C# Класс SwarmOps.Optimizers.MetaFitness

Compute the standard Meta-Fitness measure, that is, perform a number of optimization runs on different problems and sum their results.
Preemptive Fitness Evaluation is used in that optimizations will be attempted aborted once the meta-fitness becomes worse than the Preemptive Fitness Limit (aka. fitnessLimit). In addition, the array of problems are being sorted at the end of each meta-fitness computation, so as to allow the worst performing problems to be optimized first in the next meta-fitness computation, so as to decrease the computation time further still.
Наследование: Problem
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
ProblemIndex ProblemIndex

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
BeginOptimizationRun ( ) : void

At beginning of new meta-optimization run print a newline.

EnforceConstraints ( double &parameters ) : bool

Enforce constraints and evaluate feasiblity.

Feasible ( double parameters ) : bool

Evaluate feasibility (constraint satisfaction).

Fitness ( double parameters, double fitnessLimit ) : double

Compute the meta-fitness measure by passing the given parameters to the Optimizer, and perform optimization runs on the array of problems until the fitness compute exceeds the fitnessLimit.

MetaFitness ( Optimizer optimizer, Problem problems, int numRuns, int maxIterations ) : System.Diagnostics

Construct the object, un-weighted problems.

MetaFitness ( Optimizer optimizer, WeightedProblem weightedProblems, int numRuns, int maxIterations ) : System.Diagnostics

Construct the object, weighted problems.

Описание методов

BeginOptimizationRun() публичный Метод

At beginning of new meta-optimization run print a newline.
public BeginOptimizationRun ( ) : void
Результат void

EnforceConstraints() публичный Метод

Enforce constraints and evaluate feasiblity.
public EnforceConstraints ( double &parameters ) : bool
parameters double Parameters to use for the Optimizer.
Результат bool

Feasible() публичный Метод

Evaluate feasibility (constraint satisfaction).
public Feasible ( double parameters ) : bool
parameters double Parameters to use for the Optimizer.
Результат bool

Fitness() публичный Метод

Compute the meta-fitness measure by passing the given parameters to the Optimizer, and perform optimization runs on the array of problems until the fitness compute exceeds the fitnessLimit.
public Fitness ( double parameters, double fitnessLimit ) : double
parameters double Parameters to use for the Optimizer.
fitnessLimit double Preemptive Fitness Limit
Результат double

MetaFitness() публичный Метод

Construct the object, un-weighted problems.
public MetaFitness ( Optimizer optimizer, Problem problems, int numRuns, int maxIterations ) : System.Diagnostics
optimizer Optimizer Optimizer to be used.
problems Problem Array of problems to be optimized.
numRuns int Number of optimization runs per problem.
maxIterations int Max number of optimization iterations.
Результат System.Diagnostics

MetaFitness() публичный Метод

Construct the object, weighted problems.
public MetaFitness ( Optimizer optimizer, WeightedProblem weightedProblems, int numRuns, int maxIterations ) : System.Diagnostics
optimizer Optimizer Optimize to be used.
weightedProblems WeightedProblem Array of weighted problems to be optimized.
numRuns int Number of optimization runs per problem.
maxIterations int Max number of optimization iterations.
Результат System.Diagnostics

Описание свойств

ProblemIndex защищенное свойство

Sorted index of optimization problems.
protected ProblemIndex ProblemIndex
Результат ProblemIndex