C# Класс TheAirline.Models.Passengers.PassengerRouteFinder

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CalculateDistance ( Airport start ) : void

Calculates the distance from the start airport to all other airports

GetNodeWithSmallestDistance ( ) : Airport

Returns the airport with the smallest distance

GetPathTo ( Airport d ) : List

Gets the path to an airport

PassengerRouteFinder ( List nodes ) : System.Collections.Generic


Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GetNeighbors ( Airport n ) : IEnumerable

Returns all airports with a route from the an airport

getDistanceBetween ( Airport o, Airport d ) : double

Returns the distance between two airports

Описание методов

CalculateDistance() публичный Метод

Calculates the distance from the start airport to all other airports
public CalculateDistance ( Airport start ) : void
start TheAirline.Models.Airports.Airport Startknoten
Результат void

GetNodeWithSmallestDistance() публичный Метод

Returns the airport with the smallest distance
public GetNodeWithSmallestDistance ( ) : Airport
Результат TheAirline.Models.Airports.Airport

GetPathTo() публичный Метод

Gets the path to an airport
public GetPathTo ( Airport d ) : List
d TheAirline.Models.Airports.Airport /// Destination ///
Результат List

PassengerRouteFinder() публичный Метод

public PassengerRouteFinder ( List nodes ) : System.Collections.Generic
nodes List All airports
Результат System.Collections.Generic