C# Класс TSystems.RELOAD.Storage.StoredDataSpecifier

Each StoredDataSpecifier specifies a single kind of data to retrieve and (if appropriate) the subset of values that are to be retrieved. see RELOAD base -12 p.93
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
generation System.UInt64
kindId System.UInt32

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
StoredDataSpecifier ( List indices, UInt32 kindId, System.UInt64 generation, UsageManager manager ) : System

Use this contructor to create a StoreDataSpecifier that requests an array Range.

StoredDataSpecifier ( List keys, UInt32 kindId, System.UInt64 generation, UsageManager manager ) : System

Use this contructor to create a StoreDataSpecifier that requests a dictionary.

StoredDataSpecifier ( UInt32 kindId, System.UInt64 generation, UsageManager manager ) : System

Use this contructor to create a StoreDataSpecifier that requests a singale value.

StoredDataSpecifier ( UsageManager manager ) : System

Just an initializer! Use only while reading a message from wire.

Описание методов

StoredDataSpecifier() публичный Метод

Use this contructor to create a StoreDataSpecifier that requests an array Range.
public StoredDataSpecifier ( List indices, UInt32 kindId, System.UInt64 generation, UsageManager manager ) : System
indices List The array ranges you want to fetch
kindId System.UInt32 The Kind ID of the requsted Kind
generation System.UInt64 The generation_counter of this value
manager TSystems.RELOAD.Usage.UsageManager
Результат System

StoredDataSpecifier() публичный Метод

Use this contructor to create a StoreDataSpecifier that requests a dictionary.
public StoredDataSpecifier ( List keys, UInt32 kindId, System.UInt64 generation, UsageManager manager ) : System
keys List The value keys to be fetched. Set this parameter null to create a wildcard fetch.
kindId System.UInt32 The Kind ID of the requsted Kind
generation System.UInt64 The generation_counter of this value
manager TSystems.RELOAD.Usage.UsageManager
Результат System

StoredDataSpecifier() публичный Метод

Use this contructor to create a StoreDataSpecifier that requests a singale value.
public StoredDataSpecifier ( UInt32 kindId, System.UInt64 generation, UsageManager manager ) : System
kindId System.UInt32 The Kind ID of the requsted Kind
generation System.UInt64 The generation_counter of this value
manager TSystems.RELOAD.Usage.UsageManager
Результат System

StoredDataSpecifier() публичный Метод

Just an initializer! Use only while reading a message from wire.
public StoredDataSpecifier ( UsageManager manager ) : System
manager TSystems.RELOAD.Usage.UsageManager
Результат System

Описание свойств

generation публичное свойство

public UInt64,System generation
Результат System.UInt64

kindId публичное свойство

public UInt32,System kindId
Результат System.UInt32