C# Класс Sttz.Tweener.Easing

Collection of easing methods.

Easing methods change the speed of the tween over its duration.

Easing.Linear is the same as applying no easing: the speed of the tween will stay constant over its duration.

The regular set of easing methods will start slow and speed up (In) until reaching full speed at the end, start at full speed and slow down towards the end (Out) or start and end slow and reach full speed at their halfpoint (InOut).

The regular easing methods, sorted by strength: QuadraticOut CubicOut QuarticOut QuinticOut SinusoidalOut ExponentialOut CircularOut

There are also three special easing methods: BackOut, BounceOut and ElasticOut. Back first moves away from the target before starting to move towards it, Bounce bounces off the start or end, reaching the start/end value multiple times and Elastic is similar to bounce but moves beyond the start/end values.

These easing methods are based on Robert Penner's easing equations, first published in his Flash programming book in 2002. See http://www.robertpenner.com/easing/ for more information as well as an interactive visualization of these methods.

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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
BackIn EasingMethod
BackInOut EasingMethod
BackOut EasingMethod
BounceIn EasingMethod
BounceInOut EasingMethod
BounceOut EasingMethod
CircularIn EasingMethod
CircularInOut EasingMethod
CircularOut EasingMethod
CubicIn EasingMethod
CubicInOut EasingMethod
CubicOut EasingMethod
ElasticIn EasingMethod
ElasticInOut EasingMethod
ElasticOut EasingMethod
ExponentialIn EasingMethod
ExponentialInOut EasingMethod
ExponentialOut EasingMethod
Linear EasingMethod
QuadraticIn EasingMethod
QuadraticInOut EasingMethod
QuadraticOut EasingMethod
QuarticIn EasingMethod
QuarticInOut EasingMethod
QuarticOut EasingMethod
QuinticIn EasingMethod
QuinticInOut EasingMethod
QuinticOut EasingMethod
SinusoidalIn EasingMethod
SinusoidalInOut EasingMethod
SinusoidalOut EasingMethod

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
BackInCustom ( float swing = BackDefaultSwing ) : EasingMethod

Back easing with custom swing amount, in direction.

BackInOutCustom ( float swing = BackDefaultSwing ) : EasingMethod

Back easing with custom swing amount, in-out direction.

BackOutCustom ( float swing = BackDefaultSwing ) : EasingMethod

Back easing with custom swing amount, out direction.

EasingForType ( EasingType type, EasingDirection direction ) : EasingMethod

Return the easing method for the given enum values. This allows to e.g. choose the easing in the Unity editor using the provided enums.

ElasticInCustom ( float amplitude = ElasticDefaultAmplitude, float period = ElasticDefaultPeriod ) : EasingMethod

Elastic easing with custom amplitude and period, in direction.

ElasticInOutCustom ( float amplitude = ElasticDefaultAmplitude, float period = ElasticDefaultPeriod ) : EasingMethod

Elastic easing with custom amplitude and period, in-out direction.

ElasticOutCustom ( float amplitude = ElasticDefaultAmplitude, float period = ElasticDefaultPeriod ) : EasingMethod

Elastic easing with custom amplitude and period, out direction.

Описание методов

BackInCustom() публичный статический Метод

Back easing with custom swing amount, in direction.
public static BackInCustom ( float swing = BackDefaultSwing ) : EasingMethod
swing float /// Swing amount. ///
Результат EasingMethod

BackInOutCustom() публичный статический Метод

Back easing with custom swing amount, in-out direction.
public static BackInOutCustom ( float swing = BackDefaultSwing ) : EasingMethod
swing float /// Swing amount. ///
Результат EasingMethod

BackOutCustom() публичный статический Метод

Back easing with custom swing amount, out direction.
public static BackOutCustom ( float swing = BackDefaultSwing ) : EasingMethod
swing float /// Swing amount. ///
Результат EasingMethod

EasingForType() публичный статический Метод

Return the easing method for the given enum values. This allows to e.g. choose the easing in the Unity editor using the provided enums.
public static EasingForType ( EasingType type, EasingDirection direction ) : EasingMethod
type EasingType /// Easing type. ///
direction EasingDirection /// Easing direction. ///
Результат EasingMethod

ElasticInCustom() публичный статический Метод

Elastic easing with custom amplitude and period, in direction.
public static ElasticInCustom ( float amplitude = ElasticDefaultAmplitude, float period = ElasticDefaultPeriod ) : EasingMethod
amplitude float /// Amplitude of the elasticity (1 = full target value, < 1 never reaches target). ///
period float /// Period of the elasticity (1 / period = number of swings). ///
Результат EasingMethod

ElasticInOutCustom() публичный статический Метод

Elastic easing with custom amplitude and period, in-out direction.
public static ElasticInOutCustom ( float amplitude = ElasticDefaultAmplitude, float period = ElasticDefaultPeriod ) : EasingMethod
amplitude float /// Amplitude of the elasticity (1 = full target value, < 1 never reaches target). ///
period float /// Period of the elasticity (1 / period = number of swings). ///
Результат EasingMethod

ElasticOutCustom() публичный статический Метод

Elastic easing with custom amplitude and period, out direction.
public static ElasticOutCustom ( float amplitude = ElasticDefaultAmplitude, float period = ElasticDefaultPeriod ) : EasingMethod
amplitude float /// Amplitude of the elasticity (1 = full target value, < 1 never reaches target). ///
period float /// Period of the elasticity (1 / period = number of swings). ///
Результат EasingMethod

Описание свойств

BackIn публичное статическое свойство

Back easing, in direction.
public static EasingMethod BackIn
Результат EasingMethod

BackInOut публичное статическое свойство

Back easing, in-out direction.
public static EasingMethod BackInOut
Результат EasingMethod

BackOut публичное статическое свойство

Back easing, out direction.
public static EasingMethod BackOut
Результат EasingMethod

BounceIn публичное статическое свойство

Bounce easing, in direction.
public static EasingMethod BounceIn
Результат EasingMethod

BounceInOut публичное статическое свойство

Bounce easing, in-out direction.
public static EasingMethod BounceInOut
Результат EasingMethod

BounceOut публичное статическое свойство

Bounce easing, out direction.
public static EasingMethod BounceOut
Результат EasingMethod

CircularIn публичное статическое свойство

Circular easing, in direction.
public static EasingMethod CircularIn
Результат EasingMethod

CircularInOut публичное статическое свойство

Circular easing, in-out direction.
public static EasingMethod CircularInOut
Результат EasingMethod

CircularOut публичное статическое свойство

Circular easing, out direction.
public static EasingMethod CircularOut
Результат EasingMethod

CubicIn публичное статическое свойство

Cubic easing, in direction.
public static EasingMethod CubicIn
Результат EasingMethod

CubicInOut публичное статическое свойство

Cubic easing, in-out direction.
public static EasingMethod CubicInOut
Результат EasingMethod

CubicOut публичное статическое свойство

Cubic easing, out direction.
public static EasingMethod CubicOut
Результат EasingMethod

ElasticIn публичное статическое свойство

Elastic easing, in direction.
public static EasingMethod ElasticIn
Результат EasingMethod

ElasticInOut публичное статическое свойство

Elastic easing, in-out direction.
public static EasingMethod ElasticInOut
Результат EasingMethod

ElasticOut публичное статическое свойство

Elastic easing, out direction.
public static EasingMethod ElasticOut
Результат EasingMethod

ExponentialIn публичное статическое свойство

Exponential easing, in direction.
public static EasingMethod ExponentialIn
Результат EasingMethod

ExponentialInOut публичное статическое свойство

Exponential easing, in-out direction.
public static EasingMethod ExponentialInOut
Результат EasingMethod

ExponentialOut публичное статическое свойство

Exponential easing, out direction.
public static EasingMethod ExponentialOut
Результат EasingMethod

Linear публичное статическое свойство

Linear easing (no easing).
public static EasingMethod Linear
Результат EasingMethod

QuadraticIn публичное статическое свойство

Quadratic easing, in direction.
public static EasingMethod QuadraticIn
Результат EasingMethod

QuadraticInOut публичное статическое свойство

Quadratic easing, in-out direction.
public static EasingMethod QuadraticInOut
Результат EasingMethod

QuadraticOut публичное статическое свойство

Quadratic easing, out direction.
public static EasingMethod QuadraticOut
Результат EasingMethod

QuarticIn публичное статическое свойство

Quartic easing, in direction.
public static EasingMethod QuarticIn
Результат EasingMethod

QuarticInOut публичное статическое свойство

Quartic easing, in-out direction.
public static EasingMethod QuarticInOut
Результат EasingMethod

QuarticOut публичное статическое свойство

Quartic easing, out direction.
public static EasingMethod QuarticOut
Результат EasingMethod

QuinticIn публичное статическое свойство

Quintic easing, in direction.
public static EasingMethod QuinticIn
Результат EasingMethod

QuinticInOut публичное статическое свойство

Quintic easing, in-out direction.
public static EasingMethod QuinticInOut
Результат EasingMethod

QuinticOut публичное статическое свойство

Quintic easing, out direction.
public static EasingMethod QuinticOut
Результат EasingMethod

SinusoidalIn публичное статическое свойство

Sinusoidal easing, in direction.
public static EasingMethod SinusoidalIn
Результат EasingMethod

SinusoidalInOut публичное статическое свойство

Sinusoidal easing, in-out direction.
public static EasingMethod SinusoidalInOut
Результат EasingMethod

SinusoidalOut публичное статическое свойство

Sinusoidal easing, out direction.
public static EasingMethod SinusoidalOut
Результат EasingMethod