C# Класс TemporalNetworks.TikzExporter

Can be used to export temporal networks to tikz source files. With this, the visualizations of the paper where produced.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CreateTikzUnfolding ( string path, string between_node, TemporalNetwork temp_net ) : void

Creates a TikZ representation of the temporal unfolding of the temporal network

Описание методов

CreateTikzUnfolding() публичный статический Метод

Creates a TikZ representation of the temporal unfolding of the temporal network
public static CreateTikzUnfolding ( string path, string between_node, TemporalNetwork temp_net ) : void
path string The path to which to write the tikz file
between_node string
temp_net TemporalNetwork The temporal network that shall be exported
Результат void