C# Класс SubLib.Core.Timing.TimingUtil

Contains utilitary methods for synchronization operations.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
FramesToTime ( double frames, float frameRate ) : System.TimeSpan

Converts the specified frames to time, given a frame rate.

TimeMillisecondsToFrames ( float time, float frameRate ) : double

Converts the specified time to frames, given a frame rate.

TimeToFrames ( System.TimeSpan time, float frameRate ) : double

Converts the specified time to frames, given a frame rate.

TimeToFrames ( float time, float frameRate ) : double

Converts the specified time to frames, given a frame rate.

Описание методов

FramesToTime() публичный статический Метод

Converts the specified frames to time, given a frame rate.
public static FramesToTime ( double frames, float frameRate ) : System.TimeSpan
frames double The frames to convert to time.
frameRate float The frame rate to be used in the conversion.
Результат System.TimeSpan

TimeMillisecondsToFrames() публичный статический Метод

Converts the specified time to frames, given a frame rate.
public static TimeMillisecondsToFrames ( float time, float frameRate ) : double
time float The time, in milliseconds, to convert to frames.
frameRate float The frame rate to be used in the conversion.
Результат double

TimeToFrames() публичный статический Метод

Converts the specified time to frames, given a frame rate.
public static TimeToFrames ( System.TimeSpan time, float frameRate ) : double
time System.TimeSpan The time to convert to frames.
frameRate float The frame rate to be used in the conversion.
Результат double

TimeToFrames() публичный статический Метод

Converts the specified time to frames, given a frame rate.
public static TimeToFrames ( float time, float frameRate ) : double
time float The time, in seconds, to convert to frames.
frameRate float The frame rate to be used in the conversion.
Результат double