C# Класс Spring.VisualStudio.Completion.SpringCompletionSource

Provides the completion sets for the Spring.NET XML configuration file.
Наследование: ICompletionSource
Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AugmentCompletionSession ( ICompletionSession session, IList completionSets ) : void
Dispose ( ) : void

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
CreateCompletionSet ( IEnumerable completions, ICompletionSession session, bool isSnippet ) : CompletionSet
CreateSpringCompletion ( Project prj, CodeType codeType, SpringCompletionType completionType ) : SpringCompletion
CreateTrackingSpan ( ICompletionSession session ) : ITrackingSpan
CreateTrackingSpanForSnippet ( ICompletionSession session ) : ITrackingSpan
GetCodeElements ( string text, CodeElements codeElements ) : CodeElements
GetCodeElementsCompletions ( Project prj, CodeElements codeElements, bool addInterfaces ) : IList
GetSnippetsCompletions ( ) : IEnumerable
GetSpringAliasesCompletions ( ) : IList
GetSummaryFromComment ( string comment ) : string
GetTypeCompletions ( string text, bool addInterfaces ) : IEnumerable
GetTypeCtorsArgs ( CodeType codeType ) : IList
GetTypeCtorsArgsNamesCompletions ( string typeName ) : IEnumerable
GetTypeProperties ( CodeType codeType ) : IList
GetTypePropertyCompletions ( string typeName ) : IEnumerable
GetTypePropertyValueCompletions ( string typeName, string propertyName, string text ) : IEnumerable
ResolveType ( Project prj, CodeType codeType ) : Type
SpringCompletionSource ( ITextBuffer textBuffer, IGlyphService glyphService, IVsEditorAdaptersFactoryService vsEditorAdaptersFactoryService, ITextStructureNavigatorSelectorService textStructureNavigatorSelectorService, System serviceProvider ) : System

Описание методов

AugmentCompletionSession() публичный Метод

public AugmentCompletionSession ( ICompletionSession session, IList completionSets ) : void
session ICompletionSession
completionSets IList
Результат void

Dispose() публичный Метод

public Dispose ( ) : void
Результат void