C# Класс TfsApi.Administration.Workers.IterationManager

The Iteration manager.
Наследование: IIterationManager, IDisposable
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddNewIteration ( string newIterationName, System.DateTime startDate = null, System.DateTime finishDate = null, List enableforTfsTeams = null, bool refreshCache = false ) : void
CheckIfPathAlreadyExists ( string iterationPath ) : bool
DeleteIteration ( TfsApi.Administration.Dto.ProjectIteration projectIteration ) : void
DeleteIterationUsingIterationPath ( string iterationPath ) : void
DisableIterationPath ( ITfsTeam tfsTeam, string iterationName ) : void
Dispose ( ) : void

Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.

EnableIterationPath ( ITfsTeam tfsTeam, string iterationName, bool includeChildren ) : void
FindProjectIteration ( string fullIterationPath ) : TfsApi.Administration.Dto.ProjectIteration
FlattenIterations ( List list ) : List
IsIterationPathEnabled ( ITfsTeam tfsTeam, string iterationPath ) : bool
IterationManager ( TfsApi.Administration.Dto.ProjectDetail projectDetail, ITfsCredentials tfsCredentials = null ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the IterationManager class.

ListIterations ( ) : List

The list Iterations.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AddIteration ( string newIterationName ) : NodeInfo
AddIterationToPlanningIterations ( ITfsTeam tfsTeam, string iterationName ) : void
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources

FormatIterationName ( string newIterationName ) : string
GetFullPath ( TfsApi.Administration.Dto.ProjectIteration parentItem, string name ) : string
GetIterationXml ( ) : XmlElement
GetNodeID ( string xml ) : string
LoadIterations ( XmlNode parentNode, TfsApi.Administration.Dto.ProjectIteration parentItem = null ) : List
SetIterationDates ( System.DateTime startDate, System.DateTime finishDate, NodeInfo retVal ) : void

Описание методов

AddNewIteration() публичный Метод

public AddNewIteration ( string newIterationName, System.DateTime startDate = null, System.DateTime finishDate = null, List enableforTfsTeams = null, bool refreshCache = false ) : void
newIterationName string
startDate System.DateTime
finishDate System.DateTime
enableforTfsTeams List
refreshCache bool
Результат void

CheckIfPathAlreadyExists() публичный Метод

public CheckIfPathAlreadyExists ( string iterationPath ) : bool
iterationPath string
Результат bool

DeleteIteration() публичный Метод

public DeleteIteration ( TfsApi.Administration.Dto.ProjectIteration projectIteration ) : void
projectIteration TfsApi.Administration.Dto.ProjectIteration
Результат void

DeleteIterationUsingIterationPath() публичный Метод

public DeleteIterationUsingIterationPath ( string iterationPath ) : void
iterationPath string
Результат void

DisableIterationPath() публичный Метод

public DisableIterationPath ( ITfsTeam tfsTeam, string iterationName ) : void
tfsTeam ITfsTeam
iterationName string
Результат void

Dispose() публичный Метод

Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
public Dispose ( ) : void
Результат void

EnableIterationPath() публичный Метод

public EnableIterationPath ( ITfsTeam tfsTeam, string iterationName, bool includeChildren ) : void
tfsTeam ITfsTeam
iterationName string
includeChildren bool
Результат void

FindProjectIteration() публичный Метод

public FindProjectIteration ( string fullIterationPath ) : TfsApi.Administration.Dto.ProjectIteration
fullIterationPath string
Результат TfsApi.Administration.Dto.ProjectIteration

FlattenIterations() публичный Метод

public FlattenIterations ( List list ) : List
list List
Результат List

IsIterationPathEnabled() публичный Метод

public IsIterationPathEnabled ( ITfsTeam tfsTeam, string iterationPath ) : bool
tfsTeam ITfsTeam
iterationPath string
Результат bool

IterationManager() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the IterationManager class.
public IterationManager ( TfsApi.Administration.Dto.ProjectDetail projectDetail, ITfsCredentials tfsCredentials = null ) : System
projectDetail TfsApi.Administration.Dto.ProjectDetail /// The project detail. ///
tfsCredentials ITfsCredentials
Результат System

ListIterations() публичный Метод

The list Iterations.
public ListIterations ( ) : List
Результат List