C# Класс TelAPI.InboundXML.Element.Gather

Наследование: ELement
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Create ( string action ) : Gather

The Gather element allows callers to input digits to the call using their keypads which are then sent via POST or GET to a URL for further processing.

Create ( string action, HttpMethod method, long timeout, string finishOnKey, long numDigits ) : Gather

The Gather element allows callers to input digits to the call using their keypads which are then sent via POST or GET to a URL for further processing.

Gather ( ) : System
Pause ( ) : Gather

The Pause element will pause the call

Pause ( long length ) : Gather

The Pause element will pause the call, holding for the number of seconds set by the length attribute.

Play ( string resource, long loop ) : Gather

The Play element plays an mp3 file for the caller

Say ( string text, Voice voice, long loop ) : Gather

The Say element reads text to the caller using a text-to-speech engine.

Описание методов

Create() публичный статический Метод

The Gather element allows callers to input digits to the call using their keypads which are then sent via POST or GET to a URL for further processing.
public static Create ( string action ) : Gather
action string URL where data will be sent
Результат Gather

Create() публичный статический Метод

The Gather element allows callers to input digits to the call using their keypads which are then sent via POST or GET to a URL for further processing.
public static Create ( string action, HttpMethod method, long timeout, string finishOnKey, long numDigits ) : Gather
action string URL where the gathered digits will be sent for further processing.
method HttpMethod Method used to request the action URL.
timeout long The number of seconds Gather should wait for digits to be entered before requesting the action URL. Timeout resets with each new digit input.
finishOnKey string The key a caller can press to end the Gather.
numDigits long The maximum number of digits to Gather.
Результат Gather

Gather() публичный Метод

public Gather ( ) : System
Результат System

Pause() публичный Метод

The Pause element will pause the call
public Pause ( ) : Gather
Результат Gather

Pause() публичный Метод

The Pause element will pause the call, holding for the number of seconds set by the length attribute.
public Pause ( long length ) : Gather
length long The length in seconds the pause should be.
Результат Gather

Play() публичный Метод

The Play element plays an mp3 file for the caller
public Play ( string resource, long loop ) : Gather
resource string Url of the mp3 audio
loop long The amount of times the Play should be repeated. 0 indicates an infinite loop.
Результат Gather

Say() публичный Метод

The Say element reads text to the caller using a text-to-speech engine.
public Say ( string text, Voice voice, long loop ) : Gather
text string Text to say
voice Voice The type of voice that will read the text to caller.
loop long The amount of times the spoken text should be repeated. 0 indicates an infinite loop.
Результат Gather