This meta-data can be used by functions outside of TimeSeriesLibrary to finish processing the time series that were imported from an XML file by the TSXml class. In this way, the outside functions can handle features of the time series that TimeSeriesLibrary was not designed to handle.
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
APart String
BPart String
BlobStartDate System.DateTime
CPart String
Checksum byte[]
CompressionCode int
EPart String
Id int
IsDetailed System.Boolean
IsPattern System.Boolean
MultiplicationFactor Double
Name String
TimeSeriesType String
TimeStepQuantity short
TimeStepUnit TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode
TraceList List
Units String
UnprocessedElements String

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddUnprocessedElement ( String s ) : void

This method adds a string to the UnprocessedElements string. The UnprocessedElements string stores XML elements that TimeSeriesLibrary does not recognize, so that the calling process can parse and process these elements.

GetTraceNumber ( XmlReader xmlReader ) : int
RecordFromTS ( TS ts ) : void

This method copies into this TSImport object: the parameters of the time series the checksum for the entire time series the ID of the database record for the time series.

RecordFromTSParameters ( TSParameters tsp ) : void

This method copies the parameters of a time series from a TSParameters object into this TSImport object.

SetAPart ( XmlReader xmlReader ) : void
SetBPart ( XmlReader xmlReader ) : void
SetCPart ( XmlReader xmlReader ) : void
SetEPart ( XmlReader xmlReader ) : void
SetMultiplicationFactor ( XmlReader xmlReader ) : void
SetTimeSeriesType ( XmlReader xmlReader ) : void
SetUnits ( XmlReader xmlReader ) : void
TSImport ( System.Boolean isDetailed ) : System

Class constructor for TSImport class.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
SetDetailFieldDouble ( Double &x, XmlReader xmlReader, Double defaultVal ) : void
SetDetailFieldInt ( int &i, XmlReader xmlReader, int defaultVal ) : void
SetDetailFieldString ( String &s, XmlReader xmlReader ) : void

Описание методов

AddUnprocessedElement() публичный Метод

This method adds a string to the UnprocessedElements string. The UnprocessedElements string stores XML elements that TimeSeriesLibrary does not recognize, so that the calling process can parse and process these elements.
public AddUnprocessedElement ( String s ) : void
s String The string that is to be added to the UnprocessedElements string. /// The given string should include the enclosing XML tags.
Результат void

GetTraceNumber() публичный Метод

public GetTraceNumber ( XmlReader xmlReader ) : int
xmlReader System.Xml.XmlReader
Результат int

RecordFromTS() публичный Метод

This method copies into this TSImport object: the parameters of the time series the checksum for the entire time series the ID of the database record for the time series.
public RecordFromTS ( TS ts ) : void
ts TS
Результат void

RecordFromTSParameters() публичный Метод

This method copies the parameters of a time series from a TSParameters object into this TSImport object.
public RecordFromTSParameters ( TSParameters tsp ) : void
tsp TSParameters The TSParameters object that values will be copied from
Результат void

SetAPart() публичный Метод

public SetAPart ( XmlReader xmlReader ) : void
xmlReader System.Xml.XmlReader
Результат void

SetBPart() публичный Метод

public SetBPart ( XmlReader xmlReader ) : void
xmlReader System.Xml.XmlReader
Результат void

SetCPart() публичный Метод

public SetCPart ( XmlReader xmlReader ) : void
xmlReader System.Xml.XmlReader
Результат void

SetEPart() публичный Метод

public SetEPart ( XmlReader xmlReader ) : void
xmlReader System.Xml.XmlReader
Результат void

SetMultiplicationFactor() публичный Метод

public SetMultiplicationFactor ( XmlReader xmlReader ) : void
xmlReader System.Xml.XmlReader
Результат void

SetTimeSeriesType() публичный Метод

public SetTimeSeriesType ( XmlReader xmlReader ) : void
xmlReader System.Xml.XmlReader
Результат void

SetUnits() публичный Метод

public SetUnits ( XmlReader xmlReader ) : void
xmlReader System.Xml.XmlReader
Результат void

TSImport() публичный Метод

Class constructor for TSImport class.
public TSImport ( System.Boolean isDetailed ) : System
isDetailed System.Boolean /// This value indicates whether the TSImport object records certain elements /// from an XML file to dedicated fields within the TSImport object, or to the /// UnprocessedElements string field of the TSImport object. It also determines /// whether the TSImport object records the BLOB of timeseries data. /// /// If true, then XML elements such as "Apart" are recorded to their own fields, /// and the BLOB is recorded in the BlobData field. /// /// If false, then XML elements such as "Apart" are recorded to the /// UnprocessedElements field, and the BLOB is not recorded in this object. ///
Результат System

Описание свойств

APart публичное свойство

public String APart
Результат String

BPart публичное свойство

public String BPart
Результат String

BlobStartDate публичное свойство

public DateTime,System BlobStartDate
Результат System.DateTime

CPart публичное свойство

public String CPart
Результат String

Checksum публичное свойство

public byte[] Checksum
Результат byte[]

CompressionCode публичное свойство

public int CompressionCode
Результат int

EPart публичное свойство

public String EPart
Результат String

Id публичное свойство

The ID that identifies the record that was created for this timeseries in the the database. If the database was not written to, then this field is meaningless.
public int Id
Результат int

IsDetailed публичное свойство

This value indicates whether the TSImport object records certain elements from an XML file to dedicated fields within the TSImport object, or to the UnprocessedElements string field of the TSImport object. It also determines whether the TSImport object records the BLOB of timeseries data. If true, then XML elements such as "Apart" are recorded to their own fields, and the BLOB is recorded in the BlobData field. If false, then XML elements such as "Apart" are recorded to the UnprocessedElements field, and the BLOB is not recorded in this object.
public Boolean,System IsDetailed
Результат System.Boolean

IsPattern публичное свойство

If true, then this TSImport represents a cyclic Time Pattern
public Boolean,System IsPattern
Результат System.Boolean

MultiplicationFactor публичное свойство

public Double MultiplicationFactor
Результат Double

Name публичное свойство

Content of the Name tag in the XML file, presumably the name of a HECDSS record
public String Name
Результат String

TimeSeriesType публичное свойство

public String TimeSeriesType
Результат String

TimeStepQuantity публичное свойство

public short TimeStepQuantity
Результат short

TimeStepUnit публичное свойство

public TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode TimeStepUnit
Результат TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode

TraceList публичное свойство

public List TraceList
Результат List

Units публичное свойство

public String Units
Результат String

UnprocessedElements публичное свойство

A string of XML elements, including the surrounding tags, that were not directly processed by the TimeSeriesLibrary. The design calls for the caller to process these elements according to its own logic.
public String UnprocessedElements
Результат String