C# Класс SpriterBetaRuntime.SpriterAnimation

Class containing all data for a given animation An animation is conceptually a number of frames that loop An eye-blink might look like: Frame 1: Frame Definition 1, 500 msec (open eye) Frame 2: Frame Definition 2, 10 msec (eye partially closed) Frame 3: Frame Definition 3, 20 msec (eye closed) Frame 4: Frame Definition 2, 10 msec (eye partially closed, again) The class is a parallel list of frame definition indicies, frame durations
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetFrameDuration ( int idx ) : float

Return the duration for a given animation frame

GetFrameIdx ( int idx ) : int

Return the frame definition index for a given animation frame

GetTotalFrames ( ) : int

Return total number of frames in the animation

Описание методов

GetFrameDuration() публичный Метод

Return the duration for a given animation frame
public GetFrameDuration ( int idx ) : float
idx int the animation frame to retrieve
Результат float

GetFrameIdx() публичный Метод

Return the frame definition index for a given animation frame
public GetFrameIdx ( int idx ) : int
idx int the animation frame to retrieve
Результат int

GetTotalFrames() публичный Метод

Return total number of frames in the animation
public GetTotalFrames ( ) : int
Результат int