C# Класс Subtext.Framework.Data.DataHelper

Contains helper methods for getting blog entries from the database into objects such as Entry
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CheckForNullString ( string text ) : object

If the string is empty or null, returns a System.DBNull.Value.

CheckNull ( System.DateTime dateTime ) : object

Checks the value of the specified value type for a null value. Returns null if the value represents a null value

CheckNull ( int obj ) : object

Checks the value type and returns null if the value is "null-equivalent".

CheckNull ( DBNull obj ) : string

Returns a true null if the object is DBNull.

CheckNull ( string obj ) : string

Returns an empty string if the value is null.

CheckNullString ( object obj ) : string

If the string is DBNull, returns null. Otherwise returns the string.

ExecuteDataTable ( SqlConnection connection, CommandType commandType, string commandText ) : DataTable

Execute a SqlCommand (that returns a resultset and takes no parameters) against the provided SqlConnection.

e.g.: DataTable dt = ExecuteDataTable(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders");

ExecuteDataTable ( SqlTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, string commandText ) : DataTable

Execute a SqlCommand (that returns a resultset and takes no parameters) against the provided SqlTransaction.

e.g.: DataTable dt = ExecuteDataTable(trans, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders");

ExecuteDataTable ( string connectionString, CommandType commandType, string commandText ) : DataTable

Execute a SqlCommand (that returns a resultset and takes no parameters) against the database specified in the connection string.

e.g.: DataTable dt = ExecuteDataTable(connString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders");

LoadArchiveCount ( IDataReader reader ) : IList
LoadArchiveLink ( IDataReader reader ) : Link
LoadBlogAlias ( IDataReader reader ) : BlogAlias

Loads the blog alias.

LoadBlogGroup ( IDataReader reader ) : BlogGroup
LoadConfigData ( IDataReader reader ) : BlogInfo
LoadEnclosure ( IDataReader reader ) : Enclosure
LoadEntry ( IDataReader reader ) : Entry
LoadEntryDayCollection ( IDataReader reader ) : IList
LoadEntryStatsView ( IDataReader reader ) : EntryStatsView
LoadEntryWithCategories ( IDataReader reader ) : Entry

Only use this when loading a SINGLE entry from a reader.

LoadHost ( IDataReader reader, HostInfo info ) : void

Loads the host from the data reader.

LoadImage ( IDataReader reader ) : Image
LoadKeyWord ( IDataReader reader ) : KeyWord
LoadLink ( DataRow dr ) : Link
LoadLink ( IDataReader reader ) : Link
LoadLinkCategory ( DataRow dr ) : LinkCategory
LoadLinkCategory ( IDataReader reader ) : LinkCategory
LoadLogEntry ( IDataReader reader ) : LogEntry

Loads the single log entry.

LoadMetaTag ( IDataReader reader ) : MetaTag
LoadReferrer ( IDataReader reader ) : Referrer
LoadTags ( IDataReader reader ) : int>.IDictionary
LoadViewStat ( IDataReader reader ) : ViewStat
MakeInParam ( string name, SqlDbType sqlType, int size, object value ) : SqlParameter

Make input param.

MakeInParam ( string ParamName, object Value ) : SqlParameter
MakeOutParam ( string ParamName, SqlDbType DbType, int Size ) : SqlParameter

Make input param.

MakeParam ( string ParamName, SqlDbType DbType, Int32 Size, ParameterDirection Direction, object Value ) : SqlParameter

Make stored procedure param.

ReadBoolean ( IDataReader reader, string columnName ) : bool

Reads a boolean from the data reader. If the value is null, returns false.

ReadDate ( IDataReader reader, string columnName ) : System.DateTime

Reads the date.

ReadDate ( IDataReader reader, string columnName, System.DateTime defaultValue ) : System.DateTime

Reads the date.

ReadInt32 ( IDataReader reader, string columnName ) : int

Reads the int from the data reader.

ReadInt32 ( IDataReader reader, string columnName, int defaultValue ) : int

Reads the int from the data reader. If the value is null, returns the default value.

ReadInt64 ( IDataReader reader, string columnName ) : long

Reads the long from the data reader.

ReadInt64 ( IDataReader reader, string columnName, long defaultValue ) : long

Reads the long from the data reader. If the value is null, returns the default value.

ReadIpAddress ( IDataReader reader, string columnName ) : IPAddress

Reads the string.

ReadNullableInt ( IDataReader reader, string columnName ) : int?

Reads the int from the data reader.

ReadString ( IDataReader reader, string columnName ) : string

Reads the string.

ReadUri ( IDataReader reader, string columnName ) : Uri

Reads an URI from the database.

ReturnNullIfEmpty ( string obj ) : string

Returns null if the value is an empty string.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AttachParameters ( SqlCommand command, SqlParameter commandParameters ) : void

This method is used to attach array of SqlParameters to a SqlCommand. This method will assign a value of DbNull to any parameter with a direction of InputOutput and a value of null. This behavior will prevent default values from being used, but this will be the less common case than an intended pure output parameter (derived as InputOutput) where the user provided no input value.

DebugPrintCommand ( SqlCommand command ) : void
GetMaxItems ( IDataReader reader ) : int
IsNewDay ( System.DateTime dtCurrent, System.DateTime dtDay ) : bool
LoadEntry ( IDataReader reader, bool buildLinks ) : Entry
LoadEntry ( IDataReader reader, Entry entry, bool buildLinks ) : void
LoadEntryCollectionFromDataReader ( IDataReader reader ) : IList
LoadFeedbackItem ( IDataReader reader ) : FeedbackItem
LoadFeedbackItem ( IDataReader reader, Entry entry ) : FeedbackItem
LoadFeedbackItem ( IDataReader reader, FeedbackItem feedbackItem ) : void
PrepareCommand ( SqlCommand command, SqlConnection connection, SqlTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, string commandText, SqlParameter commandParameters ) : void

This method opens (if necessary) and assigns a connection, transaction, command type and parameters to the provided command.

SetUrlPattern ( Entry entry ) : void

Описание методов

CheckForNullString() публичный статический Метод

If the string is empty or null, returns a System.DBNull.Value.
public static CheckForNullString ( string text ) : object
text string
Результат object

CheckNull() публичный статический Метод

Checks the value of the specified value type for a null value. Returns null if the value represents a null value
public static CheckNull ( System.DateTime dateTime ) : object
dateTime System.DateTime Date time.
Результат object

CheckNull() публичный статический Метод

Checks the value type and returns null if the value is "null-equivalent".
public static CheckNull ( int obj ) : object
obj int The obj.
Результат object

CheckNull() публичный статический Метод

Returns a true null if the object is DBNull.
public static CheckNull ( DBNull obj ) : string
obj System.DBNull The obj.
Результат string

CheckNull() публичный статический Метод

Returns an empty string if the value is null.
public static CheckNull ( string obj ) : string
obj string The obj.
Результат string

CheckNullString() публичный статический Метод

If the string is DBNull, returns null. Otherwise returns the string.
public static CheckNullString ( object obj ) : string
obj object The obj.
Результат string

ExecuteDataTable() публичный статический Метод

Execute a SqlCommand (that returns a resultset and takes no parameters) against the provided SqlConnection.
e.g.: DataTable dt = ExecuteDataTable(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders");
public static ExecuteDataTable ( SqlConnection connection, CommandType commandType, string commandText ) : DataTable
connection System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection a valid SqlConnection
commandType CommandType the CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)
commandText string the stored procedure name or T-SQL command
Результат System.Data.DataTable

ExecuteDataTable() публичный статический Метод

Execute a SqlCommand (that returns a resultset and takes no parameters) against the provided SqlTransaction.
e.g.: DataTable dt = ExecuteDataTable(trans, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders");
public static ExecuteDataTable ( SqlTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, string commandText ) : DataTable
transaction System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction a valid SqlTransaction
commandType CommandType the CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)
commandText string the stored procedure name or T-SQL command
Результат System.Data.DataTable

ExecuteDataTable() публичный статический Метод

Execute a SqlCommand (that returns a resultset and takes no parameters) against the database specified in the connection string.
e.g.: DataTable dt = ExecuteDataTable(connString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders");
public static ExecuteDataTable ( string connectionString, CommandType commandType, string commandText ) : DataTable
connectionString string a valid connection string for a SqlConnection
commandType CommandType the CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)
commandText string the stored procedure name or T-SQL command
Результат System.Data.DataTable

LoadArchiveCount() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadArchiveCount ( IDataReader reader ) : IList
reader IDataReader
Результат IList

LoadArchiveLink() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadArchiveLink ( IDataReader reader ) : Link
reader IDataReader
Результат Subtext.Framework.Components.Link

LoadBlogAlias() публичный статический Метод

Loads the blog alias.
public static LoadBlogAlias ( IDataReader reader ) : BlogAlias
reader IDataReader The reader.
Результат BlogAlias

LoadBlogGroup() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadBlogGroup ( IDataReader reader ) : BlogGroup
reader IDataReader
Результат Subtext.Framework.Components.BlogGroup

LoadConfigData() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadConfigData ( IDataReader reader ) : BlogInfo
reader IDataReader
Результат BlogInfo

LoadEnclosure() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadEnclosure ( IDataReader reader ) : Enclosure
reader IDataReader
Результат Subtext.Framework.Components.Enclosure

LoadEntry() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadEntry ( IDataReader reader ) : Entry
reader IDataReader
Результат Subtext.Framework.Components.Entry

LoadEntryDayCollection() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadEntryDayCollection ( IDataReader reader ) : IList
reader IDataReader
Результат IList

LoadEntryStatsView() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadEntryStatsView ( IDataReader reader ) : EntryStatsView
reader IDataReader
Результат Subtext.Framework.Components.EntryStatsView

LoadEntryWithCategories() публичный статический Метод

Only use this when loading a SINGLE entry from a reader.
public static LoadEntryWithCategories ( IDataReader reader ) : Entry
reader IDataReader
Результат Subtext.Framework.Components.Entry

LoadHost() публичный статический Метод

Loads the host from the data reader.
public static LoadHost ( IDataReader reader, HostInfo info ) : void
reader IDataReader Reader.
info HostInfo HostInfo
Результат void

LoadImage() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadImage ( IDataReader reader ) : Image
reader IDataReader
Результат Image

LoadKeyWord() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadKeyWord ( IDataReader reader ) : KeyWord
reader IDataReader
Результат Subtext.Framework.Components.KeyWord

LoadLink() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadLink ( DataRow dr ) : Link
dr System.Data.DataRow
Результат Subtext.Framework.Components.Link

LoadLink() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadLink ( IDataReader reader ) : Link
reader IDataReader
Результат Subtext.Framework.Components.Link

LoadLinkCategory() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadLinkCategory ( DataRow dr ) : LinkCategory
dr System.Data.DataRow
Результат Subtext.Framework.Components.LinkCategory

LoadLinkCategory() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadLinkCategory ( IDataReader reader ) : LinkCategory
reader IDataReader
Результат Subtext.Framework.Components.LinkCategory

LoadLogEntry() публичный статический Метод

Loads the single log entry.
public static LoadLogEntry ( IDataReader reader ) : LogEntry
reader IDataReader The reader.
Результат Subtext.Framework.Logging.LogEntry

LoadMetaTag() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadMetaTag ( IDataReader reader ) : MetaTag
reader IDataReader
Результат Subtext.Framework.Components.MetaTag

LoadReferrer() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadReferrer ( IDataReader reader ) : Referrer
reader IDataReader
Результат Subtext.Framework.Components.Referrer

LoadTags() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadTags ( IDataReader reader ) : int>.IDictionary
reader IDataReader
Результат int>.IDictionary

LoadViewStat() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadViewStat ( IDataReader reader ) : ViewStat
reader IDataReader
Результат Subtext.Framework.Components.ViewStat

MakeInParam() публичный статический Метод

Make input param.
public static MakeInParam ( string name, SqlDbType sqlType, int size, object value ) : SqlParameter
name string Name of param.
sqlType SqlDbType Param type.
size int Param size.
value object Param value.
Результат System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter

MakeInParam() публичный статический Метод

public static MakeInParam ( string ParamName, object Value ) : SqlParameter
ParamName string
Value object
Результат System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter

MakeOutParam() публичный статический Метод

Make input param.
public static MakeOutParam ( string ParamName, SqlDbType DbType, int Size ) : SqlParameter
ParamName string Name of param.
DbType SqlDbType Param type.
Size int Param size.
Результат System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter

MakeParam() публичный статический Метод

Make stored procedure param.
public static MakeParam ( string ParamName, SqlDbType DbType, Int32 Size, ParameterDirection Direction, object Value ) : SqlParameter
ParamName string Name of param.
DbType SqlDbType Param type.
Size System.Int32 Param size.
Direction ParameterDirection Parm direction.
Value object Param value.
Результат System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter

ReadBoolean() публичный статический Метод

Reads a boolean from the data reader. If the value is null, returns false.
public static ReadBoolean ( IDataReader reader, string columnName ) : bool
reader IDataReader The reader.
columnName string Name of the column.
Результат bool

ReadDate() публичный статический Метод

Reads the date.
public static ReadDate ( IDataReader reader, string columnName ) : System.DateTime
reader IDataReader The reader.
columnName string Name of the column.
Результат System.DateTime

ReadDate() публичный статический Метод

Reads the date.
public static ReadDate ( IDataReader reader, string columnName, System.DateTime defaultValue ) : System.DateTime
reader IDataReader The reader.
columnName string Name of the column.
defaultValue System.DateTime The default value.
Результат System.DateTime

ReadInt32() публичный статический Метод

Reads the int from the data reader.
public static ReadInt32 ( IDataReader reader, string columnName ) : int
reader IDataReader The reader.
columnName string Name of the column.
Результат int

ReadInt32() публичный статический Метод

Reads the int from the data reader. If the value is null, returns the default value.
public static ReadInt32 ( IDataReader reader, string columnName, int defaultValue ) : int
reader IDataReader The reader.
columnName string Name of the column.
defaultValue int devault value for the field
Результат int

ReadInt64() публичный статический Метод

Reads the long from the data reader.
public static ReadInt64 ( IDataReader reader, string columnName ) : long
reader IDataReader The reader.
columnName string Name of the column.
Результат long

ReadInt64() публичный статический Метод

Reads the long from the data reader. If the value is null, returns the default value.
public static ReadInt64 ( IDataReader reader, string columnName, long defaultValue ) : long
reader IDataReader The reader.
columnName string Name of the column.
defaultValue long devault value for the field
Результат long

ReadIpAddress() публичный статический Метод

Reads the string.
public static ReadIpAddress ( IDataReader reader, string columnName ) : IPAddress
reader IDataReader The reader.
columnName string Name of the coumn.
Результат System.Net.IPAddress

ReadNullableInt() публичный статический Метод

Reads the int from the data reader.
public static ReadNullableInt ( IDataReader reader, string columnName ) : int?
reader IDataReader The reader.
columnName string Name of the column.
Результат int?

ReadString() публичный статический Метод

Reads the string.
public static ReadString ( IDataReader reader, string columnName ) : string
reader IDataReader The reader.
columnName string Name of the coumn.
Результат string

ReadUri() публичный статический Метод

Reads an URI from the database.
public static ReadUri ( IDataReader reader, string columnName ) : Uri
reader IDataReader
columnName string
Результат System.Uri

ReturnNullIfEmpty() публичный статический Метод

Returns null if the value is an empty string.
public static ReturnNullIfEmpty ( string obj ) : string
obj string The obj.
Результат string