C# Класс TaskDialogInterop.TaskDialogOptions

Defines configuration options for showing a task dialog.
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
AllowDialogCancellation bool
Callback TaskDialogCallback
CallbackData object
CollapsedControlText string
CommandButtons string[]
CommonButtons TaskDialogCommonButtons
Content string
CustomButtons string[]
CustomFooterIcon System.Drawing.Icon
CustomMainIcon System.Drawing.Icon
Default TaskDialogOptions
DefaultButtonIndex int?
EnableCallbackTimer bool
ExpandToFooter bool
ExpandedByDefault bool
ExpandedControlText string
ExpandedInfo string
FooterIcon VistaTaskDialogIcon
FooterText string
MainIcon VistaTaskDialogIcon
MainInstruction string
Owner System.Windows.Window
RadioButtons string[]
ShowMarqueeProgressBar bool
ShowProgressBar bool
Title string
VerificationByDefault bool
VerificationText string

Описание свойств

AllowDialogCancellation публичное свойство

Indicates that the dialog should be able to be closed using Alt-F4, Escape, and the title bar's close button even if no cancel button is specified the CommonButtons.
You'll want to set this to true if you use CustomButtons and have a Cancel-like button in it.
public bool AllowDialogCancellation
Результат bool

Callback публичное свойство

A callback that receives messages from the Task Dialog when various events occur.
public TaskDialogCallback Callback
Результат TaskDialogCallback

CallbackData публичное свойство

Reference object that is passed to the callback.
public object CallbackData
Результат object

CollapsedControlText публичное свойство

The string to be used to label the button for expanding the expanded information. This member is ignored when the ExpandedInfo member is null. If this member is null and the ExpandedControlText is specified, then the ExpandedControlText value will be used for this member as well.
public string CollapsedControlText
Результат string

CommandButtons публичное свойство

Command link buttons.
public string[] CommandButtons
Результат string[]

CommonButtons публичное свойство

Standard buttons.
public TaskDialogCommonButtons CommonButtons
Результат TaskDialogCommonButtons

Content публичное свойство

Supplemental text that expands on the principal text.
public string Content
Результат string

CustomButtons публичное свойство

Buttons that are not from the set of standard buttons. Use an ampersand to denote an access key.
public string[] CustomButtons
Результат string[]

CustomFooterIcon публичное свойство

A small 16x16 icon that signifies the purpose of the footer text, using a custom Icon resource. If defined FooterIcon will be ignored.
public Icon,System.Drawing CustomFooterIcon
Результат System.Drawing.Icon

CustomMainIcon публичное свойство

A large 32x32 icon that signifies the purpose of the dialog, using a custom Icon resource. If defined MainIcon will be ignored.
public Icon,System.Drawing CustomMainIcon
Результат System.Drawing.Icon

Default публичное статическое свойство

The default T:TaskDialogOptions to be used by all new T:TaskDialogs.
Use this to make application-wide defaults, such as for the caption.
public static TaskDialogOptions,TaskDialogInterop Default
Результат TaskDialogOptions

DefaultButtonIndex публичное свойство

Zero-based index of the button to have focus by default.
public int? DefaultButtonIndex
Результат int?

EnableCallbackTimer публичное свойство

Indicates that the task dialog's callback is to be called approximately every 200 milliseconds.
Enable this in order to do updates on the task dialog periodically, such as for a progress bar, current download speed, or estimated time to complete, etc.
public bool EnableCallbackTimer
Результат bool

ExpandToFooter публичное свойство

Indicates that the expanded info should be displayed at the bottom of the dialog's footer area instead of immediately after the dialog's content.
public bool ExpandToFooter
Результат bool

ExpandedByDefault публичное свойство

Indicates that the expanded info should be displayed when the dialog is initially displayed.
public bool ExpandedByDefault
Результат bool

ExpandedControlText публичное свойство

The string to be used to label the button for collapsing the expanded information. This member is ignored when the ExpandedInfo member is null. If this member is null and the CollapsedControlText is specified, then the CollapsedControlText value will be used for this member as well.
public string ExpandedControlText
Результат string

ExpandedInfo публичное свойство

Extra text that will be hidden by default.
public string ExpandedInfo
Результат string

FooterIcon публичное свойство

A small 16x16 icon that signifies the purpose of the footer text, using one of the built-in system icons.
public VistaTaskDialogIcon FooterIcon
Результат VistaTaskDialogIcon

FooterText публичное свойство

Additional footer text.
public string FooterText
Результат string

MainIcon публичное свойство

A large 32x32 icon that signifies the purpose of the dialog, using one of the built-in system icons.
public VistaTaskDialogIcon MainIcon
Результат VistaTaskDialogIcon

MainInstruction публичное свойство

Principal text.
public string MainInstruction
Результат string

Owner публичное свойство

The owner window of the task dialog box.
public System.Windows.Window Owner
Результат System.Windows.Window

RadioButtons публичное свойство

Application-defined options for the user.
public string[] RadioButtons
Результат string[]

ShowMarqueeProgressBar публичное свойство

Indicates that an Marquee Progress Bar is to be displayed.
You can set start and stop the animation by setting a callback and timer to control the dialog at custom intervals.
public bool ShowMarqueeProgressBar
Результат bool

ShowProgressBar публичное свойство

Indicates that a Progress Bar is to be displayed.
You can set the state, whether paused, in error, etc., as well as the range and current value by setting a callback and timer to control the dialog at custom intervals.
public bool ShowProgressBar
Результат bool

Title публичное свойство

Caption of the window.
public string Title
Результат string

VerificationByDefault публичное свойство

Indicates that the verification checkbox in the dialog is checked when the dialog is initially displayed.
public bool VerificationByDefault
Результат bool

VerificationText публичное свойство

Text accompanied by a checkbox, typically for user feedback such as Do-not-show-this-dialog-again options.
public string VerificationText
Результат string